The recession caused by the Covid-19, has resulted in deep economic impact for almost everyone. These authors haven't been the exception, their books are powerful tools to guide you through each stage of your personal finance journey. Take some time and educate yourself, it’s always smart to learn from people who have been in your shoes and succeeded!
We have put together a selection of our Best Books on how to make and save money, overcoming debts to transform your life and help grow your finances: learn personal finance basics, discover how to manage and pay off debt, budgeting tips, easy hacks and creative ways to save your hard-earned money. All the help you need to meet your money goals.
"The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money".
~Warren Buffett
U-PLR | Business
Discover the astonishing secrets of how to make massive profits in real investing. Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about 5 questions you must ask yourself before you make your first investment - failure to do this could result in a lot of heartache and frustration later on! How to make your first profitable real estate investment in just 5 easy steps - even if you have absolutely no investing experience whatsoever and so much more!
www.ultimatePLRFiresale.com | Business
How to earn a solid income online! Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about type of legitimate online businesses,service based businesses,affiliate marketing,selling on eBay,making money from membership sites,making money form selling products,make money the PLR way,make money from selling informational type products,make money blogging,make money coaching others and so much more!
multiple authors | Computer & Internet
An introduction to internet marketing. Inside this eBook you will find topics about what is internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Article Marketing, email Marketing, Blog Marketing, Pay per Click Marketing (PPC), Search engine optimization , Pop up ads, banner ads, Social media Marketing and mobile Marketing.
Jimmy | Business Textbooks
Introducing Make Money Online Positive Action Plan - Mighty Ways to Cash in on the Net with a Proven Blueprint.Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics aboutdecide your niche, select a money making niche, choose an affiliate program, get free training, make a site or blog, write-write-write, marketing methods and buil your list.
TeachRightNow | Career
Turn your laptop or home computer into a money-making machine...Do you want to make money online? Do you want to work from home or any place you chose to? Do you want to quit your 9 to 5? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this book is for you. With The Teaching Millionaire guide, you'll discover How Anyone Can Teach Online and Earn Money. Whether you are new to teaching or a seasoned teacher, this valuable book will give you the tools, strategies, and techniques to help you get started with lucrative opportunities.
Michael Erbschloe | Economy
Money laundering generally refers to financial transactions in which criminals, including terrorist organizations, attempt to disguise the proceeds, sources or nature of their illicit activities. Money laundering facilitates a broad range of serious underlying criminal offenses and ultimately threatens the integrity of the financial system. The United States Department of the Treasury is combating all aspects of money laundering at home and abroad, through the mission of the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
Sesan Oguntade | Writing & Publishing
Do you want to write your first non-fiction book and sell them? Do you need a simple guide you can use to write your book? I have presented, in this short ebook guide, how you can write your first ebook with simple and practical illustrations that will simplify the process for you. If you want to become a self-published author, then this guide on how to write a book will help you. I used my practical experience all through in this guide. I showed you the simple process i follow to write my non-fiction ebooks. It is a simple but quality process. You don't need to be scared of writing a book, if you have an experience that anyone can read in a book, you are ready to go with this simple book-writing guide. When you write your first book, you will begin to write as many more books.
Thaddeus Winters | Business
Don’t get started until you fully understand what home based businesses requires. It requires focus and dedication, among other attributes that you will discover and develop on your journey to freedom and success. You can do any and everything once you put your mind to it. At a 9-to-5 job, your boss can decide to hire or fire you at will; how you spend your hours daily are decided for you. Also, what happens in those eight hours affects your life in general. You have little to no control and at the end of the week, they hand you a paycheck that hardly makes ends meet. What you earn is too valuable to leave in the hands of others.
Goodaz | Free Previews
Affiliate marketing is a way of making money online. It’s really a simple concept. When you are an affiliate marketer, you promote a product, service, or site for a business, and you as a publisher get rewarded for doing so.In most cases, you find products related to your niche and offer them on your website or blog. You promote the products and post a link on your site where they can purchase the products. Then, when someone follows that link to buy something, you earn a commission. The commissions can be either a percentage of the sale or a fixed amount. You’ve seen links to other sites when you’ve read other people’s blogs. These links make the blogger money.
PLR | Marketplace
Opsgenie Notify the right people at the right time and never miss a critical alert Start for free THE POLICENTALA BLOGGING MILLIONAIRES ANA Description : Introducing Introducing The Accidental Blogging Millionaires Get Inspired by the Most Popular Bloggers Online . Inside this eBook , you will discover the topics about building blocks of successful blogging , can you lose money by not doing sponsored reviews , AdSense – What is it and how do you use it , additional tips for making money on your blog , does writing about what you love make money an generating revenue from blogging – fact or fiction .
