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  • Free-eBooks.net Celebrates Half a Million Facebook Fans!

Free-eBooks.net Celebrates Half a Million Facebook Fans!

Free-eBooks.net now has over 500,000 Facebook fans! Thank you to everyone from around the world that’s joined us in making this such a fantastic community. Just to put that into perspective, half a million people is at least 100,000 more than the whole city of Liverpool, England – home of the Beatles! According to the Guinness Book of World Records the most fireworks ever used at once was also 500,000, during an event in Dubai, and when we found out we hit the half a million mark believe me, we felt like celebrating with that kind of fireworks display!

Free-eBooks.net launched its Facebook page back in late 2011, so we have risen in popularity very fast in just three years. Needless to say we are proud and happy to be so well-liked (no pun intended!). People are flocking to Free-eBooks.net for a wide range of reading reasons. Some are fans because of all the free downloads of kids books, sci-fi, and adult fiction, whereas others join the Free-eBooks.net community to read the latest magazines, how-to books, or our Academic collections.

Facilitating Collaboration with Our Customers

When people engage with us on Facebook and then share the news with others it helps to spread the word, and that generates more Facebook fans who, in turn, have the opportunity to discover Free-eBooks.net for themselves. Many of them become loyal Free-eBooks.net subscribers and customers, and having a dynamic presence on Facebook allows us to create a constant interactive dialog with our customers.

That’s a benefit to them because they can learn of breaking news, such as special sales or new product offerings. But it’s also a wonderful resource for us in terms of receiving invaluable up-to-the-minute customer feedback. We are a totally customer-focused business, so satisfying our customers is our first priority and hearing from them about ways to do a better job of that is a hugely important and valuable resource.

A classic illustration of that relationship with our customers is that it was a customer’s idea to put an entire library of books on a portable USB stick. Thanks to that helpful suggestion from a customer we recently started offering innovative USB stick libraries that let you carry 1,000 titles in your pocket. How cool is that?

Meet Karla, the Face of Free-eBooks.net on Facebook

To commemorate the occasion we asked the administrator of our Facebook page, Karla Ruiz, to share some of her insights into her experience, since she is constantly in touch with the Free-eBooks digital media universe and the multitudes of Facebook fans that Free-eBooks.net values so much.

“I’m always busy,” she admitted. “All day I’m thinking about what to post, how to post it, and when to put it up on our Facebook pages. It is a challenge for me, but at the same time I have so much fun.”
Every single day she posts two status updates on each all our social media pages. She has to always come up with interesting visuals and written messages, too, to keep the level of engagement high and to keep everyone entertained and informed. She wants to please ALL of our fans, and with so many of them – each with their own unique perspective and individual preferences when it comes to books – that can be a lot harder than it might seem.

“Facebook is full of corporate pages offering the same thing,” she points out, “and there are thousands of people from many countries with many different tastes. So I have to find a way to keep giving them quality posts they’ll like and share.”

Attention-Getting Posts

So what’s her secret? “There is a saying that less is more,” she says, “and based on my humble experience, I believe that big images with a short, quick-read text are the most shared posts. Messages that catch your attention in a way you hit ‘share’ before you can even realize you did.”

As examples she showed us some of her posts where large and impossible to miss, eye-catching graphics where used. Superimposed are insightful quotes or phrases. (Here are two great examples: http://on.fb.me/1lUrN36 , http://on.fb.me/1rDtJcG)

From Insecurity to Confidence – Plus Half a Million FB Friends!

“When I first became an administrator I was really concerned about meeting the expectations of the job,” she acknowledges. “I was insecure. But thankfully I got help and many ideas from my coworkers. Some of them still send me links, images, and content I can use to prepare new posts.”

Through it all she has learned that Facebook is definitely a proven, powerful communication tool. That means communicating across three different languages, too, since our half a million fans are divided amongst English, Spanish, and Portuguese Facebook pages.

Oh, yeah, and she has also discovered that people all over the world really do love to read, and they are totally hooked on electronic books! So what do you think about the evolution of the Free-eBooks.net Facebook presence and constantly expanding community? Have you been a follower and fan since the early days? We’d love to hear from you!

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