Iakovos Alhadeff | History
The Silk Roads are the trade routes that connect Asia to Europe and Africa since the ancient times. Due to their importance of the Silk Roads for trade there were many wars for their control over the centuries. The following chapters refer to some of these wars. Each chapter is and independent essay, which was written at different date and...
Allan Bukusi | History
This book traces the triumphant, treacherous and turbulent tale of leadership in Africa through centuries past to the present day. Africa in 2005, was the only continent to have become poorer in the last forty years. The call for a decisive leadership development strategy for a prosperous tomorrow emerges as an urgent reality and a pressing...
Bill Brady | History
The author approaches this subject on several levels: grand strategy, the difficulties of coalition warfare, the personalities of the commanders (some of whom disliked each other more than they did the enemy) and analysis of the major battles. Recognising that wars in the last analysis are decided by the commanders, he describes the...
Bill Brady | History
Bill Brady has already demonstrated, in his previously published works, that he is able to relate important war history in a manner which keeps the student of history avidly reading ever on wards and devouring the knowledge which has been imparted by this master historian. In respect of experienced and active historians the narratives they are...
Bill Brady | History
US Pacific Victory in World War Two is about engagements that changed the course of the war In the Pacific. The outcome of these major battles was decisive. The results depended on the calibre of men, material, leadership in the field and staff work, culminating in atom bombing. A strategic action that saved millions of lives.
Michael Erbschloe | History
In 2014 Monica Lewinsky began utilizing her experience with a 16 year old wave of abuse and shaming for one greater campaign she is now crusading for, Cyber bullying. Since she was the first person to have their reputation destroyed over the internet, she declared that she would now use her experience to help others deal with cyber bullying and...
Terry J. Walters | History
When Terry Walters joined the Florida National Guard he never imagined that one day he might find himself fighting a war in the Iraqi desert. His training and experience had prepared him for handling domestic disturbances, such as crowd control during riots in Miami or helping with the aftermath of Hurricane David, but how well had it prepared...