January 27 is celebrated as International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust. Books listed below, provide diferent perspectives into one of the most dark periods of history. Please share with your contacts and spread the word.
“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
—Elie Wiesel, Holocaust Survivor; Nobel Laureate.
Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programm | Gender Studies
JEWISH WOMEN PERFORMED TRULY HEROIC DEEDS DURING THE HOLOCAUST. They faced unthinkable peril and upheaval -- traditions upended, spouses sent to the death camps, they themselves torn from their roles as caregivers and pushed into the workforce, there to be humiliated and abused. In the face of danger and atrocity, they bravely joined the resistance, smuggled food into the ghettos and made wrenching sacrifices to keep their children alive. Their courage and compassion continue to inspire us to this day”. BAN KI-MOON, UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL
Harvey A. Schwartz | Fiction
Could a Holocaust take place in America? A prominent Boston civil rights lawyer looks into a not-too-distant future in which Homeland Security justifies actions against a new band of terrorists: Israeli and American Jews who survived a nuclear attack that has destroyed Israel. How would America treat terrorists who are not Muslim, but Jewish, and how would American Jews be likely to react? Download this FREE e-Book today!
Jacobo Schifter | Human Rights
"It was so interesting with the facts and fictions, also I liked this satirical and ironic approach. Even more as a native German I found the book a very unusual apprehension of german-jewish history." A historical novel and a thriller based on a PhD Dissertation from Columbia University. The book reveals dark secrets of Nazi plans in Central America to take over the Panama Canal and the hidden lives of both Nazis and anti Nazis, Americans and Germans who were trapped in love and hate stories. But the book is also a plight for women`s, Jewish and Gay rights.
Manfred Mitze | Fiction
Walter Herzog was born in a small town outside of Frankfurt to an emotionally detached mother and a Nazi-sympathizing stepfather at the tail end of World War II. Teenage Walter and his pals come to school drunk and oversexed; eventually, they skip classes altogether to make out with girls and earn drinking money. Over the years, restless Walter finds himself loving numerous women. He gets drafted into the German military and relinquishes his service by claiming pacifism. Later, he discovers marijuana and finally settles with a beautiful girl, Hilde. But a stable relationship isn’t enough to stave off Walter’s mounting depression and intense desire to find meaning. When he and a friend visit the United States in the late 1960s, he falls in love with an unlikely place—Oklahoma City.
Aileen Friedman | Romance
Peggy, Audrey, Dorothy, and Maisy; Four young ladies, four young friends studying Physics at University get recruited to join the Special Signal Services to serve their country as Radar Operators. At twenty years old they embark on exciting, sad and nervous times during World War II. They fall in love, they dance, they get challenged in many ways, but mostly they are bonded together by a tight camaraderie with the other officers serving at the Silversands and Hangklip Radar Stations. The story begins when Audrey, Dorothy, and Maisy sit under a Weeping Willow tree in a park opposite the cemetery. They fondly remember Peggy, their precious lifelong friend of sixty-two years. Their grandchildren, are sent to look for them but instead of taking them home they sit on the luscious grass under the Weeping Willow tree and get transported back in time as Audrey tells them one of the greatest love stories of all time. Audrey tells them the love story of Lt. Harvey Newsome and Sgt. Peggy Hatcher. But it is so much more than a love story between two people. It is a story of faith, hope, happiness, tragedy and immense despair. It is a story of a group of people that depend on God to bring them through trying times and to remain faithful when it seems impossible.
Gary J Byrnes | Drama
Everyone must die during dessert. Can Sophie save New York and the world? In the dying days of World War Two, Nazi rocket scientists were spirited to America to give the United States a strategic edge in the atomic arms race. Some of the Nazis built a secret empire in New York, founded on looted art and gold. Fast forward to today. Emboldened by the rise of right-wingers and the broken economy, the Nazis plan to take over the Presidency, destroy Wall Street and enslave the world. Launching their coup at a King Louis XVI-themed art banquet. Sophie, a Manhattan chef, is asked to cook for the President at the feast. Her ex-lover, art expert Jacob, will be served as the main course. A sexy, thrilling tale of great food, classic art and the meaning of beauty, love and life.
