When Things Keep Going Wrong (Transforming Adversity) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 1 - The Dynamics of Adversity

The dynamics of adversity could be described as not only negative, but packed full of ‘positive potential’. As with all human energy, for each dynamic that births into existence, simultaneously its equal and polar opposite also exists. While there is a definite science behind this, please allow us to maintain simplicity.

That is positive adversity coexists alongside adversity.

However, before we move onto that, let us now understand the two major elements that birth, create and fuel negative adversity:

1 - Limited ‘conscious’ understanding.

2 - Distorted perceptional awareness.

Please do not misinterpret the word ‘limited’ as a negative suggestion, as once the human mind is bypassed and limitations are viewed for what they really are. That is, in our understanding, the word limited signals an opportunity for personal and professional growth and development. Furthermore, and when all three words are put together. That is ‘limited conscious understanding’, it then becomes a statement of fact that when approached with open curiosity, the dynamics can and do radically improve life.

However, and as mentioned above, the first system to bypass is one’s own mind, which really is just a form of conditioned thinking.

What is this conditioned thinking and where does it come from?

Conditioned thinking can be thought of like bringing a puppy into a home, where basic training takes place. That is, toilet training, living habits, food times, and many other forms of etiquette. Eventually the furry friend will become conditioned to the ways, and the animals mind will automatically become conditioned to think the way it has been trained.

Although higher up the evolutionary ladder, as humans we appear to operate in a not too dissimilar fashion. That is, to shape, carve, and mold. During childhood, one must rely upon parents, peers, and their entire environment for initial conditioning. By adulthood, the individual mind has been conditioned to perceive and believe a certain way. As conditioned thinking uses perception, and perception is highly subjective, it ends up working to a person’s advantage, or more often than not - to a disadvantage.

Furthermore, perception, and conditioned thinking overtake and consume intuition, and eventually the idea of ‘human consciousness’ becomes alien. It is a vicious circle, yet one that is easily rectified.

However, where human consciousness originates from we do not profess to know. Though what we do know, is that consciousness is now allowing itself to become understood. With this, there is a common knowledge that the mind is not consciousness, it uses consciousness to create life and reality, but it is not pure consciousness. With this in mind, your consciousness creates a perception of all things in existence, and it is this perception that goes onto govern you. When you think, believe, analyze, judge and opinionize, consciousness is being used to power your perception, but it is not who and what you are.

So who are you? And who is in the core, who is at the inner of you?

The truth is, you do not know right?

Exactly - The truth is you, me, we, do not really know who we are, yet here is a known paradox. You already know that you do not know who you are, at the same time you know that what you are is all there is. In other words, the stuff that runs through creates and maintains you, is most likely the same stuff that is in all there is. Though we say “most likely” only because it is not yet proven, and we say stuff’, though we really mean human consciousness. Nevertheless, you know it exists, because it is you. Yet as an individual we cannot admit this to ourselves simply because it means you might not be a separate individual, therefore you would not be who you say you are, right?

Phew!!!! Yes, upon first read it is quite taxing, though please stick with it because this is the conditioned thinking spoke of earlier that requires bypassed. As conditioned thinking and perception has convinced the mind that it is the creator, the mind must be bypassed to access the real source of creation, i.e. conscious awareness. Though please consider that this is not a real conflict because ultimately you already know and are aware that there is a source of creation running through you. What distorts this source of energy is the sub-unconscious identification with perception.

OK, now that is out of the way, it is time to highlight the dynamics of why and how adversity happens.

1 - Lack of conscious understanding

We only need to study past science, philosophy and history to know that there are set principles, strict parameters, and definitive dynamics that rule the entire universe. What has distorted our belief and made these principles confusing is other humans interpretations of these dynamics.

Whether one believes or dispels, accepts or rejects, the laws of the universe appear to be the laws of the universe. It is said that “reality can bend a man but man cannot bend reality” (author unknown), and while we cannot quantify this as a definitive truth. Our own studies have shown that when one does indeed change the self, than the fabric of their reality also changes.

Though, this is not a suggestion of insignificance, as on the contrary, without people, there is no existence. Though what is meant is conscious or not, lack of awareness means the individual in question has no other choice than to live life submissive to their own reality. This does not mean they are low, stupid, or uneducated. It simply means that if consciousness cannot permeate the individual to a level whereby they can innately perceive, then they are naturally governed by enslavement.

An individual caught up unaware of their own awareness can be likened to that of a dog chasing its own tail. Like the dog does not recognize its own tail, the individual does not recognize its own awareness.

That is, they have no conscious or innate awareness of why and how things happen. These individuals could be wealthy, highly educated, poor, or desperate - it appears consciousness does not discriminate. However, what prevents an individual perceiving their own truth is their very own mind, beliefs, ego, and perception, etc.

As an example only, what follows is a highly extreme but brief true story...

On a sunny afternoon, Judy returned home to find her husband had tragically taken his own life. Initially she was horrified, and hardly able to bear the pain. With no understanding of why, she felt anger amidst the pain. Why Jack, why her, why, why, why? With the passage of time, came loneliness, and with aloneness came self-reflection, which in turn began to reveal answers.

Answers equals awareness, or better stated the raising of conscious understanding, and while it is not everyone that gets to understand why a loved one took their own life, there is always a reason why. If we do not know that reason, it is a lack of understanding of our own conscious awareness and there is indeed something that is yet to be understood. Nevertheless, this does not signal that future suicides are inevitable, as what is to be understood will surface elsewhere in life.

In the case of Judy, it took three long years of self-reflection to consciously concede to her inner self. In doing so, she came to the conscious realization that although it was a very bitter pill to swallow, there were constructive understandings to be gleaned. She also became aware that without these understandings, she would not be the compassionate person that she is today.

While it is easy to say, events naturally carve and change people, and that is true. There is an understanding that provided ‘conscious awareness is consciously developed’, then a large degree of negative adversity need not happen.

That is, from every adverse event studied, not only could they be traced back to their origins of conception, with conscious understanding, they could also be rewritten.

While this may sound like science fiction, assurance is given that this is nothing more than everyday life and reality. When adversity happens, it is happening because of past actions and reactions, and it will go on happening until whatever the required understanding permeates the individual’s consciousness.

Being subject to a world of duality, means that we are largely connected to the motivators of pain and fear, desire and love. However, the two most common drivers that propel and move individuals, groups and whole nations forward appear to be fear and pain.

Nevertheless, please do not despair, as there is another human driver that is much more powerful than the motivator of fear, and it will be revealed to you a little later on.

When ‘limited conscious awareness’, is referred to, what is really being said is this:

Imagine seeing a building and someone asks what the interior is like, but you have not yet been inside. This does not mean you are uneducated, or stupid. It simply means there is a limited awareness of the building and with a little conscious effort. That is, in viewing the interior, you acquire conscious knowledge - which is referred to as an expansion, or raising of consciousness.