You Can Do It! by Andreas Boskugel - HTML preview

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3. The law of attraction

What exactly is this ominous law of attraction?

This law is based on the scientific findings that a thought is a physical measurable occurrence which must cause an event.

In quantum physics it has clearly been shown that consciousness is required to create matter. If consciousness is not present then only a “flood of offers” is recorded. Not until consciousness is present do these offers change into matter.

It is essential at this point to understand that the whole universe is made up of vibrations. Everything is vibrating. There is nothing in the universe which doesn't vibrate. This book is also vibrating, every color, sound, smell, as well as every event and every piece of matter vibrates. Your thoughts are also vibrations, are measurable energy. The law of attraction forms occurrences and matter from the vibrations of your thoughts, it allows other people with similar vibrations to enter your life and people with other vibrations to exit it (“birds of a feather flock together”). Since really every thought must have some sort of effect, there is no such thing as a trivial thought.

It's important to note that you do not vibrate according to your present thoughts, but to the content of your subconscious! Your subconscious stores every single thought, every single feeling over the course of your whole life! This is a huge amount of information. It is your “being”, it is who you are: you emit these vibrations out into the universe which responds to them on a one-to-one basis. The first law of thermodynamics says that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it merely changes its form. Every thought is quantifiable energy, which obviously cannot simply “disappear”, but is changed into a corresponding occurrence.

Actually the term “law of attraction” is not appropriate because it does not attract: that would mean that it is taken from somewhere else. The “law of creation” would be a more fitting term. How can you attract illness? That would mean that the cancer or gout is pulled to you, it implies that it comes from somewhere and is now no longer in that other place, such that another can no longer have it. But also in this case there is enough for everyone because you have created this illness! Just as you have created love and thereby situations which are loving and very pleasant to you. These are situations you create; if you were to attract these, others would receive less love because you already have most of it. This is of course not possible. If this were the case, then it would also have to apply to all areas, including wealth and poverty. Wealth and poverty, health and disease, love and hate: those are all just vibrations that you alone create with your daily thoughts!

The thoughts you create produce a feeling with certain vibrations. Your thoughts and your feelings are an inseparable unit, which then create an occurrence and your world is then created that matches your thoughts.

It's no different with wealth: you don't attract it, instead you produce it with your “being”. Your thoughts about wealth create wealth in the external world. If this wealth had been attracted, it would have to be pulled away from elsewhere. Many people might not understand this since they believe in limits. But surely we must agree that today in Western civilization more people live in greater wealth than they did 300 years ago and far fewer in desperate poverty than at that time. Even though people on the political left deny it, the times of real poverty as was the case 200 or 300 years ago when people were starving or dying from a lack of medical attention, have long since disappeared. No one in the industrial countries is that poor anymore.

Even Africa is on the way to experiencing more wealth; travel to Mombasa, and you will see many people with mobile phones and their own cars. In Asia the rise in the standard of living is even more noticeable.

In the dark past people would have called today's Western lifestyle paradise! This paradise, which they could only have dreamed of at that time, has existed for a while now. Food in great abundance would have been paradise on earth for peoples of the past. So, great wealth has simply been created! It was created by people using their thoughts. And this is exactly the way you produce your wealth as well, which means no one else has to become poorer.

If someone became poorer just because someone else had just become richer, then someone would have to become ill just because someone else had become healthy. We create every single situation in our life ourselves. And even if everyone thought about wealth, it would never be used up. In our universe, energy is endlessly available and is turned into matter by means of our thoughts. Albert Einstein has given us a wonderful formula: E=mc2, which says that not only can matter be converted into energy, but also energy into matter. As it has been proven that an endless amount of energy exists, this also means that there is an endless amount of material goods available at any time. These goods are produced by the vibrations your subconscious emits.

Sometimes when I watch other people and see everything they are fighting against, I ask myself why. You never have to fight! Fighting itself already implies a lack of belief that you will get what you wish for.

The only fight that you should fight is the one against yourself. And that's not a fight either, at least not when you concentrate solely on improving the content of your subconscious. That is the only activity with a legitimate guarantee for success! Things will gradually change and everything you have ever longed for will effortlessly flow into your life!

What is wealth? Do you think that Bill Gates has 700 million 100 dollar bills in his cellar? His wealth is electronic numbers in an electronic account.

If Bill Gates would now start to think constantly about poverty and at the same time experience a great fear of loss, then the value of the Microsoft shares would drastically drop. He could lose billions within a few weeks. Others who own a lot of Microsoft shares but who don't think of poverty would have already – out of an impulse – dropped these shares. This could be seen in the case of the German millionaire Maschmeyer who sold his AWD (one of the largest financial companies in Europe) shares – based on an impulse – directly before the financial crises began. If you don't think of poverty, then you can't experience it. If you don't believe in fraud, then you won't experience it. You yourself are the creator of every single situation in your life.

Knowing this is so powerful, so groundbreaking, so earth-shattering in a way that no other statement ever was. You think that the discovery of the wheel was significant? Or the discovery of electronics or the internet? No way! The most important knowledge for you is that you alone can create everything that occurs in your life with your thoughts. You have created it yourself! Be honest: you don't need to know anything else in life. Why do you need to know the capital of every country? Or the names of the first 20 US Presidents? That's useless knowledge which at most would help you in a quiz show. But what's the use of stuffing your head with such useless data? These days any normal person can go online at any time and find all the knowledge that mankind has accumulated over time.

So why burden yourself in this way? If you know that all you have to do is persistently change the content of your subconscious, then you have all the knowledge you need for a truly wonderful life.