The Pot Hole by David Grey - HTML preview

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Universally inescapable.


There is no hiding from the exposure to drugs and regardless of age, race or geographic circumstance drugs are an integrated part of modern life.

It is impossible to escape the inevitable reality that drugs have permeated every geography and social class.

It is one area where the average person will be exposed or introduced to these illicit substances, so the legal classification shift that we are seeing globally is even more important.

The best someone can hope for is a balanced recreational use that currently still has great stigma.

The nature of marijuana is that it does not provide motivation or the need to change; a condition that marijuana users often suffer.

I personally found once the door was open it was very hard to close.

The general perception of pot smoking is partying and laughing with friends but the truth for me was one of isolated use and a tool to combat the further isolation of unemployment.

This situation almost felt inescapable and at times deeply depressing.

Drugs and drink are never a good solution to anything but a combination to get high then escaping the day or tackling any issues.