As October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, here is a list of insightful books which tackle this challenging topic . For more on Breast and other Cancers, we encourage you to visit the Nation Breast Cancer Foundation at or the National Cancer Institute
From all your friends here at Free-eBooks.net we send "Hope, Courage and Strength"
Therese Swarts Iverson | Body & Spirit
“The biopsy shows a malignant cancer.” Six words that changed my life forever. This is the book I needed the day. It offers support and advice on negotiating a minefield of possible medical error lying ahead. It answers questions and insight for coping, surviving and healing. it is a book for every woman diagnosed, and for every man or woman who loves her.
National Cancer Institute. | Medical (Academic)
Literature from the National Cancer Institute on the care and support given to cancer patients along with patient's feeling upon knowing of the diagnosis and effect to family members.
National Cancer Institute | Medical (Academic)
Information from cancer survivors about life after cancer. Practical ways of dealing with common problems and guidelines for managing your physical, social, and emotional health.
Liberman, Laura | Academic Articles
An anecdote about the a cancer doctor surviving cancer
National Cancer Institute | Medical (Academic)
This booklet is about medical care for women with breast cancer.
Stuart Wolfe | Health
Are you playing Russian Roulette with your health? Do you suspect that you may have cancer but have been ignoring the symptoms hoping they will just go away? It's hard to believe that people would actually ignore something that important, doesn't it? But it happens. Thousands of people die every day of cancer related illness. The sad thing is that many of those premature deaths could have been avoided with just a little bit of knowledge and early detection.
Wang Zhen Guo | Health
Discover how Western and Eastern medicine have joined forces to fight cancer. Includes the stories of 100 cancer survivors from around the globe, as well as focus on cancer-fighting natural medicines.
Renee Robinson | Poetry
I received a one-way ticket from Hell: “Congratulations. You have colon cancer” ..... Stop..... Breath..... Colon cancer? “Please watch your step and enjoy your stay”. .... What?..... Breathe, remember to breathe..... As I read the words over again, I was transported into another world. A demon named Caner has dragged me into his lair. I am surrounded by death, misery and despair. I am chained inside his chamber. Desperately, I look all around. I am trying to find Inspiration.
National Cancer Institute, | Medical (Academic)
This booksaims to explain that concerns of cancer patients may be eased if they learn of ways to help themselves.
Bassam Imam | Fiction
Jody Wilson, a highly-intelligent and vivacious cat continues her tale from the Jody Wilson Stories. She meets new friends from the human and animal kingdoms. She must also endure a close friend's diagnosis with breast cancer. Also, she hears backbiting and envy from some of the characters in the book. ***DISCLAIMER***: this book, while of a fictional and humorous nature, does have descriptive scenes of a possible offensive nature. Parental discretion is advised.
Bonnie Wills | Health
More and more people are being diagnosed with major illnesses like cancer and diabetes. Could it be that the cause of this increase is simple as the foods we eat? Could the major corporations who manufacture the foods we consume be putting ingredients into their products that cause diseases like diabetes and heart disease? If it is true, is there anything we can do about it?
Jamie Florian Stacy | Health
Free guide providing you what you need to know about breast cancer and tips on how to manage and overcome it.
National Cancer Institute | Medical (Academic)
Describes the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) current activities in breast cancer and discusses important research directions and activities needed to conquer breast cancer.