Religious Books
The Greatest Achievement in Life
The greatest achievement in life? Living in conscious oneness of ultimate reality, found in Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Kabbalah, Sufi, and comparative mysticism. This ebook summarizes many similarities among those five traditions and outlines mystical approaches to life.
The Seven Churches
A look at the letters of John to the 7 churches of Revelation
The Story of the Cross
The Story of the Cross is a story about the Passion of Christ Jesus told from the viewpoint of the Cross. The story begins on the Mount of Olives outside of the City of Jerusalem and ends with the Resurrection of Christ. It is a story of sorrow, forgiveness and the undying love Jesus has for all...
Another Inconvenient Truth
If scripture doesn't tell the truth about history, science, and the observable world, then it can't be trusted when it comes to morality and the unseen spiritual world; who came up with that idea? Many secular people today claim that you shouldn't believe anything unless the evidence supports it...
Two Trees in Eden
The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden was a representation of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Truth, the Life and the Way. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden was a representation of the Law of Sin and Death. When sin is conceived it brings forth death. Today these two...
The Vagabond Spirit
The story of the Vagabond Spirit began outside the Garden of Eden when Cain slew Abel in a jealous rage. Because of his sin, God drove Cain from His presence to wander aimlessly throughout the Earth. The Vagabond Spirit influences and controls the lives of many unsuspecting individuals. Without...
A Cry In The Wilderness
Today there is a war being raged between the forces of good and evil--between Light and Darkness. This war will culminate in the downfall and destruction of many nations. There are certain Prophetic events which will transpire which will usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ. Today there is...
The Rise and Fall of Christianity - The Self Destructing Church
Satan's assault on Christianity has been successful, which is why the perceived church is ultimately destined for a great fall. Our current reality is that the church is now hurdling towards extinction, and the proof is found in this book. But, rather than adding my personal opinion as to why this...
We Need the Crown and Not the Cross
We cannot have the crown without facing the cross, we live in the world where everyone wants the crown but not the cross.My modern world…The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less...
Grenepages Issue 5
If we had ears that ear, eyes that see, and minds that comprehend the revelations that God give each moment, would our race not be smoother?Think about it. The power of revelations in the life of a Christian cannot be over-emphasized. God does well to talk to us about things past, present and...