March is Women’s History Month, a month dedicated to commemorate the contributions of women to history, health, science and society!
It's well known that women’s contributions throughout history have often been minimized and scorned. Fortunately, there are many great books that bring their stories to light. Women writers are increasingly recognized as the dominant force in the contemporary literary world.
So, to celebrate the strong, smart, defiant women who have made history, we compiled some of our most remarkable Books to inspire you. Fiction and non-fiction titles featuring unique women and their amazing stories.
Check our our list of must-read Books to honor all Women in our lives.
Stella Ciarlantini | Biography
Stella Ciarlantini lives the ordinary life of a ten-year-old girl. She spends her days talking, laughing, and gossiping with her friends, and her nights studying for tests and exams and doing homework. But when something completely unexpected happens, it turns Stella’s world upside-down. Suddenly, her ordinary life seems like something so sacred and special, and she starts to wish she had appreciated it more. Stella has to stay strong in isolation, but she soon realizes that even though she is alone, she really isn’t alone. Feel Stella’s pain, listen to her cries, but more importantly, see her strength. Stella will soon understand that she really isn’t suffering in silence because she has a whole audience of people rooting for her and cheering her on until the end.
Josette Sona | Psychology
Ladies, never stop believing that you have honor, integrity, and strength. This book confirms this, giving examples of why this is true. Women have had to endure abuse throughout history but have still remained strong; raising families, positively contributing to society (even though they often don't get credit for their accomplishments). This book, years in the making, gives girls and young women a better understanding of who they are and the kinds of people they may have to deal with in their lives. As we're not born knowing what is explained in this short book, hopefully it will provide wisdom, helping women to make wise choices in life. The understanding of a negative situation often helps us to make peace with it and experience forgiveness - which ultimately benefits everyone.
Terry Clark | Self-Improvement
How to start your own business with little or no money. This eBook will equip women with the necessary tools to get started toward entrepreneurship and owning their own business. All the information you'll ever need with no stones left unturned... Start full-time or part-time.
Alejandro Mujica-Olea | Poetry
Love poems in two languages-Spanish and English.
Louisa May Alcott | Children's Classics
The March sisters, Jo, Meg, Amy, and Beth, survive poverty and the absence of their father during the Civil War.
Simone de Beauvoir | Gender Studies
The Second Sex (French: Le Deuxième Sexe, June 1949) is one of the best-known works of the French existentialist Simone de Beauvoir. It is a work on the treatment of women throughout history and often regarded as a major work of feminist philosophy and the starting point of second-wave feminism. Beauvoir researched and wrote the book in about 14 months. She published it in two volumes and some chapters first appeared in Les Temps moderns. The Vatican placed it on its List of Prohibited Books.
Therese Swarts Iverson | Body & Spirit
“The biopsy shows a malignant cancer.” Six words—words that changed Therese’s life forever. Gone was her future, her family, her life. How many other women had been blind-sided by that diagnosis? How many had felt that fear burning deep inside of them? How many had searched for answers and found none? Beyond Words is Therese’s journey from diagnosis through fear, loss, crisis, despair, and at last, to hope and a return to a full life. This FREE e-Book is the book that Therese needed the day that she was diagnosed. It offered support and advice on negotiating a minefield of possible medical error lying ahead. It answered questions and offered insight for coping, surviving and healing. Beyond Words is a book for every woman diagnosed—and for every man or woman who loves her. Download it today!
Corry Robertson | Business
Download this FREE e-Book/Manifesto that the author deems likely to, in light of the current global quantum shift, resonate more with women, inspiring them toward assuming leadership roles in business and other segments of society. Although she deems her message more likely to strike a chord with women than with men, the author states that she has no intention of excluding those of the male gender from grasping her inspirational message, citing that she would be just as delighted if her work were to influence any man toward assuming a leadership role. Download it today!
Melissa Wolff | Mystery
It is the summer of 2012. The sky is blue, the ocean is crisp, and six young women are missing, including Madison Porter. At the disappearance of her best friend, Amber Swanson falls into a spiral of destruction. She smokes, drinks and gets caught stealing. Her parents don't know what to do with her, so she is sent to live with her half-sister, Rebecca in Virginia, where she meets Ethan Hunter. The two lives collide and as Amber puts the pieces of her best friend’s disappearance together, she and Ethan are thrown into a whirlwind of secrets, deceit, and murder.
