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Free-ebooks.net Announces Our Partnership with bookboon.com

Free-ebooks.net Announces Our Partnership with bookboon.comHere we grow again.

We have seen several recent changes at the Free-ebooks.net website. Not long after our partnership with Ampersand Academic Press we are partnering with bookboon.com to bring you FREE textbooks.

On April 17, 2011, we partnered with bookboon.com to offer our members the dynamic opportunity to download free textbooks in the categories of: Business, Computer Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics and Science. You can browse the new ebrary by visiting our home page at http://ow.ly/amu0Z, scroll down to the bottom of the left vertical menu (and incidentally, that’s new too!) to the section titled “Textbooks”. Have a look around.

With this new addition, we hope we can encourage you to sign up or renew your membership with Free-ebooks.net by going here: http://ow.ly/amtTA.

We hope you find the addition of these textbooks useful to our ebrary and thank you for your support as we continue to grow. We look forward to the continued expansion of ebrary in recognition and dedication to our authors and readers who support us. Thank you!

By the way, if you enjoy reading with us, could you tell five of your friends about the new addition to our ebrary today? Thanks!

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