The Pot Hole by David Grey - HTML preview

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The last forbidden fruit.


The simple fact that marijuana is essentially illegal and hard to acquire only makes it more appealing.

This hurdle, plus misinformation regarding its effects, means that the first joint you smoke opens the question to why has this been the forbidden plant for so long?

The social peer pressure and the rebellious coming of age story whereby ones passage to adulthood is almost defined by the crossing the bridge into alcohol consumption, smoking and drugs is a script that is universal.

The very nature of social desire to fit in and assimilate with the cool kids and rebels is too attractive for most young people to resist.

These people are glamourized in popular media and celebrated but is does not mean its suitable behavior for most people. No one is smarter or improved by any of these vices.

The simple fact is cigarettes, alcohol and drugs have all been revealed as having negative health and financial consequences so ironically they are far more anti social than can ever be explained.

Getting drunk or high makes social situations more complicated and potentially problematic.

As it stands the legal issue is clear in my mind; that incarceration is inhumane but this does not deal with the very real dangers of social issues arising from dependence and essential pacification of frustrated rebellious young people chasing a good time.

The simple truth is no one is enhanced or improved when under the influence of drugs and the danger with Marijuana is the self-medication element for pain relief is still essentially illegal.

The initial laughs and pleasures of appreciating food, sports, sex and sleep throws the user into a classic preacher role. It’s easy to remember that pot is a fun and recreational activity and getting high with your friends, the fresh perspective it brings to novel experiences opens a huge door.

Where that line is drawn a user must be very disciplined about and more importantly identify what is not enhanced with pot use. More easily said than done.

The research follows and highlights its non-toxicity and potent medicinal qualities so that throws a user into a new arena.

It’s natural to walk blindly into a world of trial and error, where pot slowly incorporates itself into the every day.

Because there’s no overdose line, weights and measures can be very easily adjusted the switch was too easy to dust some pot into my cigarette like adding some sugar to your tea. It was all too natural.

My lack of concern about pushing it to the point of overdose meant that my tolerance of it as a day-to-day habit quickly grew.

The week would pass in a blink of an eye, and a month passed with very little being achieved.

Smoking a pure joint and blowing ones mind is most people’s first experience followed by the paranoia associated with getting caught. This is quickly followed by a healthy respect and a more measured approach to consumption.