Central Intelligence Agency | History (Academic)
Soviet military planning for conflict in Europe after World War II from the outset harnessed East European military capabilities to Soviet military purposes and assumed operational subordination of East European military formations to higher-level Soviet commands.
Tommy Coleman | History (Academic)
This thesis explores how the initial defeat of the French army in June 1940 would eventually allow the Vichy French time to aid the Allies in the defeat of Germany. Subsequent request by Marshal Pétain for an armistice with Nazi Germany was followed by a collaboration with the Nazi regime with the attempt to maintain some degree of French National Sovereignty.
Judith.O.Purver | Gender Studies
At the core of the murder of six million Jews is the chilling truth that a great number of “ordinary” German people were implicated in the genocide, whether through active involvement or compliant inaction. The desire to know why so large a number of people contributed to the evil of the Holocaust has led to discussion of the acts of different groups within the German population. However, with regard to the perpetrators and bystanders there has been little or no discussion of the moral responsibility of women.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum | Sociology
This pamphlet explores examples of armed and unarmed resistance by Jews and other Holocaust victims. Many courageous acts of resistance were carried out in Nazi ghettos and camps and by partisan members of national and political resistance movements across German-occupied Europe. Many individuals and groups in ghettos and camps also engaged in acts of spiritual resistance such as the continuance of religious traditions and the preservation of cultural institutions. Although resistance activities in Nazi Germany were largely ineffective and lacked broad support, some political and religious opposition did emerge.
Alexander Zielinski | Politics
Part-1 Bible Prophecy: Anti-Christ, WW-3, ‘Jesus Christ’s’ return. Part-2 Involved Nation’s and Leader’s: Iran, USA, Israel, ISIS, Russia, Palestine, China, Syria.Part-3 Mid-Easts effect upon Creation, Energy Beings, Astrology Effect, Balancing Energy in this Region, Alien Connection. Part-4 Religion’s Role in the Mid-East, Children are the Key, Pope, Mind-Energy Healing, illuminati, Muhammad.Part-5 Nostradamus Prophecies concerning WW-3, Anti-Christs, ‘666’ Mark of the Beast. Part-6 Nuclear Weapons, One World Government, Jewish Holocaust, United Nations, Energy Beings Influence, Media Downfall, World Trade Organization. Part-7 Terrorism: 9/11 (Twin Towers, Pentagon) attacks.
P. J. Dunn | Fiction
High Cotton (a slave's tale) MAAFA, THE AFRICAN HOLOCAUST AND THE SURVIVAL OF A TWELVE YEAR OLD BOY. "Riveting tale of a twelve year old boy kidnapped and sold to Dutch slave traders and his strength, and determination to be free." Kidnapped from his home, along with his brother, sold into slavery, Manni was determined to not only survive, but to overcome the torture and atrocities heaped upon him and his people by the ruthless Yoruba Warriors, then the Dutch slave traders. Somehow, in someway Manni touched the heartstrings of a rough, tough, barbaric ship's captain. But then, he was given over to the humiliation of the slave auction, purchased by a Plantation owner, where he spent the next eight years in servitude to his master. Civil war, southern defeat, emancipation, and he suddenly found himself to be free. He left the plantation and returned to the only other life he knew, the sailing ship, the Albatross.
Rochelle G. Saidel | Academic Articles
In 1999, for the first time in twenty-nine years of conferences, the Annual Scholars’ Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches presented a plenary on women and the Holocaust. As co-chairs of this plenary, Dr. Myrna Goldenberg and I decided to feature recent scholarly books on the subject and to entitle the session “Women’s Holocaust History: Books in Print.” The occasion was historic beyond the fact that the subject was deemed important enough for a plenary, because, by early 1999, a core of “books in print” had made possible a session with such a title.