Short Stories Books

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Showing results: 21-30 of 575
Sandman’s Rainy Day Stories

Sandman’s Rainy Day Stories

Abbie Phillips Walker | Short Stories
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Princess Cantilla lived in a castle like most princesses, but she was not a rich princess, for her father had lost all his lands and money by quarreling with other kings about the length and breadth of his kingdom and theirs.

Skit-Tree Planet

Skit-Tree Planet

Murray Leinster | Short Stories
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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The communicator-phone set up a clamor when the sky was just beginning to gray in what, on this as yet unnamed planet, they called the east because the local sun rose there. The call-wave had turned on the set. Bob Wentworth kicked off his blankets and stumbled from his bunk in the...

Down the Line With John Henry

Down the Line With John Henry

Hugh McHugh | Short Stories
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Kee Barclay, Jim Wilkinson and I were leaning over the counter talking to His Nobs, the Hotel Clerk, when Dan the Dyspeptic squeezed up and began to let a peep out of him about the pie he had eaten for dinner.

Easy Come, Easy Go

Easy Come, Easy Go

Edwin L. Sabin | Short Stories
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A delightful story of a real Westerner is here set down in engaging fashion by the gifted author of “The Devil of the Picuris” and “Three Black Hills.”

The Stroller

The Stroller

Margaret St. Clair | Short Stories
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All sorts of things come in on a space freighter. Even in the old days grocers were always finding twenty-foot pythons curled cozily inside bunches of bananas from South America; and what sort of undesired stowaways do you suppose you get when you have a cargo of tongarus from south Venus...

Underground Movement

Underground Movement

Allen Kim Lang | Short Stories
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A mangled corpse held them captivein that dark tunnel beneath the Earth\'ssurface—and taught them a lessonabout what freedom really means!

The Guest Rites

The Guest Rites

Robert Silverberg | Short Stories
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Carthule was not the Earthman\'s god, but Carthule protected him while he was a guest in the temple—even if he tore the temple down!

The Gently Orbiting Blonde

The Gently Orbiting Blonde

John Victor Peterson | Short Stories
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Anti-gravity may be hard to handle—but a woman scorned is still harder!

Magic Words: A Tale for Christmas Time

Magic Words: A Tale for Christmas Time

Emilie Maceroni | Short Stories
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lady, wrapped in a warm plaid, who had been anxiously waiting for some time, took the arm of her husband, with a few low words of delighted welcome, and they walked briskly away. The dogs of the younger party barked with glee—were patted and caressed.

Crossing the Line | Friends and Benefits

Crossing the Line | Friends and Benefits

Saumya Singh | Short Stories
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Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Crossing the Line:He was a black man, with grim features and a face so stern, he would’ve scared the Devil. My years have taught me not to judge by appearances, that looks are deceptive, but some looks… have the ability to horrify.Only, he couldn’t have scared the Devil. He was ItFriends...