Increase your Leads by 100% with 23 Lead Generation Ideas by Anurag Mehra - HTML preview

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2. Split-Test your Call to Action


The first thing to ask is “Do you have a call to action (CTA) that prompts users to give you their name and email address?” If not, then you need to create a button and optin form that clearly identifies what you want your visitors to do.

While you may have a few different CTAs on a page, you need to know which one works best. The only way to find out is by running split-test on your CTA and your optin.

Sometimes the smallest change can end up with staggering results.

For instance, “Have you split-test with different button colors yet?” While most people encourage red buttons, perhaps your website will convert better with a green button. The color that converts best is the one that stands out!

Another way to split-test is to add different locations of your call to action buttons. It is perfectly fine to have a call to action at the bottom of the page, but sometimes your readers may not make it to the bottom of the page.

Follow the basic principle of ABT (Always be Testing), and you will continue to see improvement.