Eric Diehl Profile

A student of all things, Master of none...
A questionable turn on a time-worn cliche, but fairly apt--a jack of many trades. Perhaps it began with the custom van built in the long-haired days of the early 70's--an old school bus with an engine salvaged from the junk yard. Or with the dozens of motorcycles ridden, broken, repaired and ridden again. Eric has built furniture and guitars, he's screen-printed t-shirts and created package design for bottled soap. He's thrown newspapers and he's written software for corporations large and small-- for a time working from the wandering RV he and Sue called home. He does website design and he's published motorcycle and RV travel articles. He earned a pilot's license and he built and flew a gyro-copter over the cane-fields and beaches of Florida. He's penned tunes and published Sci-Fi/Fantasy short stories and a first novel, Water Harvest, with Double Dragon Publishing September 2011.
After more than three decades in south Florida, Eric and his lovely wife Susan moved to the Upstate region of South Carolina, where the nearby Appalachians beckon two-wheeled leisure. When cranky knees allow it, bicycling is a favored indulgence--more often, these days, on a recumbent. Motorcycling remains a passion, justified at least in part by instructing a course in motorcycle safety.
He was likely a cat in a previous life, as there's an undeniable affinity. He looks odd, and children feel some connection when they watch him skate past on his three-wheel Trikke.
The truth is, Eric is still working out what it is that he'll do--after he grows up.