Nicolas Meneses | Business
Say Goodbye to Ignorance in: Entrepreneurship, Financial Freedom, Making Money Online and Personal Growth.
Frederick L. Lipman | Business
Creating Capital - Frederick L. Lipman Title: Creating Capital Money-making as an aim in business
Veneric P. Flores | Tutorials
This e-book is your definitive guide to make huge money online. And this is you How-To manual in earning money online. You will learned many facts about how to make huge money online.
Jeff Gardner | Marketing
Discover the insider secrets behind how to really make money with Internet marketing, mail order, vending, network marketing (MLM), affiliate marketing, joint ventures, reprint rights, and more. Plus, we expose the get-rich-quick scams and schemes!
Chris Farrell | Web Design
This book was created and written by Chris Farrell, who began Internet marketing in February of 2008. Within six (6) months, he was experiencing his first $250 per day day. Within nine (9) months, he had his first $1,000 per day day (all figures are verifiable). Chris is now a full-time Internet Marketer and Product Developer. Are you constantly thinking that you want to make money online? Would you like to be taught exactly how to create a website? Do you see the massive opportunity, but do not know what to actually do next? Discover what to do next in this FREE, ready for download eBook. Download it now!
Simple Growth Investing | Business
Are you making some common mistakes that are keeping you from making money in the stock market? Download this FREE e-Book by Simple Growth Investing, and learn how you can increase your success by making some simple shifts in your investment approach. Discover what can be preventing you from buying the right stocks to sell at the right time, make a profit, and keep your money. Plus learn about the types of mistakes that can keep your portfolio scattered to the point that can keep you from being able to monitor it properly. Stock investing can be financially rewarding if you stick to the right names, invest at the right time, and keep the right mindset. Download today!
Jonathan Souza | Economy
Want to make money with photography? Then download this FREE e-Book, and discover seven (7) useful tips to earn extra income from your own home, with your own camera. Download it today!
Terry D. Clark | Self-Improvement
Let me show you a simpler way to managing money and getting your finances in order, so you can save and buy the things you want and enjoy life as you should. Read more inside.
Todd Adams | Economy
After studying personal finance and budgeting strategies, I noticed that a lot of the advice out there relied on people being able to make long-term adjustments to their lifestyles, like downgrading to a smaller house, or selling their car. While these are great ideas, they aren't very helpful for people who need ways to change their financial footprint immediately. So, I decided to pull together a report that will give you some concrete ways to start cutting costs TODAY. In this short report, you will find 50 ways to save money in a variety of ways – things you can do starting today.
Ian Caldwell | Miscellaneous
In recent time, it's actually tough to save some money from your expenses. Our expenses increasing day by day. But we ignore some easy tricks that can help us to save a lot. Let's get an idea of savings from our daily life.
Nitinkumar Chauhan | Educational
This book deals with the personal successes for each of us. Proper preparation is the key to our success. This book of cures for lean purses is guide to offer those who are ambitious for financial success which will aid them to acquire surpluses. The surplus, which can help them boost financial condition by using the saved money to create some investment/business/growth/service. Do you need money for investing or starting some business or to become debt free and live peaceful life? And you think there is no source to generate this extra money required? Do you realize that you are not able to achieve your financial goals or money doesn't stay with you for longer? How to turn your financial life around?
Wallace D. Wattles | Science
This FREE, ready for download eBook is a practical manual intended for individuals whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward. It is for those who have so far found neither the time, the means, nor the opportunity to study this matter in an in-depth manner, but who want results and are willing to take the scientific conclusions as a basis for action without going into all the processes by which those conclusions were reached. The plan of action that the reader will receive is a result of years of study, followed by the author's personal and practical application of a very specific philosophy that has been thoroughly tested and bears the supreme test of practical experiment: It works! If the reader wishes to reap the fruits of that philosophy in actual practice, the author recommends that the individual needs to read this eBook, and do exactly what he suggests. The author further states that those who practice his instructions will certainly get rich; and that the riches that they receive will be in exact proportion to how definitive their vision is, the immobility of their unchanging purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude. He explicitly explains what he means in this FREE eBook. Download it now!
Max Coles | Business
Read the shocking story of how alien technology turned a poor homeless boy into a millionaire practically overnight! Before you can get rich, you need to make sure that your subconscious thoughts into a millionaire practically overnight! Meditations that will completely re-program your belief structure and transform you into a powerful money magnet. (...and it’s 100% free!)
