Foods That Dry on High and Completely Satisfy by Tony Mokbel - HTML preview

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If you’re a big fan of traditional jerky, you will absolutely love our Bison Jerky recipe. The recipe has a tinge of modernism, but is steeped in rich Native American history. Step back into the days of Squanto and enjoy our Bison Jerky, by following the steps below.


First, you’ll need to collect your supplies. These will be listed below for your convenience. Take note that this recipe will provide you with approximately 2 pounds of bison jerky!


  • 4 pounds beef – should be sliced very thin to about 1/8 inch
  • 4 tablespoon of chopped garlic
  • 2 tablespoon crushed red chile
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 1 ½ cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon liquid smoke
  • Optional – 1 tablespoon sugar


Step 1


When you’re ready to begin, you will want to grab a zip lock bag and throw in all of your ingredients. At this point, the aroma will fill your nostrils and you’ll salivate uncontrollably. Unfortunately, you’ll need to allow the ingredients to marinate for 24 hours.


Step 2


After the duration has passed, you can remove the meat, rinse it thoroughly and use paper towels to dry it.


Step 3


Now, it is time to cook your meat! Be sure to utilize your favorite dehydrator. Using a low setting of below 200 degrees is recommended. The meat should be dried for 5 to 6 hours, but this will vary depending on your dehydrator and the specific temperature used.


Step 4


After the duration has concluded, you will want to remove the meat carefully and store it in an airtight container. Using a vacuum packer or throwing the meat into zip lock bags is recommended. Once the meat has dried, you will be able to feast on the delicious Bison Jerky!