Dr.Jilesh | Psychology
This book will teach you very unique tips to heal your insomnia and sleep disorder within 21 days with the help of Music therapy and meditation.Downloadable Music Therapy Music is included in this course.
ROUANE HAMZA | Psychology
This book is inspired by Alan Carr’s method to quit smoking and how it appliesto pornography.Alan Carr’s method is based on the premise that willpower is not the course tocease smoking and that people who rely on it are set to fail, whether in the longor short term.The author of this method preaches that instead of depriving oneself of...
Martin Cross | Science
A revolutionary and unique visualization explaining how gravity creates the shapes of the Cosmos. Redacted until 2025, this long-form essay intends to educate and entertain alongside the live talk “This is the Shape of the Universe – or your money back!”. See www.WhatIsTheShapeOfTheUniverse.co.uk for booking.
Susie Campbell | Science Textbooks
In this e-book you'll discover juicing for detox, cleanse and weight loss.So just check it out!
Kalu Thankgod Ugochukwu | Psychology
With so much going on in the world right now, you see, listen to and read so much on TV, radio, paper and social media. These vices are invasive, do you know when to unplug? This book talks about the vicious effect of external influences on our minds, inner peace and general well being and how to be free from such seemingly inevitable...
Santosh Jha | Psychology
Nature installs happy life, evolution seeks happy creatures, brain makes happy hormones, people always chase happiness and cultures work overtime manufacturing happy consumptions, still; happiness is elusive, ephemeral. Why? It is nature’s trap; a scam people live out, unaware. It breeds all criminality, depravity; kills sanity. The eBook busts...
Santosh Jha | Psychology
Your personal wellness and success cannot remain unaffected by the insanity and depravity of society-culture-polity. As you discover the pathology of the pandemic of milieus; you shall embark upon rightful remedies for fitness of your individuality. This eBook journeys you through landscapes of madness to drive you home to best life-living...
Basil Montagu | Psychology
There are certain properties of the female mind upon which doubt has existed, and may, possibly, long exist.
Tom Wallace | Philosophy
What does it mean to say, ‘I am pleasure’ or, ‘I am love’, instead of simply saying I seek pleasure or I seek love? When we consider these statements in the first person present tense, how do we feel about them? Remember Ghandi’s famous quote: ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’. Being the change may include being the...
Konstantin K. Likharev | Science Textbooks
A series of lecture notes and problems on 4 core physics courses (Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, and Statistical Mechanics). Problem solutions are also available for free upon request.