How I Accidentally Became A Size 8 - An 8 Week Program To End Dieting by Jasmine Skee - HTML preview

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There were times when I would punish myself with diets, exercise and unhealthy behaviour in order to reach that coveted “size 8” I only dreamed about.  Then, when the happiness I expected to feel when I reached my desired size wasn’t there, I would return to eating again.  It was a vicious cycle of control, restrict, binge, control, restrict, binge and so forth.

In September 2013, three things happened that set me on the road to change.

First, I discovered Brene Brown’s book, “Daring Greatly. ” In her book, she introduced me to the term “numbing” – something we all do to distract ourselves from the act of feeling.  I had been distracting myself with a lot of things including working insane hours, having a fun but overly busy social life and the big one – eating.

Second, I registered with a new doctor and had to face the numbers when I weighed myself for the first time, in a long time.  I weighed 7kgs more than what I thought I was; and what I thought I was, was 5kgs more than what I should have been.  I blamed the scales for about five minutes, LOL (Laugh Out Loud).

Third, I had dinner with an ex.  I watched myself speaking, my actions, how I felt (it was weird but it was like there was three of us at dinner - me observing the two of us inter-acting).  I saw a woman that didn’t love herself.  Someone who had used food as a way to numb herself from accepting that she was not perfect, that she indeed had faults.

I had read the books, done the courses but I finally knew what was missing, SELF-LOVE.  I walked away from that dinner and committed myself to change.  It was simple - I wanted to love myself.

Twelve months later, I am a Transformation Coach.  This had always been the plan even though I had a very successful career in Marketing.  I knew I would become a coach, I just had to work through some key challenges so I could coach with integrity and of course the biggest challenge I faced was my relationship with food.

This 8-week program has been written because I know that a diet is a Band-Aid on the symptom of using food to numb our emotions.  Unless we get to the root cause of overeating, we will never resolve our issues with food.

Food doesn’t make us fat, eating when we aren’t hungry makes us fat.  Eating when we are tired, lonely, bored, happy, sad and angry makes us fat.

So, a bit about my personal coaching style: I’m passionate, results driven and my guidance can change your life if you choose to implement it and if you truly want to change.

I believe in the power of holistic health and taking care of your mind, body and soul.  This 8-week program incorporates this.

Having worked in the heart of London for eight years, I know how challenging it can be to discover and maintain the perfect work/life balance.

Prior to being a coach, I spent 18 years in the corporate world as a Marketing Executive, working for some of the biggest brands in the UK, Europe and Australia.  This program has been written based on what both my clients and I have done to end the dreadful dieting cycle.

I am a qualified Mind Calm Meditation Coach and have also trained with Britain’s foremost expert of happiness Robert Holden on Coaching Success.  I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Science, a Masters in Neuro Lin-guistic Programming and a Level 3 Certificate in Reflexology and Healthy Eating and Wellbeing.

This program will give you the tips to change your thought patterns and habits, along with explaining how our body works when it comes to food and exercise.

There are also some exercises you need to do so we can change your habits.