It seems that university is the period that helps to prepare ourselves for adult life. During this time, we discover our strengths and weaknesses, gain experience and try to understand what our goals are. Of course, every student is unique. We study at different faculties and have different plans and dreams.
However, there is one thing we have in common. We all want to be ready for what lies ahead. Fortunately, books can give us a hand with that. Authors all over the world write about techniques and qualities that are essential for us to be successful. The world is developing very quickly and we must take it into account, too.
So, if you want to be ready for whatever the future has in store – here are 6 must-read books for you!
Meg Jay – The Defining Decade
Someone says that years from twenty to thirty are your second youth. Others believe that it’s the beginning of adulthood. Dr. Meg Jay, a psychologist, claims that this is the most important decade in a person’s life. It literally determines your fate. During this period, we lay the foundation for the future of such areas as work, love, as well as health and intellectual development.
The book includes insights from people of different professions. Psychologists, sociologists, neurologists, and top managers open up about the significance of this decade. Things you pay attention to between your twenties and thirties have a huge impact on your career, personal growth and relationships.
Meg Jay explains why exactly you shouldn’t postpone the beginning of adulthood and waste these ten beautiful years. Read The Defining Decade and be sure that your youth will bring amazing benefits for the future.
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Jim Al-Khalili – What’s Next?
Scientists make discoveries and decisions that affect their future every day. We come up with amazing solutions to improve our everyday life and solve lots of problems. But can anyone foresee what awaits humanity? In this book, the world’s leading experts, led by Jim Al-Khalili, use cutting-edge science knowledge to give the reader an idea of what lies ahead.
Will teleportation be possible? How will the climate change? What will happen if artificial intelligence takes over us? Will people be healthier with DNA treatment? What miracles of technology can we expect? Read this book to know all the answers.
Malcolm Gladwell – Outliers: The Story of Success
We often catch ourselves thinking that life is not fair. Why do some get money, fame and glory, while others get nothing? We tend to think that successful people achieve anything they want thanks to their brilliant education and outstanding talents. However, Gladwell discovers that personal qualities don’t always help people rise to the top – sometimes it all comes down to chance.
The author looks at success from different perspectives. He provides an analysis of many factors on which achievements may depend. Gladwell relies on the results of various studies and analyzes the biographies of prominent people. Thus, he demonstrates that we are complex creatures and predicting someone’s life path turns out to be an impossible task.
Gladwell encourages us to reflect on the possibilities that open up to us every day. Always look around in search of new opportunities – that’s the author’s main point.
Keith Ferrazzi – Never Eat Alone
Have you ever thought that everyone you know, from a family member to the postman, is a door to a whole new world of other people? It seems like the ability to build relationships is one of the most essential nowadays. If we communicate with others openly and sincerely, these contacts will definitely work for us in the future.
Ferrazzi is sure that communication is everything, whether you are a famous entrepreneur or just a student who starts their career. The author shares his tips on building a circle of good friends and acquaintances. The book reveals valuable secrets of interpersonal communication that are rarely discussed by teachers or coaches.
So, if you still believe that the importance of networking is exaggerated, read this book. After all, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know that matters most.
Robert Kiyosaki, Sharon Lechter – Rich Dad, Poor Dad
No doubt, if you want to be successful in life, you will have to make smart decisions with your money. However, we often lack financial literacy. Why? The authors of the book believe that American children don’t receive the necessary knowledge about budgeting at school. Thus, it takes a lifetime for them to achieve financial well-being.
However, there is another way – you can make money work for you. Kiyosaki shares insights on mastering the art of investing and managing money wisely. He emphasizes the role of financial education. According to him, we can make a fortune by investing in assets and real estate as well as starting and developing our own business.
The author insists that anyone can become rich, regardless of their education or social status. So, the book helps you to stay motivated. Remember: your enthusiasm and determination – that’s what really matters.
David Rose – Enchanted Objects
The internet and technologies change the world we live in. No doubt, gadgets and objects that surround us will look completely different in 5-10 years. David Rose designs Internet-connected devices and uses his experience to answer such questions:
- Which jobs will be relevant in the future?
- Will telepathy, teleportation and immortality be real?
- How will cars, umbrellas, wallets, musical instruments and other things look in a few decades?
Read this book to discover whether fairy tales and fantasy will enter our reality.
Final Thoughts
Being a student gives lots of advantages and a chance to make mistakes is one of them. A path towards self-improvement is never easy, but becoming a better version of ourselves is worth it. To be successful, we should start working on our character and attitude as early as possible.
The world is becoming more demanding and challenging every day. We may not be able to change it, but we can always start from ourselves.