How to Select the Right Mattress for Obese People!

Whether you are obese or not, for better management of your weight, you need to choose right kind of mattress that is comfortable to you. Generally, people think that obesity is mainly controlled by diet and right exercise however research proves that the quality and duration of your sleep also affects your weight.

The relationship between weight management and sleeping is like a 2-way street. Due to insufficient sleep one gains weight and also due to weight gain one does not get proper sleep. Therefore, in order to break this cycle, we need to find ways and means to get proper sleep. You must now inculcate better sleep habits and get enough sleep.

Therefore, selecting the right kind of mattress is very important particularly for those who are victims of obesity. Most of the mattresses that you generally get from the market are not good enough to provide sufficient softness, strength and durability. What most people fail to realize while choosing their right mattress is that choosing the right mattress is also like choosing your pair of shoes or a perfect suit that should be perfectly fit for you. 

Luckily there are few ways to select right kind of mattress for those who are obese. Now let us understand what we mean by obesity. Obesity occurs when the person’s quality of life and health gets negatively affected due to improper ratio of their body fat and mass.

You can calculate correct mass of your body by calculating your height and weight then you can decide whether you are really an obese or not. This is also known as body mass index (BMI). However, it does consider your muscle mass or amount of your body fat.

Therefore, in order to decide whether the person is really obese or not, the standard height and weight chart is referred and if the person’s weight is 20 per cent higher than what it should be then he will be considered as obese. There can be many different health issues due to excess weight.

There can be many mental discomforts too due to obesity. Obesity also leads to various cardiovascular diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma and certain types of cancer too.

Match the mattress as per your natural sleeping position:

While choosing your mattress, make sure that you can comfortably sleep on it in your natural position. Any person who is very heavy in weight will prefer to sleep on their back and during summer climate will tend to sweat more than any lean person.

Obese people must select mattress that has got medium to low foam density so that it will not trap their heat and their bed will remain cool while they are sleeping. In case they prefer to sleep on their sides then their distribution of weight will be uneven and therefore for the heavier parts of their body softness is required so that their hips and shoulders which may carry more weight will tend to sink in the mattress. Therefore, the mattress should not be too soft so that you face difficulties while turning your side while sleeping.

Prefer to choose the right kind of material for mattress

When you look for different types of materials for mattresses then there are three different types of materials available.

  • Innerspring
  • Memory foam
  • Latex

Innersprings are a little outdated nowadays but still they are available. Here they use springs within the mattress to provide the necessary support to the person sleeping on it. There is a layer of foam over the spring and it provides relief to certain pressure points.

Memory foams can provide plenty of cushioning support and can provide necessary balance particularly for obese people. You can have ease of movement, non-slippery and structurally it will be sound.

Latex foam can be a little expensive variety however it is quite good for preventing pressure points. Here you can get the benefits of natural and organic materials that can prevent you from many other drawbacks of mattresses.

Mattress must fit according to your BMI:

If your BMI is more than 25 then you must prefer a mattress of higher thickness like from 6 inches to 16 inches or may be even more if your weight is much more. The mattress thickness will be directly proportional to your BMI. Those who weigh around 200 pounds to 400 pounds will need 10 inches thickness or if the person weighs more than 400 pounds then prefer to use a 14-inch thick mattress.

All kinds of mattresses like traditional innerspring mattresses, memory foam mattress or adjustable air mattresses can be suitable for them. Nowadays natural latex mattresses are available which can also be a better choice for people with high BMI. People with too high BMI may need firm mattresses however its top surface may be added with a softer surface. 

Select mattress of right dimensions:

Before you go shopping it is important that you must know the dimensional requirements of your mattress, as a matter of fact this is the first thing that you need to check before you look at other things.

If you are an obese person then you will need little more space then any normal person so that there is sufficient room available for your free movements. Most popular size for any obese person can be queen sized double bad mattress.

In addition to the length and width of the mattress you have to consider your height too. Check whether you need a few inches extra from the normal size. The width must be at least 6 inches while any light person may choose width of even 2 inches.

Obese people can also get good rest by choosing mattress for hot sleepers. These products do not allow the increases of temperature and the sleepers will not feel the heat. They will get sound and restful sleeps in the nights.

Perfect mattress is more important than price:

As an obese person you may need little oversized mattress and in case you have a good height then extra length may also be needed. However, such a mattress can be a little costly. You must remember that having a perfect mattress is more important and consider the expenses as an important investment for you. 

You must also know the lifespan of mattress:

Any appliances or furniture that you buy for your home, mattress is also an important item for your home for which you will like to use it for a longer duration. Therefore, you need to check the durability and lifespan of the mattress while buying it. Since as an obese person, you may be little heavier than others and therefore your mattress may become uneven after few years of use. Therefore, when you are investing so much money on it, you need to check its longevity and durability as well.

Replace your mattress after every 7 years:

Usually any mattress does not last for ever and if the person is obese then chances of its wearing out is faster than normal. Therefore, you must choose to replace your mattress after every 7 years so that your comfort and sleep may not be compromised at all. Replacing the mattress frequently for any obese person is not very abnormal.

Make sure that your mattress makes difference to you:

It is very essential that you get proper sleep during the night in order to maintain healthy weight and lifestyle as well. Therefore, a combination of a proper sleep schedule and the right kind of exercise can help you to get out of your obesity.

Few tips to have good sleep:

As mentioned above, good sleep is one of the important requirements for healthy life and maintaining healthy weight. Therefore, in addition to choosing the right mattress the following tips can also be very handy for you.

  • Avoid wrong types of food – It is essential to stop taking unhealthy foods or keeping any unhealthy habits. You must avoid caffeine and sugar before going to bed. These items need at least 6 hours to process within your body and prevent your sleep when you need it most.
  • Lighting – Turn off all sources of light like table lamps, blue lights, television, computers etc. which emits light during your sleep. These reduces the production of necessary hormones called melatonin and prevents your sleep
  • Temperature – You need to reduce the temperature of the room in order to get ideal sleep.
  • Sleep at the right time – Maintain a proper time for sleeping so that your internal body clock will help you sleep at the right time.

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