When Things Keep Going Wrong (Transforming Adversity) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 2 - Distorted Awareness

This is a follow on from limited conscious understanding as no matter how much conscious awareness one has, if their perception is distorted then only a delusional reality can ensue.

Though how do we know when reality is delusional?

Generally speaking, when an individual is deeply attached to desired outcomes, and those attachments are founded upon core fears, then a delusional reality ensues.

For instance, we all find humor with the wannabe pop star who sings like a cat, but is convinced that the judges, and audience of thousands are wrong. There are those that have grand idea of being the world’s best entrepreneur, yet lack the most basic and essential business acumen, and there are those that begin life with the dream of a fairytale, yet end up with real life crises, anxiety, and depression.

Delusion is a bi product of wrong perceptional awareness, and wrong perceptional awareness is a bi product of negatively perceived experiences. Negatively perceived experiences are a lack, or limitation of conscious understanding, and so it becomes a vicious, self-perpetuating cycle. Perception is like a bicycle and it needs to keep perceiving in order to maintain itself. Like a bicycle needs wheels, a chain, gears, and a frame to move. Perception requires sight, sound, taste, touch, or smell, coupled with intuition, which then goes onto form beliefs, attitudes, opinions, and judgments, etc.

Imagine a worker named Duncan, who is managed by his boss named Greg. If Greg has perceived Duncan as a lazy man, then every time Greg comes into contact with Duncan, his first thoughts will be ‘here’s lazy Duncan’. In a sense this is correctly functioning perception and unless something drastic were to happen, Greg would always perceive and believe Duncan to be a lazy man. However, it does not mean that Duncan is a lazy man, it means that Greg's perception of him is lazy, and this is where perception catches us out.

Though what is powering perception is human consciousness and here lies another of life’s paradoxes. That is, human consciousness is used to power perception, yet whether conscious, sub, or unconscious of this consciousness. This consciousness appears to allow unconditional free choice, and it does not seem to discriminate. Yet when human consciousness is raised to a level of being aware of itself, it can then be used to not only power, but CHANGE the dynamics of the very perception it is powering.

It is with this very knowledge and understanding that we come to see that with every adverse event and experience, life is trying to tell us something. That is, wrong perceptional awareness creates the wannabe pop star that sings like a cat, but for his own long term good, he is being notched in the right direction. In his pursuit for delusion, positive adversity creates an equal and polar opposite event to show him or her their own truth. That is, he or she will experience disappointment, pain and even fear until they come to the same conscious understanding as both the judges and the audience.

What they perceive to be an adverse event, is in fact their bigger picture of life and reality trying to convey through positive adversity. Yet pain and fear as positive motivators are only ever perceivable when we move to the bigger picture mode.

However, as humans are largely disconnected from their own consciousness, and deeply attached to their perceptional mind and individual self, there is little choice but for “1overall consciousness” to convey these messages through drivers and motivators of fear and pain.

Yet it goes further. Overall consciousness is not something that is outside or separate from the individual self, yet to point and date, there has been little understanding of it. Overall consciousness is you and it is our suggestion that until this is recognized, accepted and embraced, then adverse events will continue to happen. Though please note that these are not personal opinions, or wild judgments as our studies have shown that when ignored, denied, or disbelieved, adverse events deepen, even compound until ones awareness consciously makes a choice to change.

Though delusional thinking stems from real life past events that have been perceived as a negative and then overlaid with energies of desire. That is, he or she becomes desperate for stardom because of negatively perceived past core experiences, that have long slipped away from the conscious, even subconscious self and the paradox is, until this core associated experience or experiences are addressed, both fame and fortune will elude.

For example, he has become desperate for fame and fortune, which is really just a core energy likely to be insecurity bleeding through as insignificance, then guising and cloaking itself as an energy of desire. Or she hankers after fame and fortune because she thinks fame and riches will bring her the happiness and fulfillment that her core fears are propelling her into believing.

Yet none of these are their own truth and both their live’s and realities will continue to reflect adverse events until the core of their desires are unearthed and dissolved. If this were not truth, then fame and fortune would not elude and they would indeed become wealthy and worthy in an instant. Yet at their core, they will both be connecting to something that is amiss.

It is this “amiss” part that is hidden away from their conscious self, and requires conscious engaging to unearth and dissolve.

However, overall consciousness is extremely dynamic and will allow an individual to approach life like a fairground bumping car, either the car avoids others working out the correct path, or bumps away endlessly until such a time its route is carved. Either way, it will find its path and free will appears to allow life and reality to unfold in a not too dissimilar fashion.

Nevertheless, please do not imagine that because you know of insecure people who have made it big, because there is an understanding that their associated core fears were not overshadowing their innate desires. This is a very important factor, so please refer to Module I Can’t Do It, Yes I Can, (Transforming Fear) for a detailed explanation of associated core experiences, fears, attachments, and how to dissolve and transform them into self-propelling motivating energy.

It is fair to say that at some point, most all individuals will meet with and experience some form of delusional thinking, and what sets us apart is the recognition, or rejection of this. Though what really makes a difference is when we turn on ourselves with our own conscious intent.

It can be nauseating to hear that, in order to enjoy good health, financial freedom, harmonious relationships, and longevity, one must become humble, less egoic, and selflessly serve others. These words are written and preached over and over again, yet the reality is, implementation appears delusional.

So how does one end the loop of delusional thinking, that is, how do we dissolve adversity and see it for what is really is - positive adversity?

Well, we will come to that as we progress, though for now, there is a common fact that delusional thinkers experience more adversity than balanced thinkers, and it appears to come down to one single factor - conscious awareness.

This simply means that the individual is more conscious that their inner dynamics are influencing and contributing to the creation of their objective reality. They may not fully understand the exact system of dynamic interactions, yet they have acquired and mastered enough skill to make life and reality work for them.

Yet, whatever the level of consciousness, all appeared to be experiencing highly subjective realities.

So is delusional thinking really responsible for adversity?

This can be answered in studying other cultures. For example, in the west it could be considered delusional to consciously pass through a red traffic light and expect to reach the other side safely? Yet in China it is common practice to ignore red traffic lights, and expect the reach the other side unscathed. While the west may hold the perception that this is ‘delusional thinking’, the east have no awareness of such a thought process.

The bigger the lack of awareness, the more severe the adversity.