Religious Books
The Scroll
“Whoever wins the victory will receive this from me: I will be his God, and he will be my son”.
On Entering Deen Completely
A unique exposition on Orthodox Islam. The author presents the religion of Islam as it is practiced by the majority of the Muslims around the world.
As tot As of Stof tot Stof?
Hierdie boek lees vinnig en slaan hard. Dit is spesiaal geskryf vir diegene wat suiwer Bybelse antwoorde soek wat verband hou met verassing en die tradisionele grond begrafnis. Die boek is kort, tot die punt en draai nie doekies om nie!Baie christene glo dat die frase:“As tot As”van Bybelse...
Vessels: Are You Fit For the Master's Use
It is an all time classic about character and the anointing and how to coordinate or couple an anointing virtue with the right character. It also explains how to become fit or qualified for any heavenly or earthly assignment especially for the Master's use.
Cahaya Penuntun
Sebuah bacaan yang disusun dari surat-surat dalam Al Quran dengan urutan kronologis penurunan, dengan maksud untuk membangun pemahaman dari fondasi yang paling dasar sebagaimana generasi pertama yang mendengarkan langsung dari Nabi Muhammad selama penurunannya lebih dari 20 tahun, Dan sesuai...
Grenepages Issue 4
It is not a world just wary of the thief's coming. It is an already raided place. Jesus was right on point when he said about the thief, that he comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. Daily, sometimes all their lives, men are robbed and killed. Lives are being destroyed. One would want to ask...
How to Share your Faith with People of Other Faiths: A Study in World Religions
In sharing your faith, be prepared for a great overview of the Christian faith and understanding how to share your faith with other religions by actually understanding very quickly and simply what they believe and why. When people say that they believe in Jesus, who is the Jesus they are...
Divine Reflections in Natural Phenomena
Divine Reflections in Natural Phenomena explores how spiritual realities can be glimpsed in the world of nature. The Psalmist sings: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They...
Ni nyakati za giza kuu ulimwenguni. Maafa na maasi yanatisha kuharibu Dunia. Lakini idadi chache ya wateule wanaoamini wanakuwa viongozi baada ya mabadiliko yaliyo tikisa ulimwengu kufuatia mageuzi na kuwepo imani na upendo. Riwaya hii, inayozingatia utabiri halisi ulio kwenye Bibilia, itafanya...
Churchianity vs Christianity and Fair Dinkum
Two radical Christian comics by Dave Mckay. Churchianity vs Christianity is a comic book paraphrase of Galatians. It uses modern situations (e.g. A church building instead of a synagogue and reference to baptism instead of circumcision) to bring Paul's message forward into a 21st Century context...