Archi Mackfly | Body & Spirit
Living an abundant life is available to all individuals on this Earth and it all depends on the mindset.You will find an abundant, happy and fulfilling life once you are fully aware of your thoughts and your ability to change your thinking process.Know that anyone can successfully access an abundance mindset and achieve whatever they deeply want...
Joel R. Evans | Health
This special edition, fully updated, is dedicated to the Lustgarten Foundation. Thanks to president Kerri Kaplan for the wonderful forward to the book. Surviving Cancer and Embracing Life includes...
Archi Mackfly | Health
Superior Brain Health’ is the ultimate guide for those who want to boost their brain power and protect their brain health so that they can be focused, alert, and solve problems creatively.You’ll discover how to maximize your cognitive abilities, increase your IQ, and avoid cognitive diseases like dementia.
MRR | Health
Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about biohacking briefly explained, what is biohacking, what should you focus on, banish blue light, invest in a sleep app, seek out the sun, use a light therapy box, sleep-friendly food hacks, acupressure mat hack, how does an acupressure mat work, binaural beats and music therapy, how do binaural...
Archi Mackfly | Body & Spirit
Visualization is the key to creating the life of your dreams that is full of happiness and accomplishment.Visualization’ is the ultimate guide for those who want to use the unique power of their imagination to change the course of their life and design their future.Most importantly, this blueprint will help you overcome the common obstacles to...
Angelia Griffith | Health
When it comes to fat burning, you definitely want to do it two ways, and that is naturally and quickly. The quickly part is easy to explain. Everyone wants to burn their fat as quickly as they can...
Kevin Nnochiri | Health
During the lockdown, it was gathered that the increased time people had to spend with family andto be idle couples with the lack of gym facilities and an upset to fitness routine intensified eatingdisorders in some persons. Some persons could not access their prescribed diet and had to rely onfood that was not compatible with their health...
Archi Mackfly | Body & Spirit
What Really Is The Law Of Attraction? - How The Law Of Attraction Works. - Overcoming The Default Process. - Opportunities And Luck. - Applying the Law of Attraction Step by Step. - Money And Wealth Manifestation With The Law Of Attraction. - How To Handle Challenges And Failure. - Balancing Your Inner And Outer Self. - Why The Law Of Attraction...
Annette de Jonge | Body & Spirit
The Earth has been visited for eons by various species of aliens, recorded by many cultures through legends and ancient art. Reading this book you may wonder have I, the reader, had an encounter that has been blocked from memory? This book offers clues, ways to find out.Alien implants, nocturnal visitations by extraterrestrials were part of...
Richard Clarke | Body & Spirit
Richard Clarke has practiced mindfulness meditation for over 35 years. The last few years he has taught this to people who want to establish an ongoing meditation practice. This book is based on the weekly Mindfulness Meditation sessions conducted online over Zoom in 2020 and 2021. It will take you for the initial stages to the deepest depths of...