Mr. Walke | Self-Improvement
There is a simple rule of a great life. Eat or get eaten. Everyone wants to get successful, get rich, have a girlfriend. But only a few people achieve what they want. And all others get settled with the circumstances they are in and spend their entire life regretting what they could have achieved and what they lost. As someone said ‘You get what you deserved’. Likewise, if you don't work for a thing you want then how and why you should get that thing you are dreaming of. I mean there are seven billion people in the world and millions of them dreaming of the same thing. If this is the case, then the person or the people with the utmost desire should be in that position, in that lifestyle. And believe me, it's not that hard to get that!
Jonah Jones | Business
Debunking the Myths and Exposing the New Rules for Riches! In this book, a contrarian and skeptical approach is taken to the conventional wisdom about money. The trouble with most financial how-to books is that they are based on the outdated wisdom of the old days, before the internet, when the only ways to get rich were trading stocks or flipping houses. Not this book. We describe the new rules in great detail and how to apply them to your financial life. They are as follows: -You don’t need a good job to make good money, because there are four ways to make money in America. -You can no longer save money today and make a return, instead you must leverage your money. -Houses, cars, computers and items of all sorts are not assets, they are liabilities. The only thing that is a true asset is something that puts money in your pocket. -Debt is not always bad. There’s debt that’s actually good (if it helps you build credit). -It’s not how much money you make, but how much...
BindalTech | Business
Download this FREE e-Book, and learn how to earn money in any business or profession. Download it today!
Angelia Griffith | Business
Facebook Marketing surpasses all other Social Media Marketing as being on the must do list for Internet Marketers. Whether you are selling a product or service or promoting a network marketing or affiliate program, Facebook has the largest audience of active users and buyers.Not only that, Facebook Marketing offers many unique opportunities to target your audience down to the last details, age groups, gender, nation, interests and that last one is a doozy. It allows you to be so specific in terms of what and who you like. Did you ever wonder why you are getting the particular little ads on the side of your screen. If you click on one them, rest assured you will get a lot more of the same type.
M Lashall Fitz | Business
This book contains 21 diverse ways you can earn money from home, in your own time in your spare time and or in addition to your day job. Whatever it is that you need extra income for: -Pay down debt -Buy gas, food, clothing, etc. -Earn extra money for the Holidays -Save for that dream vacation -Achieve financial goals "Earn Extra Money, Work at Your Convenience," can help you starting making the extra money you need this month. Here's what you will find inside: 18 ways to make money with no set work schedule commitments 13 ways to start making money this week 11 ways to make $1,000 or more a month 10 ways to make online Over 300 website links to save you hours in time and research Tips, bonus information and resources
Emmanuel Mwesige | Economy
This handbook is about financial literacy. It typically looks at how to make or earn money, managing said money, saving and investing, donating some and financial planning among other elements. A must read for anyone wishing to effectively manage their wealth for a lifetime of financial security.
Lucas Wiedemann | Business
Understanding the principles of finance management is a key to the success of a company. It is important to know about the relationship between risk assessment and cash flow, and know the principles of budgeting and cash management. Financial management is a very complex area of business. That is the reason why I have organized this information into several parts.
Bill Murphy Jr. | Economy
What’s a “Ubook™?” It’s a short ebook—but it has a few other features. The “U”is to remind people that it’s associated with Understandably.com.But the “U” also stands for “updated.” Because these books are never really finished. Instead, they’re continually revised.This Ubook™ runs almost exactly 12,000 words, which probably worksout to roughly 50 minutes of reading time.You’ll also notice that it’s formatted to make it easy to read on a smartphoneor tablet, hopefully without downloading any other apps.You’re free to share this with anyone you like, as long as: (a) you share it for free, (b) you send the entire thing, unedited, and (c) you don’t do anything like remove the author’s name, the cover, the branding, etc., or pretend that you wrote it instead of me.
Archi Mackfly | Body & Spirit
What Really Is The Law Of Attraction? - How The Law Of Attraction Works. - Overcoming The Default Process. - Opportunities And Luck. - Applying the Law of Attraction Step by Step. - Money And Wealth Manifestation With The Law Of Attraction. - How To Handle Challenges And Failure. - Balancing Your Inner And Outer Self. - Why The Law Of Attraction Doesn’t Work For Everybody. - Best Practices For Developing Your Law Of Attraction Code. - Plus so much more...