Best Books: History

1 The Outstanding Success of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

The Outstanding Success of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Michael Erbschloe | History


The world of investing is fascinating and complex, and it can be very fruitful. But unlike the banking world, where deposits are guaranteed by the federal government, stocks, bonds and other securities can lose value. There are no guarantees. That's why investing is not a spectator sport. By far the best way for investors to protect the money...

2 Nasty Stuff About Russia

Nasty Stuff About Russia

Michael Erbschloe | History


The Soviet economy and society stagnated in the decades following Stalin’s rule, until General Secretary Mikhail GORBACHEV (1985-91) introduced glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) in an attempt to modernize communism, but his initiatives inadvertently released forces that by December 1991 splintered the USSR into Russia and 14...

3 Nasty Stuff About North Korea

Nasty Stuff About North Korea

Michael Erbschloe | History


In 1910, Japan began a 35-year period of colonial rule over Korea. Following Japan's surrender in 1945 at the end of World War II, the Korean Peninsula was divided at the 38th parallel into two occupation zones, with the United States in the South and the Soviet Union in the North. Initial hopes for a unified, independent Korea were not realized...

4 Trail of Poppies

Trail of Poppies

Phil Brotherton | History


During 2015, the author completed a 3,500 mile long journey to commemorate everybody who died or suffered during the Great War a century ago. His journey began at an unknown battlefield in Asiatic Turkey, before he followed the route of the battlefields right across Europe, before finally ending his journey at the English Channel in Belgium...

5 Merrymeeting Forge, Gwennap, UK  - a History

Merrymeeting Forge, Gwennap, UK - a History

Leonard Szepietowski | History


A history of a building that is about 200 years old which replaced a blacksmiths shop nearby that went back to at least the 1300's. Local and internet sources were used to research the history of the evolution of the building itself and trace the residents as far back as records allowed.