H.J. Mozans | Gender Studies
Women In Science with an Introductory Chapter On Woman's Long Struggle for Things of the Mind
Nisha Sadasivan | Mystery
Karthika is a happy-go-lucky girl, until her marriage is called off. She is mentally tortured and tormented.Is it a crime to be a woman in the society? She soon comes to know that all women around the world are doomed with the same fate. To even change the society, she needs to come out of her own mess, her own web. Will she succeed in the struggle? Or will she succumb to the peer pressure? Read on to find out more
Joseph Summers | Short Stories
From Colored To Negro To Black. History can be very exciting and an excellent learning tool for many. However, history can not be fully understood unless examined through the eyes of those who were most affected by the series of events being studied. This book attempts to look at the history of the United States from approximately the 1920s through the early 80s. It doesn't try to identify and quantify each historical happening but instead only uses major historical events to show how they affected the lives of two Black Women who lived during the 20th century. While the characters are completely fictional, they do represent a cross-section of Black Women who survived a time of change for the theUnited States. This book gives an insight into events that changed the lives of many.
Alexander Zielinski | Self-Improvement
Empowering Women today for leadership roles in tomorrows new world. Women will be the Saviors of Humanity in the next century of humankind’s evolution. This information will provide them with the necessary basic knowledge to maneuver through the lies and deceptions as they seek out the real truth; their inner-truth that shall bring Order and Peace to our chaotic world.
De La Fro | Human Rights
Black feminist, De La Fro, pens a series of essays that tackle the policing of women's bodies and sexuality.
Mike E. Chukwu | Educational
No one deserves to be raped. The evil is growing worse but we can do something great and positive against it. Find out how in this book.
Virginia Woolf | Misc Classics
The Classic book A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf. This long essay is based on 2 presentations the author made at Newnham and Girton Colleges and the University of Cambridge in 1928. Woolf argues there should be more space and opportunity for women writers.
Louisa May Alcott | Children's Classics
An autobiographical novel by the author of "Little Women", that tells the story of an American working girl during the mid-19th Century, along with the choices that were available to her as a single woman, and her transformation from being a put-upon maidservant to becoming a champion for the rights of women.
National Institute of Mental Health | Medical (Academic)
A booklet that describes the symptoms, treatment and factors contributing to depression that are unique to women.
Brouhman Villiers | Gender Studies
Women's suffrage or woman suffrage[1] is the right of women to vote and to run for office. The expression is also used for the economic and political reform movement aimed at extending these rights to women[2] and without any restrictions or qualifications such as property ownership, payment of tax, or marital status. The movement's modern origins can be attributed to late-18th century France, although full suffrage did not come to France or the French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec. Limited voting rights were gained by some women in Sweden, Britain, and some western U.S. states in the 1860s. In 1893, the British colony of New Zealand became the first self-governing nation to extend the right to vote to all adult women, and the women of the nearby colony of South Australia achieved t...
Eugene A. Hecker | Gender Studies
Perhaps a word on the status of women in slavery among the Germanic nations will not be out of place. The new nations looked upon a slave as chattel, much as the Romans did. If a wrong was done a slave woman, her master received a recompense from the aggressor, but she did not, for to hold property was denied her. -from "Women among Germanic Peoples" The fight for women's rights-particularly with regards to the right to vote-made such enormous strides between 1910, when the first edition of the book was published, and 1914, when its second edition was released with an update on the effort, that within the space of those few brief years, it became almost a historical document, not a rundown of current affairs. But that second edition-of which this is a replica-remains an important document ...
