Personally I love quotes. There are so making great ones. There are those that make you think, make you laugh, motivate and inspire you. Below you'll find 18 of our best Quote Books on various topics.
I always have a quotation for everything - it saves original thinking. - Dorothy L. Sayers
Dave Mckay | Youth
Over the years many people have said many wonderful things... some of them funny, some very wise, and some just aimed at making us think. This is a book best read slowly, and many times, until you yourself are able to remember some of the sayings word for word, to be used later in your life.
John Di Lemme | Self-Improvement
These 177 Motivational Success Quotes by John Di Lemme will radically change your life! You will discover how to empower the champion inside you, demolish procrastination, achieve lifestyle freedom, annihilate fear, strengthen self-belief, and drive out indecision by speaking these powerful quotes out loud and hanging them in front of you to stay empowered and focused. "There are circumstances in everyday life that can either build you up or tear you down, and this book is my daily guide to building myself up, no matter what comes my way. That's why this books stays with me wherever I go!" - Mark Smith, Construction Company Owner, Florida
Michael E. Ruge | Body & Spirit
Written with you in mind.The quotes are positively infectious - tiny "wake-up" calls that will supercharge your spirit.To attract and inject positive energy into your life, Quote-A-Quote is for you.This great, little book demonstrates that the essence of your success rests in what you believe.
Matthew Roberts | Philosophy
Small but potent. Enjoy 70 of the most motivational quotes ever in this little booklet.
Steven Grabek | Body & Spirit
By definition, motivation means "that which motivates, that which makes us take action toward our desired goals; and gives purpose and direction to those actions". This free eBook discusses the foregoing, as well as the loss of motivation when procrastination dominates.
Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. | Psychology
Read hundreds of quotes, carefully selected from more than 12,000 entries in 1,300 discussion threads. Includes quotes from family members--parents, children, spouses, colleagues, friends, and acquaintances, all discussing their experiences with abusive and controlling narcissists with whom they have had occasion to live or interact with in their lifetime.
Mark Zedler | Erotica
The ultimate source for the best sex quotes around! Featuring over 200 of the best sex quotes and illustrations that are organized into 30 categories for quick and easy reference, this e-book covers it all: Dirty sex, bisexuality, money, chastity, the Tao of sex, safe sex, relationships, and more!
7thkingdom.com | Body & Spirit
Memorable quotes that aim to inspire between the lines.
Mark Fleming | Games
A little book of 99 quotes converted to code. The basis of the code is alphabetical and each letter is the same number of steps away from each other letter in the English alphabet. Have fun.
Daniel Roth | Self-Improvement
Quotations collected over 30 years of speaking and writing on serving others. The second half of the book contains stories and thoughts collected over many years serving as a special needs camp counselor, Sunday school teacher, small group leader for children in crisis, and as a family advocate at a crisis shelter.
Judi Saunders | Self-Improvement
Short meaningful quotes on intuition, inspiration, initiative and innovation. Applying these quotes to your life and they will help lead to your success.
Molly Larkin | Self-Improvement
A collection of 86 inspiring quotes to lift your spirits.
José Manuel | Business
Invaluable Rogue Financial Wisdom: If you’re looking to acquire deep financial savvy and have fun in the process, then this book is for you. It contains a collection of the most notorious, infamous, jocose and valuable insights about money, investing and trading that you can find. Learn and laugh with the likes of Jesse Livermore, Warren Buffett, @GSElevator and Jim Cramer.
Lin Stone | General Non Fiction
American politics might not ever recover from you reading this volume of Raw Wit And Wry Wisdom. This Book of Quotations and original content is designed to be read like a humorous novel, one verse at a time. The author has achieved a balanced view by the careful juxta-positioning of material with its peripatetic opinion counterpart.
Clint Cora | Marketplace
200 of the most profound motivational quotes compiled by motivational speaker, personal development author and karate world champion Clint Cora. These words of wisdom passed down from individuals all the way from ancient times to the present will help keep you on track for your life goals.
Chibuike E. Wogu | Magazines
Zig Ziglar once remarked, “People often say motivation does not last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” It is this daily need for motivation that prompted me to compile these healthy inspirational quotes from great and inspiring thought leaders of our generation and to share them freely with you in an eBook format.
Ismael D. Tabije | Business
Filled with excellent business and management-related quotations. Enjoy it today!
Ernie Zelinski | Business
Positive quotations about work for the professional speaker, journalist, author, career adviser, life coach, and connoisseur of great quotations.