These healthy reads offer realistic plans and pretty good advice to help you reach and keep your goals.
Emmy | Health
Because of the struggle to meet with daily demands, we don't bother much about the diet we take in and our lifestyle. Weight loss doesn't just come by mere wishes. Many people who are wishing to lose weight need a little effort to jump start the process. So, the book is written for such people that can not really take action on their own, to help them with the right knowledge to apply in solving their weight loss challenges. The 23 page book is easy to read and could be read in less than an hour. Please follow the given instructions correctley for effective results.
Dana Bogleister | Food/Recipes
Looking to lose weight while not "feeling" like you are dieting? Are you tired of methods that require extreme changes that make you uncomfortable? Well, I was in the same boat but found a way to lose weight, eat delicious healthy food that didn't make me feel like I was sacrificing happiness! The KetoGreen smoothie method gave me energy and I didn't feel like I was doing something I couldn't sustain (like eating cardboard...)
Terry Rich | Health
Have you got on any fast weight loss diet program only to fail along the way?Have you set your mind on improving your health with all the best diet plans for weight loss, but you cannot still get a good result?And even if you’ve got there, what’s the assurance the old ways won’t take its toll on you.If you’ve tried all means and you seem to get stuck in your weight loss goals, fear not!There’s only one thing standing between you and your goal - habits!Habits play an important role in shaping our lives from good to bad and vice versa. Habits can move a mountain and reach the deepest seas. It can invoke a remarkable lifestyle for any individual that aspires to wear its garment. The power of habits cannot be overemphasized!
Bryan J Medrano | Fitness
Running for FAST weight loss is one of the best ways to feel better about yourself. Being fit is one of the most confidence boosting things imaginable. This book is a fabulous easy read and good for various levels of runners.
Rahat Hossain | Health
In this E-Book reader will find some great content on Weight Loss like "Maintaining Tips For Keeping Weight Off", "The Most Common Reasons People Gain Weight: Stop Making These Mistakes", "Sneaky Tricks To Outsmart Your Body And See Faster Success", "Why Weight Loss Plateau Occur" and "Dieting Over 50- Is There Any Difference".
home-gym-health-exercise.com | Fitness
Download this FREE eBook and discover 100 top tips on weight loss, muscle building, cardio health, general fitness, and workouts!
Mark Ellison | Health
Download this FREE eBook, and discover the four (4) key factors to weight loss success that are used by exceptional slimmers toward achieving an astonishingly amazing transformation in their weight and appearance. As featured on the BBC and British press--the author lost 87 pounds in a healthy way in only 100 days, and has kept it off. This FREE eBook can be your key to achieving your own astonishing weight loss and appearance transformation, too! Download it today!
Beauty Match Network | Fitness
Download this FREE, ready-for-download eBook, and discover 101 weight loss tips!
Martin Wales | Health
Download this FREE eBook, and discover how to lose your unwanted weight and live a more fulfilling life. Download it today!
Gerry | Body & Spirit
Learn how to combine science with a few useful weight loss tips that you will find in this FREE eBook, and give your metabolism a real boost by: 1) Getting fit and burning calories while working at your desk; 2) Reducing the calories in your favorite foods; and 3)Burning the most calories possible by supercharging your workouts. Download it today!
Will Edwards | Fitness
Download this FREE eBook, and discover a great weight loss secret!
Recipe Masters | Food/Recipes
The benefits of low carb eating, including weight loss, positive effects on cholesterol, and more, have been talked about for years. If you’re interested in exploring this health phenomenon for yourself, Low Carb Recipes will get you off on the right foot.
Jon Rutledge | Health
In FREE eBook form, the Weight Loss Manual--the complete guide to healthy weight loss, is ready for download now!
Shane Jeremy James | Fitness
Shane Jeremy James, bestselling author, fitness guru, TV personality and world renowned motivational speaker. In his bestselling book Think, Act, Love, Lose Weight shows you in 12 weeks from now or less you can have the mindset and the lean, healthy body you have always wanted. The secret to achieving dramatic weight loss is to first change your psychology. Also included: A complete meal plan: Learn about powerful foods that fight disease.
Martin Bolduc | Fitness
By Martin Bolduc, the author of The Ultimate Guide to Express Fat Loss. This FREE, 50-page ready-for-download eBook is packed with amazing information to help you lose weight! Discover the four (4) essentials for achieving and maintaining a fit and healthy body.
Susan Jones | Fitness
The most COMPLETE guide you will come across. This e-book will share ways to squeeze in fast fitness within your busy schedule. Reveal ways to boost your metabolism effectively and give you over 40 tips to help jump start your diet program!
Emmanuel Joatham | Food/Recipes
Are you tired of trying diet after diet without getting any results? What if you could lose weight by drinking delicious homemade beverages? With a selection of tasty smoothie recipes, you can achieve your weight loss goals. Stop wasting your time and energy on fad diets. You are about to find out why smoothies offer a healthy alternative to traditional dieting options.
Rahat Hossain | Fitness
Burns Fat + Cuts Appetite + Blocks the growth of new Fat-Cells. You can drop a lot of weight quickly and safely, by drinking the thermogenicor weight loss teas. They speed up your metabolism naturally to burn up calories without the need for exercise or calorie-cutting and once the weight is off – it stays off!
Millizie Bob | Health
What would you do if you had a straightforward, effective, reliable way to lose as much weight as you want?FINALLY, YOU will get to know the TRUTH and it will set YOU FREE.DISCOVER what NOBODY will ever tell YOU, UNDERSTAND what is TRUE, and put ALL WEIGHT LOSS MYTHS behind YOU...PERMANENTLY!Would You Like to Know How?All you need to do is to take this GUIDE and put it Into ACTION ...TODAY!Get the inside scoop on what it really takes to launch a GREAT WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY...with RESULTS!
Tolu Moses | Free Previews
25 Quick and Easy Weight Loss Recipes is a step by step weight loss diet ebook for everyone to burn body fat. The more you eat the less you weigh.
Julio Diaz | Fitness
Get your simple weight loss plan here! The weight loss is not about following the latest fad diet, nor denying yourself the simple pleasures in life. With Step by Step Weight Loss, you'll develop a plan of action to help you start losing weight today! This easy to follow weight loss guide has been successfully used over and over to help people lose weight and keep it off. Now you can too! Plus, as a bonus, you'll get over 150 weight loss tips that cover: 1. How to Lose Weight Before Even Trying 2. How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off 3. Cooking Tips 4. Best Way to Lose Weight When Eating Out 5. Healthy Ways to Lose Weight 6. Exercise Tips To Lose Weight 7. Odd Yet True Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast 8. And Bonus Side Tips! Please rate this book and share with your friends & family!
Bella Edwards | Food/Recipes
Food combining enhances the quality of your diet, increases your intake of vitamins and minerals and improves the way the body digests and absorbs nourishment. It is one of the safest and most successful ways to lose weight as well as being an invaluable, natural remedy for a variety of health problems. In her new definitive book Kathryn Marsden explains everything you'll ever need to know about food combining in one easy-to-follow volume. The book is divided into 4 parts: Part 1 Essential basics including principles, short cuts, food charts etc; Part 2 Food combining for specific reasons ie. weight loss, food allergies, fluid retention, low blood sugar, stress etc; Part 3 Four weeks of food combining recipes and menu plans;