Starting off a year on the right foot – with positive goals and worthwhile objectives – is a great idea, and one that has become a global tradition in the form of New Year’s resolutions. Many of us make resolutions each January. Maybe we want to exchange some bad habits for better ones; save some extra money; or just do a better job of managing our work or valued relationships.
The trick, of course, is to create resolutions that not only stretch us in the right direction but are also practical and reasonable. Experts explain that the reason why most people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions is that the set ones that are just too lofty and hard to achieve.
To make sure that you succeed this time, here are five great tips for making, and keeping, your 2015 resolutions with the aid of e-book technology!
#1 Set Smarter, More Effective Goals
For starters, make sure you follow the guidelines of those who are highly knowledgeable about the keys to setting your goals. That will greatly enhance your success at fulfilling those resolutions for 2015 while also ensuring that you avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that people make when creating a goal.
An excellent place to start is by learning what some of the top goal-setting experts offer in the way of practical tips and advice. One of the most popular and recommended books on the subject is “Goal Setting: 13 Secrets of World Class Achievers” by author Vic Johnson. The print version normally sells for about $15 but is available electronically for $3.99 in a convenient Kindle edition, and you can also get it in audio book format.
“The Miracle Method of Achieving Your Goals” by Dr. Scott Rosenthal is another great guide to help you have a banner year of self-improvement by setting more useful and achievable goals. The advice given is based on 25 years of research and application, and by putting the system laid out in the book to work in your life you could reap life-changing results and rewards. Plus it is available from free of charge and comes in multiple formats such as PDF, ePub, Mobi, TXT, making it compatible with virtually every e-reader device.
#2 Exercise More in Less Time
To reach any of your goals, though, you probably need to be healthy. Otherwise how can you really accomplish anything with the kind of performance and productivity you desire? Good health is perhaps your most valuable asset for 2015, and one of the keys to staying fit and healthy is to get enough proper exercise.
The problem is, of course, that while you are busy trying to reach your goals there may not be enough time in the day for getting to the gym or going to your yoga class. One of the main reasons that people fail to reach their fitness goals, after all, is a lack of sufficient time to schedule their workouts.
That’s why the book by fitness expert Julio Diaz, “Exercise Guide for Busy People,” may be just what the doctor ordered. The guide covers everything you need to know to stick to a regular exercise regimen and get the most out of your workout minutes and hours, and it was written especially for those who feel they have no free time. You can download it for free on and then take it anywhere on your mobile reading device, so it’s just like having your personal fitness trainer with you all the time.
#3 Increase Your Wealth and Savings
“Building Wealth: A Beginner’s Guide to Securing Your Financial Future” was written by the people who help manage the monetary system for the United States Treasury Department, namely the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas.
Within the American banking system the Federal Reserve essentially controls all the cash, and there are a handful of these powerful Federal Reserve banks staffed by some of the most experienced money managers on the planet. So what better place to go for personal financial education? You won’t have to break open the piggy bank to buy it either, since it is another great title available at no cost on
“Building Wealth: A Beginner’s Guide to Securing Your Financial Future” has been used by individuals and as a textbook for classroom education about tops such as setting financial goals, creating and sticking to a budget, saving and investing to grow your wealth, managing debt, and understanding credit reports and credit scores to improve your overall financial profile.
#4 Become an Author
Part of your new financial plan may be to earn extra income by cranking up another revenue stream, and many people do that by publishing books and getting paid whenever people read them. You can also self-publish your own book to simplify the process, and many of today’s authors break into the business by writing e-books like those offered on the global websites.
But where do you start? “7 Days to Easy-Money: Get Paid to Write a Book” by Matt Poc answers that question for you in an easy-to-understand guide, also available on, that is less than 100 pages long. You can read it in one day and soon be on your way to a career or money-making hobby as a writer.
Even if you don’t think you can write and have no experience at all as a writer or author, you can still do it, says successful author Terry Clark. Clark lays out the whole blueprint for how to get started and get published in the book “Got’ta Great Book Idea for A Novel, But I’m NO Writer” Download it free at and get started today!
#5 Invest in Your Own Personal Library
Knowledge is power, Socrates said, and that still holds true today – especially when it comes to empowering your success in the New Year. So one of the smartest investments you can make it to feed your knowledge bank and increase your know-how, wisdom, marketability, and ability to problem solve and understand the world around you. Reading has always been one of the most powerful tools for gaining knowledge, and now it is possible to create a personal library that holds 1,000 titles for less than a dime per book.
Over the past year or two has been breaking new ground with its innovative “stick library” concept, which you may have already heard about. The way it works is that you pick your favorite electronic books and download them onto a single USB memory stick, the kind that is so small it could fit on a key ring or slip right into your pocket.
Then you’ll have 1,000 books at your fingertips – your own customized personal library of knowledge – and the library is completely portable. The titles also include some of the world’s greatest classics and books in virtually every genre you can think of , by many of the best authors in history. Check them out on, where they are available for less than $100, which is less than 10 cents per book – and hit the ground running with a head start on hitting your goals and reaching your dreams in 2015!
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At last, somenoe who knows where to find the beef