This Best Book Collection For Children is the perfect gift for your child, especially if you are looking for a book to help them achieve their goals. This book would be an excellent selection for people who want to gain knowledge, a great reference book, or just want to read a good book.
Eric EH Buddhadharma | Free Previews
This book has been written keeping your child in mind. With the passing of time, life for children is becoming more stressful and competitive. Children are supposed to grow quickly and learn all what they can quickly too. Our children are changing; with undue stress, they are turning violent, morose, depressed, self-centered, disrespectful, rude and selfish. In other word, they are turning different by the day. This book will positively help the child change his attitude towards the world he lives in. Either you may read this story to the children while explaining it to them.If the children can read and understand English well they may read this book independently. This story is about a boy in Japan who was rude and stubborn. He lost his parents at an early age.
Frank R. Stockton | Short Stories Classics
Thonias Hewlings Stockton, clergyman, wrote fantastic tales for children under the pen name Frank R. Stockton. He also wrote books for adults. Among his amusing books for children Rudder Grange is the best known. The Lady and the Tiger is one of his most popular works.
Uncle Amos | Youth
Children's Book : Johnny Goes to the First Grade. Bedtime Stories Book for Children 's good night & bedtime story E-book collection. For children ages 3- 8. your need to read this book because it's a story about learning, growing up and the value of working with animals. Do you want to ease tension preschoolers have before going to school for the first time? Starting school is a great idea - a way for children and parents to explain the process and make it something to look forward to instead of dread! (Grady Harp) "I would recommend this book to the little ones who are about to start school - they will see that there is a lot to look forward to." (Alinka)
Chris Mawson | Short Stories
Rocky the Roo and the Big bush fire-Join Rocky on his high-speed adventure as he runs for help to save his town from a big bush fire. A fantastic short story adventure book for children about Rocky who lives in out back Australia. When a bush fire strikes Rocky jumps into action. Will Rocky get help in time? Will his town be saved?RUN with ROCKY and find out.
V. M. Hillyer | Children's Classics
One of the finest history books for children, this well-loved Hillyer classic features stories of world history from prehistoric man through the 20th century, inspiring an appreciation of how events relate to one another.
Michel Poulin | Sci-fi Fantasy
CHILDREN OF TIME is the third novel on the adventures through time of Nancy Laplante, a Canadian war correspondent from 2015 and the co-founder of the Time Patrol in the 34th Century. While Nancy fights to preserve the integrity of history while becoming a mother at the same time, Ingrid Dows, the timeline twin of Nancy's adopted daughter, becomes a fighter pilot in 1941 in order to help defend the Philippines against the Japanese, thus starting a glorious career of her own.
Sergey Nikolov | Youth
Two children's stories with beautiful illustrations! 1. The Legend of the Black Sea - an unforgettable story which shows that strength of will is above everything else. 2. Mommy - an unforgettable story where good and bad are both done in the name of love.
I. Zangwill | Psychology & Culture
The folk who compose our pictures are children of the Ghetto; their faults are bred of its hovering miasma of persecution, their virtues straitened and intensified by the narrowness of its horizon. And they who have won their way beyond its boundaries must still play their parts in tragedies and comedies—tragedies of spiritual struggle, comedies of material ambition—which are the aftermath of its centuries of dominance, the sequel of that long cruel night in Jewry which coincides with the Christian Era. If they are not the Children, they are at least the Grandchildren of the Ghetto.
Michal Wimmer | Parenting/Children
Children’s drawings offer a unique opportunity for understanding their inner world. The shapes, lines and colors in the drawings are all parts of the child’s individual puzzle. In depth analysis of children’s drawings will reveal fascinating insights about their personality, talents and difficulties they may be experiencing at school, kindergarten and home
| Parenting/Children
Download this FREE e-Book, and discover how much fun you can have while helping your children learn math! Download it today!
Paulo Coelho | Psychology & Culture
“Stories for Parents, Children and Grandchildren” is a stroll through the universal traditions and legends, lulled by the unforgettable magic words “Once upon a time…” This book by Paulo Coelho contains joyful, amazing and dramatic stories for readers of all ages. Most of them recount traditional legends and tales from many cultures. Included are also stories inspired by the author’s personal experience and episodes from the lives of celebrated names, as means of reflection.
Dr. Juice | Youth
Join Mia and her younger brother Liam on an adventure to get home after a shipwreck in the mysterious exclusion zone. The children explore cultures long cut-off from humans with a little help of a fairy guide Ava. They learn about the drawbacks of greed from the dwarf kingdom and uncover the secrets of the rich elves that have no money. What is the key to the wealth of the elves?
E. Nesbit | Children's Classics
The classic book, The Railway Children, by E. Nesbit.
E. Nesbit | Fiction Classics
The classic book, Five Children and It, by E. Nesbit.
Jon Bard | Writing & Publishing
Dreaming of writing a children's book? Here's an authoritative, easy to follow roadmap direct from the editors of Children's Book Insider, the Newsletter for Children's Writers.
Robert S. Swiatek | Fiction
"Save The Animals And Children" is a sophisticated children’s book about Western New York, specifically a few areas there that have been trashed by corporate pollution - adults are welcome to read it, too. Sadly, it applies to so many areas of our country. It’s Wendy’s first book, dealing with amazing animals and their synergy with two-legged animals. Besides woodchucks, you’ll read about a beagle named Annabel, a cat name Purrrl – that spelling is correct as Vanna had some extra consonants – a few deer and some wild turkeys. You’ll also be introduced to numerous other four-legged creatures, including lions named Christian and Elsa; a beagle named Barnie; four other dogs named Ace, Boo, Buddy and Marley; an extraordinary cat by the name of Oscar.
Munir Moosa Sewani | Parenting/Children
Download this FREE e-Book for a collection of moral-based stories for children, aimed toward helping them develop their ethical perspectives. Download it today!
Mohammad | Poetry
This book has over 3000 poems! With poems for reading in a bus or in a hurry! Poems for children and adults. Beware-This is too amusing! There might be some repeated lines and Blank pages by the way...
Dr. Yew Kam Keong | Parenting/Children
Every child is a creative being. The challenge we have as parents, teachers and caregivers is to tap that creativity and maximize a child's potential. This is no small responsibility. The closer we come to nurturing that creativity in our children the greater the potential for raising a global network of happy adults. Once children reach the age where they are launched into the world via public education they are suddenly burdened with the pressure to succeed. Parents and teachers alike turn their focus on getting good grades rather than succeeding as a human being. This focus on academic excellence is extremely damaging to children.
Jeffery Opoku | Religious
To feel embarrassed by a gift of God is weak-willed nature and to such weaker souls, the Lord pardons every time. But if there is ever one gift God will never embarrass us with, then it is children or the fruit of the womb. Children are a gift from God and the fruit of the womb thereof his reward. It is a must read for all the sons and daughter of the kingdom especially those seeking the fruit of the womb. It a must read for all Christian parents especially couples seeking the fruit of the womb.
Stephanie G Wallace | Short Stories
Please enjoy these great stories, fairy-tales, fables, and nursery rhymes for children. They help kids learn to read and make excellent bedtime stories! We have hundreds of great short stories for kids to enjoy. Hello I am looking for the name of a children's/young adult book which had a collection of stories/fairy tales in it, one which is about a woman in a cloak walking.
Paul Audcent | Short Stories
My short stories for children of all ages...
Theodore Roosevelt | History (Academic)
A collection of letters to his children
Jules Verne | Children Classics
In non-English speaking countries this is most known Jules Verne's book and it is probably his best book, full of adventures and humour.