Ellyn Kaschak & Sara Sharratt | Human Rights
Assault on the Soul by Sara Sharratt and Ellyn Kaschak is the first and one of the few books to consider the psychological effects of the war in the former Yugoslavia. This is an edited set of articles by psychologists and mental health workers who went from their home countries to offer services to the traumatized women and children. The book also offers interviews with judges hearing these case at the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
John Levi Underwood | Sociology
The women of the Confederacy, in which is presented the heroism of the women of the Confederacy with accounts of their trials during the war and the period of Reconstruction, with their ultimate triumph over adversity. Their motives and achievements as told by writers and orators now preserved in permanent form
John Stuart Mill. | Academic Articles
The Subjection of Women is the title of an essay written by John Stuart Mill in 1869,[possibly jointly with his wife Harriet Taylor Mill, stating an argument in favour of equality between the sexes. At the time it was published in 1869, this essay was an affront to European conventional norms of views on the status of men and women. John Stuart Mill credited his wife, Harriet Taylor Mill, with co-writing the essay. While some scholars agreed by 2009 that John Stuart Mill was the sole author,it is also noted that some of the arguments are similar to Harriet Taylor Mill's essay The Enfranchisement of Women which was published in 1851.
Oluseye A. Komolafe | Self-Improvement
This book is about Building better relationships, based on Life Coaching models. The models and theories put forward in the book are not solely for married women or the female gender, the models and principles are in themselves gender-blind, and are applicable to all sorts of relationships, irrespective of the gender and number of people involved, including relationships outside of the traditional family setting. The author only chooses to use the traditional family setting because it presents a classic example of real life case studies of the models. The models also explain and give a lot of insight into the root causes of many of the issues and challenges that couples in a traditional family setup deal with, which if (or when) brought to the fore are easily dealt with, giving room for a
Mitchell Carroll | Gender Studies
What was the role of women in Athens? To live, controlled by the men in their lives! Their father controlled them before they were married Their spouse controlled them once they were married What did girls do? They learnt to read- in school or at home They learnt important household skills-spinning, weaving, sewing, cooking and other household jobs Learnt simple facts on mythology, religion and occasionally musical instruments Spent most of their time in her household with other women- only leaving the house to perform religious duties What about marriage? Girls got married in their teens, often to a man in his 30's After a woman got married, she and her husband would give offerings to the god's and share a cake with her husband Her father would chose her husband- for mos...
Susana Lopez | Fitness
Workouts for Women, Lose Weight, Feel and Look Good with Hypnolates It's about you getting in touch with the lovable & beautiful, real you. Workouts for Women can help you "once and for all" connect mind, body and spirit in a holistic way. Encouraging you to experience the most beautiful world; for you and those around you. Hypnolates is the secret of feeling beautiful and stronger from the inside. Letting your inner light - "light you up" to be a shining reflection on the outer world. That light is an energy source for your body shape, love for life, food cravings, exercise routine and healing. Letting you experience blissful thoughts and positive healing running through your body. I encourage you to love your body to your ideal weight, caring for your feelings, the food that you eat, the exercise that you do and over all I would like to uplift you to have the most fantastic experience in life. Dear reader; this books is meant to be just for you. I know it will help you on your journey of life, as the techniques in this book have helped me and my clients to archive what we want the most. With love & light Susana
D. H. Lawrence | Romance Classics
Sisters Gudrun and Ursula Brangwen pursue complex relationships with their lovers, Rupert Birkin and Gerald Crich.
Terry Clark | Health
If you are an expecting mom, the first trimester is one of the most tiring and stressful periods of your pregnancy and during this portion of your pregnancy (morning sickness, constipation, breast tenderness,headaches, etc.) and various of other pains when pregnant. Discover the best tips and advice all about pregnancy to eliminate discomfort and stress that brings to your body once and for all.
The-complete-hair-removal-guide.com. | Beauty & Fashion
A must for all men and women--a FREE e-Book filled with 301 proven tips and strategies on hair removal that will help you get the best hair removal results ever! Download it now!
Mary Wollstonecraft | Philosophy
Download this FREE e-Book/story about a woman incarcerated in a madhouse by her abusive husband, dramatizing the effect of the English marriage laws that made women virtually the property of their husbands. By 18th Century English writer, philosopher, and women's rights advocate, Mary Wollstonecraft. Download it today!
Wilkie Collins | Mystery Classics
Grace and Mercy are very different women, but are both caught up in the war between Germany and France. When Grace is hit by a loose shell, Mercy seizes the chance to escape her past as a fallen woman and convict by assuming Grace's identity and travelling to England.
Karen Gordon | Romance
An inspiring, hilariously-fierce chick lit novella filled with relatable sexy, smart women on a glass-ceiling smashing journey. “Bridget Jones for the new millennium.”
