You Can Do It! by Andreas Boskugel - HTML preview

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2. Introduction

Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they form your character, watch your character, it becomes your fate.

Every person I know would openly agree with this sentence as it makes real sense and at the same time bypasses various ideologies. Almost every person with at least some common sense simply has to agree with this sentence, no matter what religious or political persuasion. Everyone understands that without any words, thoughts cannot be formed, that without thoughts, actions cannot be taken, no matter how small they may be. You can't even go to the bathroom without consciously or unconsciously thinking about it beforehand.

It's therefore all the more surprising that hardly anyone understands the full consequences of this statement, for this statement can be shortened by leaving out the middle, then you are left with: Watch your thoughts, they become your fate!

Far fewer would agree with this statement; they would tell you about how others are to blame and how difficult they have had it and that they can't do anything about the turn of events in their life, it's only that they ended up with the wrong partner, and took up the wrong profession, etc.

What happened? Everyone agrees with the first sentence, but hardly anyone with the second one, even though they are basically the same sentence, the second is simply abbreviated. Due to its length, the full statement basically softens the real meaning: Watch your thoughts, they become your fate…tells us in seven words a truth that feels like a resounding slap in the face of our life: I alone am responsible for what happens in my life!

Most of us are brought up with “worldly” ideas. Hardly anyone has been lucky enough to be confronted with profound truths when growing up. So almost every one of us is brought up on beliefs about how difficult life is, how unfair the world is, that you can't have everything because coincidence, luck and misfortune decide whether you lead a happy life or one which you wouldn't even bestow on your worst enemy. And most of all, we learn that others are to blame for everything that happens to us!

If someone has led a rather modest life, with some ups and downs, then this person usually has a whole slew of excuses ready about why they have not led the life of their dreams. Of course, others are to blame: the parents, the spouse, the boss, politicians, the difficult times, coincidence, luck and misfortune. It is only ever others or invisible all-powerful responsible parties who are to blame, or banal leftist ideology is used to detract from their own failure.

It's exactly this attitude which people then pass on to their children, who as a result only have a small chance of developing better, more independent and responsible thoughts. A child is a blank slate who has nonsense written on it by their parents and this influences them so much in their childhood – because it is more or less the foundation of the mind – that only a few have the strength to overcome this influence.

You have this strength and that's why, no matter where you are in life:

You are a winner! Because you are here now!

I've often been criticized for my views, criticized by so-called “moral people”, who have replaced their common sense with leftist ideology. The criticism that I have received opened my eyes to the fact that many people still have a great deal to learn when it comes to understanding how the world operates.

Many just can't detach themselves from the medieval paradigm which dictates that matter exists and you have to somehow deal with it. That is, however, an extremely shallow approach that claims that I only believe in what I see. This is not only a very shallow, but also a very facile, view.

Everyone believes in a number of things that are invisible whether it's radio waves or gamma rays. People turn on their televisions as a matter of course and make phone calls without thinking about the invisible rays which are in use. It's normal and fits in with their world view. But the love of a person can also not been seen, nor the energy of a thought which you produce on a daily basis. This energy is nevertheless there, and – in accordance with its quality – affects your life. It's simply a scientific truth, which continues to be deliberately ignored because acknowledging the law of attraction is not possible without a paradigm shift in your life.

Of course, you can't acknowledge the law of resonance and then continue to claim that others are responsible for your life. So moral people and mainstream physicists will continue to pretend that quantum physics doesn't exist as it just doesn't conform to their world view. But it isn't until a person has accepted the truth that they themselves have created – through the content of their subconscious, that they will gain the freedom to be, have and do everything that they want to be, have and do.

As long as others and coincidences or an ill-fated life or an evil-minded God are made to blame for what happens in their lives, people will not be able to open up to their God-given gifts.

So they will continue to judge, denounce, prejudge, envy, hate, deny, etc. But in the process they will become ever greater victims who feel inferior. And this is exactly what will cause greater hate and resentment.

My critics formulated their objections something like this: This is a cold inhumane ideology that completely disregards cooperation and compassion.

This opinion is based on my insistence that every person has created EVERYTHING that occurs in their lives because it is merely the universe's response to what THEY THEMSELVES have radiated! This means that a sick person has also created their own illness, just as a victim of violence has created these course of events themselves, otherwise they would not have entered their life, in fact, COULD never have entered their life, according to the law of attraction.

And now many people who don't understand this law believe that it is beneficial if I pity the victim and condemn the alleged perpetrator. By doing so, however, I am strengthening the victim's opinion that they are helpless and as a result they will create even more of these undesirable situations.

At this point I would like to stress that of course it is right to help a person in an emergency situation and to show your compassion if they need it. But there's a difference between, on the one hand, pitying someone by singing in the chorus of those condemning the alleged crime and, on the other, helping the person by comforting them and revealing the true cause of the events as being the power of their thoughts.

Not until people recognize their own responsibility and are blessed with the knowledge that every event in their life was self-created will they be capable of leading the life they long for. If everyone internalized the law of attraction, they would no longer be able to create envy, hate, jealousy and other highly destructive emotions. Why should you feel hate or envy when you know that every event in your life is something you attracted or created yourself? Imagine a world free of envy, hate, jealousy – in this sort of world neither criminals nor war would exist.

Weapons do not kill by themselves, it is a person's hate that does this and a belief in scarcity, a belief in limits that leads to this crime.

Many of my colleagues will tell you that you should change your thoughts in order to change your life, but I say that's not possible. No one can leave the house in the morning thinking completely differently than they did the day before. That's because your thoughts are essentially influenced by your subconscious. So, someone with a poverty mindset will have completely different thoughts when, for example, they see a beggar, than someone who has a positive attitude towards money. You have to change the content of your subconscious to even be able to think different thoughts!

It has been scientifically proven that the subconscious radiates 50 times stronger than the brain, so it is your job to change its content.

Clear step-by-step instructions on how to do this is what you'll find in this booklet.