Gear up for an inspiring 2024 with our handpicked collection of motivational books!
Dive into a range of motivational treasures designed to elevate your mindset, drive success, and guide you toward achieving your aspirations. Whether you're seeking career growth, personal development, or a boost in productivity, these books offer strategies and insights to make 2024 your year of triumph. Get ready to conquer challenges, set audacious goals, and embrace a year of incredible growth and achievement. Elevate your motivation and make every day count in the upcoming year!
Jan Tincher | Philosophy (Academic)
Download this FREE eBook by noted Hypnotherapist and Master Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, Jan Tincher, who states that if you can think, you can change your thoughts; and if you can change your thoughts, you can change your life. She offers information and useful tips for handling stress, boosting your self-esteem, and achieving your goals and all-around success! Download it today!
Clint Cora | Marketplace
200 of the most profound motivational quotes compiled by motivational speaker, personal development author and karate world champion Clint Cora. These words of wisdom passed down from individuals all the way from ancient times to the present will help keep you on track for your life goals. These quotes are by both famous individuals and those who are relatively unknown but all statements are equally profound. Clint even included a few of his own motivational quotes to this collection. Read a few each day for inspiration or pull some for a work or school presentation.
Mary Havelock | Psychology
No one can escape it. Unless you live on a deserted island somewhere in the middle of the South Pacific, you experience stress on a daily basis. It's impossible to avoid. Hours in stop and go traffic; poor working conditions; family issues; bad nutritional choices; and money problems are just a few of the negative factors that face us on a daily basis. Many people who find it difficult coping with these issues turn to medication for a solution. Unfortunately, medication can become a double edged sword. While it may provide a temporary "fix" it generally doesn't last. In fact, medication could ultimately impact the overall picture by adding addiction to the list of stress factors. So what's a person to do? That's the question that Mary Havelock answers in "Meditation, Motivation and More".
Marc Sanders | Career
Have you ever wondered why it is that some people seem to have the "midas touch?" We've all met people where everything they touch turns to gold and every little thing about their lives appears to literally burst with excitement and enthusiasm? You are about to learn how and why that happens. Imagine having the secrets to that "midas touch" formula that infuses your power in every aspect of your life! The power to cultivate an attitude of positive expectancy, develop an attitude of abundance and finally create a definite purpose to your life! Now you, too, can learn the powerful secrets that these people use to motivate themselves to success.
Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad | Self-Improvement
A collection of lectures on motivational techniques. Motivating the unmotivated. A suitable guide for the managers of Human Resource.
Beyond Timelines | Self-Improvement
Fry for a while - This ebook/module tackles core issues facing all de-motivated individuals. It is a step by step DIY process of how to identify, unearth, and dissolve de-motivation. The module "does not" use traditional methods of mentoring. This module describes "Dynamic Techniques of Conscious Transformation".
Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad | Self-Improvement
A Collection of Lectures presented by Dr Ram L Prasad, Human Resource Director, Consultant and Educationist. These are the experiences of a person who said “I Can” and “moved mountains”. Over the years, he presented these lectures at many corporate and youth talent development seminars of various organizations like the Rotary, Rotaract, Lions and other youth clubs in Australia and Fiji. The ideas are useful starting point to motivate the unmotivated and change their normal profile to an achiever who would love to aim for peak performance at all times.
Beyond Timelines | Business
This e-book module tackles de-motivation, transforming de-motivated staff into self-motivated achievers using dynamic techniques of conscious transformation.
Omar S. Adel | Self-Improvement
Motivation is what keeps us going. It is the reason people succeed and the reason people fail. Motivation is the drive someone has to complete a task. The ingredients of motivation are combined with many factors which include simplicity, attitude, the people you hang around, the way you think, knowing yourself, helping other people and so much more. The purpose of this e-book is to take you through the methods you can practice on a daily basis to remain motivated. These techniques can help you feel better about yourself in everything you do. You can take these methods with you when you go to work and when you are at home.
Richard Yadon | Self-Improvement
Anyone can come up with a goal, but not everyone has the ability to achieve it.For that to happen, you need to take action first. Goals are not like dreams orprayers. You cannot just close your eyes and wish for it to happen. You have todo something.But of course, it does not end there. Certainly, taking the first step towardreaching your goal is the most crucial but it is not the only thing you have to do.There are a lot more steps to take and you have to work hard, and for that youneed to be focused.
Livingstone Imonitie | Self-Improvement
This is a collection of inspiring words revealing to us some of the secrets of success. There are secrets on academics, business and life in general. I have applied these principles, I have seen people apply these principles and their lives have not remained the same.This book was written to help young and old people, changing lives, motivating, inspiring and teaching people around the world.The most interesting thing is that this e-book is totally free of charge. All I want from you is to download it and read it. Don’t just keep it in your laptop, tablet or phones. Read it every day, you must succeed.Thank you for downloading this book. I love you.
John Life | Self-Improvement
Are you under-confident and shy? Do you feel tongue-tied while interacting with your boss? Does setting professional and personal goals feel like a herculean task? You too can have a challenging career and lead a balanced life! Humans all have formed our own definitions of happiness right from childhood. A lot of these perceptions are because of conditioned development example they are a part of our habits due to repetitive inculcation by parents, teachers and the society in general. That is why, none of us has actually pondered about what exactly makes us feel happy! This feeling has been left to our sub-conscience and we simply feel the happiness according to the situation we are in.