Bassam Imam | General Non Fiction
Feminology: Woman Abuse discusses the various types of abuses of women and girls, spanning from rape, physical abuse, mental abuse and intimidation, signs of abuse, general characteristics of abusive partners, harrasment, stalking, restraining orders, fleeing abusive partners, women's shelters, murder, mutilation, female and general infanticide, female genital mutilation, gender selective abortion, date-rape drugs, date rape on campus, honor killings, forced marriages and abuse in lesbian relationships. My eBook also discusses rape during wartime, pornography and the porn industry (also including testimonials about the abusive nature of this industry and AIDS), prostitution (various types), trafficking in women prostitutes, personal security, defensive and precautionary measures to take while travelling or just to be on the safe side 24-7 . Self-abuse through drugs, anorexia and bolemia and self-cutting are big problems. I have also discussed them in my eBook. The final section of my eBook discusses child abuse. Although the section is shorter than woman abuse, there's still much to be learned. Topics of child abuse included but are not limited to abuse in the family (physical, sexual, mental), child killing, child molesters, beggars, pickpockets, children who kill, child soldiers, child trafficking shaken baby syndrome and signs of child abuse. My eBook contains 2 Table of Contents; the first on the first page and the second following the main body of the book. Thereafter, you'll find 2 sections containing important and relevant URLs and Websites that will help you acquire deeper knowledge into the subject matter. My eBook is relatively easy to read. I felt that this was the best way to convey my message.
Anne E. Keeling | Gender Studies
England and Great Britain have had a few reigning queens when the crown had no male heirs (Great Britain still has primogeniture -- inheritance by the oldest son takes precedence over any daughters). These women rulers include some of the best-known, longest-reigning and culturally most successful rulers in British history.Queen Victoria of Great Britain was the longest-ruling monarch of Great Britain. She ruled during a time of economic and imperial expansion, and gave her name to the Victorian Era. She married a cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, when they were both seventeen years old, and had seven children before his death in 1861 sent her into a long mourning period.
Fran Peck | Short Stories
A Short Story about 4 women with different levels of faith, all connected in some way, with a twist around each corner.
I May End Soon | Fiction
The phenomenon of feminism and some women's dream for high status are some of the themes featured in this story.
Boygene Borice | Poetry
Black woman is an epitome of beauty, wisdom and virtues. Fall in love with a black woman and you will never regret. This is not a racial book, it is about love and affection...
Rozey Gean | Miscellaneous
The answer to that burning question is the springboard that launches this comprehensive exploration of just what it takes to start your own home business. Women Working From Home is not just for women. It's the definitive practical guide you can use for anyone to establish a solid business operation from your home.
Alfred Brittain | Gender Studies
Freeborn women in ancient Rome were citizens (cives),[2] but could not vote or hold political office.[3] Because of their limited public role, women are named less frequently than men by Roman historians. But while Roman women held no direct political power, those from wealthy or powerful families could and did exert influence through private negotiations.[4] Exceptional women who left an undeniable mark on history range from the semi-legendary Lucretia and Claudia Quinta, whose stories took on mythic significance; fierce Republican-era women such as Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi, and Fulvia, who commanded an army and issued coins bearing her image; women of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, most prominently Livia, who contributed to the formation of Imperial mores; and the empress Helena, a d...
Alfred Brittain and Mitchell Carroll | Religion
Contents The Women of the Gospel Narrative Women of the Apostolic Age The Era of Persecution Saint Helena and the Time of Constantine Post-Nicene Mothers The Nuns of the Primitive Church Women Who Witnessed the Fall of Rome Women of the Frankish Church The Empress Eudoxia The Rival Empresses: Pulcheria and Eudocia The Empress Theodora
Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programm | Gender Studies
JEWISH WOMEN PERFORMED TRULY HEROIC DEEDS DURING THE HOLOCAUST. They faced unthinkable peril and upheaval -- traditions upended, spouses sent to the death camps, they themselves torn from their roles as caregivers and pushed into the workforce, there to be humiliated and abused. In the face of danger and atrocity, they bravely joined the resistance, smuggled food into the ghettos and made wrenching sacrifices to keep their children alive. Their courage and compassion continue to inspire us to this day”. BAN KI-MOON, UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL
Roshinder Singh | Academic Articles
Women and the Rwanda Genocide