Religious Books
ВИТА воздаст благости мысли. Завету внимая, тайны откроет. Ее резонанс – дань Православию. Ныне и присно.
Risale-i Nur müellifi Üstad Bediüzzaman Said Nursi Hazretlerinin öz kardeşi, on beş sene ondan ders alan talebesi ve “mühim bir alim” dediği, İşarat-ül İcaz ve Mesnevi-i Nuriyeyi Türkçe’ye tercüme eden, eski Diyanet işleri Reisi Ahmet Hamdi Akseki’nin ‘Dünyada böyle...
You Are A Bestseller
In every person is a book and the readers are those who hang around you. They are reading you and learning all the great attributes of life that they want to be associated with from you. God wants you to be a bestseller. This book will tell you how.
One Heart; One New Spirit
“ONE HEART; ONE (new) SPIRIT”WALKING with the LORD—GROWING in the FAITHEzekiel 11:19 “Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in My statutes and keep My...
Aramaic and Hebrew the Languages Spoken in 1st Century CE Judea
The author is an enthusiastic student on the Jewish Roots of Early Christianity and he worked for 35 years as a Christian Pilgrims Guide in Jerusalem. The research is based on the latest archaeological findings in the Judean Desert. English and Spanish versions in the same eBook.
God's Countdown (3983 BCE - 2017 CE)
Out of the chaos and confusion following the fall of Babylon (USA - UK), Antichrist (666) will manifest himself with an intensity of iniquity greater than ever before. The assembly of confederated nations united with the 8th head is the new superpower, » another “Babylon” (the meaning of...
God's 7000 Year Agenda
Due to the HOLY BIBLES manifold dates (one’s lifetime, begetting age of the first son, coronation as king, reign as king etc.), the Bible facilitates the creation of a gapless chronology from the creation of Adam to the end of “self-governance of the nations” and the rise of Antichrist...
Tafsiirka Quraanka Kariimkha Ah Jiska 28aad
TAFSIIRKA QURAANKA KARIIMKA AH, Jiska 28aad. Suurat At-Taxriim ilaa Suurat Al-Mujaadalah. 66: Suurat At-Taxriim. 65: Suurat Adh-Dhalaaq. 64: Suurat At-Taghaabun. 63: Suurat Al-Munaafiquun. 62: Suurat Al-Jumucah. 61: Suurat As-Saff. 60: Suurat Al-Mumtaxinah. 59: Suurat Al-Xashr. 58: Suurat...
Tafsiirka Quraanka Kariimka Ah Jiska 29aad
TAFSIIRKA QURAANKA KARIIMKA AH, Jiska 29aad. Suurat Al-Mursalaat ilaa Suurat Al-Mulk. 77: Suurat Al-Mursalaat. 76: Suurat Al-Insaan. 75: Suurat Al-Qiyaamah. 74: Suurat Al-Muddaththir. 73: Suurat Al-Muzzammil. 72: Suurat Al-Jinn. 71: Suurat Nuux. 70: Suurat Al-Macaarij. 69: Suurat Al-Xaaqqah. 68...
Wake Up America
A real live visitation to Heaven. It was not a near death experience. In vision I stood before Our Lord. He said to bring as many as humanly possible to him.