Short Stories Books

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Showing results: 1-10 of 575
New England Sketches

New England Sketches

Mike Bozart | Short Stories
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The first one, Maine, Mainly, takes place primarily in Bar Harbor. Such an atypical, starkly scenic, rocky coast for the American Atlantic. The second one, Jōhatsu to Portsmouth?, is actually short enough to qualify as flash fiction. So many intentional self-vanishings. The third one, Eudaimonia...

The Dutiful Contract Killer (and other nice stories)

The Dutiful Contract Killer (and other nice stories)

Richard Stan Brown | Short Stories
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This is a small collection of short stories. It starts with the story of the dutiful hitman who, unfortunately, knows his victim very well.

Wild Body Wild Nature: THIRD EDITION

Wild Body Wild Nature: THIRD EDITION

Tom Wallace | Short Stories
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Through our bodies we meet the world and through our bodies we meet each other. These ideas alone mean that how we relate to our bodies makes a big impact on our sense of identity and whether we accept ourselves and others. But how does all this relate to nature? It’s this question in...

SW ORE Tales

SW ORE Tales

Mike Bozart | Short Stories
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An octet of random short stories set in southwestern Oregon.(2021)

A Girl and  her red notebook

A Girl and her red notebook

D.A.Sanford | Short Stories
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One day, a forgetful twelve year old girl left her red notebook on her stoop and went to play. An elderly man picks it up and writes in it about adventures. For the next six years he writes her tales but leaves mementoes to verify that these are really not made up. At age eighteen she receives his...



Tom Wallace | Short Stories
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A revised an expanded version of the original work.

Grub Hotel

Grub Hotel

J Bennington | Short Stories
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Have you ever needed a moment of rest and the only place available had a strange name but take it or leave it was the choice. Grub Hotel is not the best name for a traveler’s choice. However, it is appropriate for a hotel with an extra special room that only exists when a miracle is needed. Some...



Alina Udrea | Short Stories
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This is a short story about an uncanny friendship between an android and a half-android, about friendship and sacrifice. If you like it, please leave a comment, thank you :)

Turn - A Short Sci-fi Story

Turn - A Short Sci-fi Story

Steve Watson | Short Stories
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The year is 1994 in the Nevada desert. On a drive out into the desert from work, a normal guy named Blake Rutter encountered beings from another dimension. This leads to questions about his mental health and whether he is telling the truth. The events he experiences are shocking, but he has help...



Ina Disguise | Short Stories
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Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The story winds its way through the world of trans ideology from the origin and purpose to the end user, with a little dusting of family dynamic and religion. The fun and easy way of seeing the framework behind the most extensive attempt at manipulation of society we have ever seen or are likely...