Entrepreneurship isn't simply about having a great idea. We hear those form all sorts of people all the time. It's rather about implementing these ideas, having the courage to follow-through, often through thick and thin and persevering all the way. As so much goes into the process, we've put together this wide variety of important resources to help you along the way. From Business and Marketing Plans, to grasping basic accounting principles, to the art of selling, managing and of course; getting that little boost of motivation when the chips seem down. We hope these will aid in what could be one of your most rewarding journeys. To your success! Your friends at Free-eBooks.net.
John Di Lemme | Marketing
These 17 strategies will teach you how to close more sales by opening long-term relationships with your clients and implement specific techniques to explode your bottom line results.
NewbizCoach | Business
In this book, Sean Castrina, author of "8 Unbreakable Rules For Business Start-up Success", will share the path to successful part-time entrepreneurship.
Jason Navallo | Self-Improvement
We’re all searching for success, but what does it actually mean? Thirty entrepreneurs & executives share their answers and advice, including Craig Newmark (Craigslist), John McAfee (McAfee Software), Timothy Draper (Draper Fisher Jurvetson), and Maria Clawe (Microsoft). Learn to apply their proven insight and methods for success into your own life!
Tom Hua | Business
Chances are you've probably heard those words before. . ."Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan." Sounds like a pretty good proposition. . . if you are a high powered financier. But, what does that have to do with a small business? Truth be told, it has everything to do with the success or failure of your business. Without a well charted course, odds are that your business has already arrived at a destination.
Leon Van Keulen | Body & Spirit
When did you decide to live the life that you are leading now? When did you decide on the job that you have, and against the job that you want? When did you decide that the money you make now is all that you can make? Did you decide? This FREE e-Book focuses on your future and how the decisions that you are making today will create your future.
Terry Clark | Self-Improvement
How to start your own business with little or no money. This book will equip women with the necessary tools to get started toward entrepreneurship and owning their own business. All the information you'll ever need with no stones left unturned... Start full-time or part-time.
David Ashdown | Business
Do you have a great idea, hobby or interest that you would like to turn into a Business? If so, this guide could be for you. Written by professional business advisors, mentors and consultants who have all 'been there'. With useful tips about how to start, what to look out for and how to market and finance your business, this is a handy guide to keep around.
Cory Gabel | Marketplace
This book was written to help small business owners quickly create a comprehensive small business marketing plan that gets to the core of what their business is really about. It’s the combination of years of experience, hundreds of client cases, and the best strategies from dozens of books, speakers, consultants and gurus all distilled into a 64 page book.
John Di Lemme | Business
In this book, John Di Lemme shares proven, time-tested secrets that will assist you in developing long-term relationships with your clients that will explode the bottom line results of your business.
Ashish Bhagoria | Business
This book explains Psychology and Management, which are analogous to each other. Psychology and Management are two very important aspects of life, in general and in business. Psychology plays a vital role in all aspects of management, be it at home or in business.
Ravindra Kathale | Business
This book is written with young, technically skilled, young first generation entrepreneur. It discusses merits of starting one's own business and several considerations before starting the business. it discusses what kind of businesses have a better chance of surviving, moral obligations of an entrepreneur, examining business idea, preparation of business plan, marketing plan etc.
Boundless | Economics (Academic)
This textbook covers: Accounting Accounting Information and the Accounting Cycle Financial Statements Overview Controlling and Reporting of Cash and Receivables Controlling and Reporting of Inventories Controlling and Reporting of Real Assets: Property, Plant, Equipment, and Natural Resources Controlling and Reporting of Intangible Assets Valuation and Reporting of Investments in Other ...
Ron Taylor | Business
Your Millionaire Opportunity reveals the 17 principles of creating wealth in today's global marketplace. Written by noted author and entrepreneur, Ron Taylor.
David Samuel, The Entrepreneur Monk | Psychology
A practical way to sort out conflicts we experience daily. This book is about understanding the human mind and personality. Why do we do what we know is bad for us yet do not do what we know is good. What the basic nature of the mind is, how it came to be in its current condition and how any defects can be corrected for it to function according to its potential rather than sputter through life.
Jason Navallo | Self-Improvement
Thrive: 30 Inspirational Rags-to-Riches Stories shows the power of perseverance to achieve unbelievable success. Follow the stories of ordinary people who overcame adversity to become wealthy entrepreneurs, innovative businessmen, and famous artists, including Jim Carrey, Eminem, Vin Diesel, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Charlize Theron, Ellen DeGeneres, Mark Cuban, and Jay Z. Never give up. Thrive.
Richard Duszczak | Self-Improvement
A collection of motivational cartoons and quotes that will inspire you to keep going when the going gets tough! Cartoon Motivators will keep you focused on your road to success. Richard Duszczak (Pronounced Du-shack!) is a reasonably well known cartoonist in the United Kingdom, on a mission to become a reasonably well known cartoonist in the world. (And when he achieves that he'll up his goals to become a EXTREMELY WELL KNOWN cartoonist in the world...etc!)
Darren Wilkins | Business
You have a business idea but don’t know where and how to get it off the ground? Learn where to start, about naming your business, different business structure types, marketing, and writing a successful business plan.
Long Yun Siang | Career
Discover how to set aside one day per week toward learning 52 new ways to improve yourself and your work. Then simply reap the rewards in the year to come.
Chris Farmer | Self-Improvement
Discover the essentials for success in leadership, communication, handling difficult people, planning, and motivation. Download it today!
Ron Taylor | Network Marketing
This is the age of the home business entrepreneur, and it is possible to achieve extraordinary wealth working from your kitchen table, or while sipping a latte in your favorite coffee shop. “The Latte Millionaire” is a story about a home based business entrepreneur who meets a successful network marketer who uses “new school” online network marketing strategies to achieve financial success.