The Diary of a Fat Chick: Fat Loss Guide by S.K.Alexis - HTML preview

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As women it’s natural to carry few extra pounds and in many cultures it is considered attractive.However if your body fat percentages goes over a healthy range it could lead to some health and confidence issues.


Gaining fat could come from a lot of things such as eating junk, pregnancy or even emotional eating most of us tend to fall in the emotional or boredom eating category. However do not despair, if you really want to lose those extra pounds,  It's possible for you to achieve it. Its important that you are starting the fat loss journey for yourself, not because others are telling you to, so that you can push yourself and start again, if you fall off the wagon.


Losing those extra pound can also do wonders for your self confidence, so if you interested in feeling more confident, improving you health and looking sexier, read on till the end and prepare to transform yourself in 90 days. To prove you can do it too...I decided to share my story on how I lost 50+ pounds using these five secrets, revealed below.



My Story...


I'll admit it, unfortunately I was an emotional eater and sometimes ate when I was bored, usually whatever I can find in the cupboard, you know all the usual junk. It was subconscious act and whenever things got hard, I'd turned to food but at the time I didn't know that food could affect my moods, so I was stuck in a vicious cycle. I did know I was having junk but tried to make it acceptable by saying it's just a slice of cake, it's just some fries, it's just a chocolate bar.


Little did I know all them "just moments" added up to a sad, fat and unhealthy me. I got hints, teased about how many pounds of fat I've put on and somebody even thought I was pregnant. Although the comments made me feel bad, I was in denial until the day I got food poisoned (It must've been that late night kebab) and started to rethink my unhealthy eating habit.


During that time I was sick, extremely bloated, severely in pain, I remember catching the glimpse of the flashing lights of the ambulance coming towards me, everything was a blur about that night but I remember thinking.... about all the name calling and bad comments they mentioned about me being fat and unhealthy, everything started whirling around my head. I was in so much pain, I thought I was having a heart attack but it turned out to be a server case of acid reflux/bloating. Phew...I'd never forget the pain, the blood, the vomiting and wasn’t pretty and that was the last straw. I accepted I was unhealthy and I promised myself when I recovered, I'd make a change.


Thankfully, after 2-3 days I recovered, but I wasn’t going to forget that night. It was going to be a fresh start but I had no clue where to start, so every chance I got I'd research about the body from books and the Internet. I became like a crazy women obsessed about health, I was excited there was so much to learn. I researched about fat loss, getting healthier, about nutrition and more.


As I researched I found out what actually happened to me on that night I was sick, I found out my body was acidic due to the foods that I was putting in my body. The build up of toxins in my body caused it to malfunction, so all that vomit and crap that came out was a good thing after all because it helped me to detoxify the body and cleanse it self out, but at that time I didn’t know what was happening. I also learned that the human body needs 5-7 basic things and somebody lacks majorly in any of these areas, their body is more prone to diseases.


These 5-7 basic needs are Oxygen, Hydration, Exercise, Rest, Nutrition, Reduction of Stress and Detoxification, the last two depends on your situation. These basic elements are needed in order for you to stay healthy and survive or the body produces diseases both internally and externally...more about these 5-7 element on chapter 2.


I knew learning about the body wasn’t enough, if I wasn’t going to put it to action so after lot of trail and error, I finally decided I would start on my goals by reminding myself what happened. That night I took a long hard look in the mirror, I can honestly say, I didn’t like who I've became...In that moment I decided enough is enough and my journey officially started from there.


I tried many diets that are out there, but they didn’t seem to work, So I applied my own research daily...slowly but surely the pounds started to drop. It got harder as my body started to change because those who didn't really support me, tried to push junk at me but I stuck to my plan for 90 days. I ate clean healthy foods and I chose not to use any products such as any kind of tablets to aid the fat loss nor any supplements, as I believed losing the fat naturally was the best option for me.


As for exercise, I walked 1-2 hours and hit the gym 3-5days for an hour. during the first month I saw little changes, that gave me a buzz to continue an made me realised that I actually loved taking caring of my body. I still go to the gym to maintain my new figure and also started a fitness course, so hopefully get a career out of it.


After I lost the fat though, I got more confident, also got more compliments, surprisingly from the same group that gave the bad comments when I was bigger. I felt good that I achieved a goal and carried on changing my bad eating habits. I couldn't believe it was that simple I just had to focus and priorities that my fitness goal was important and so are yours. I achieved my fitness goals and you can too...its not rocket science if I can do it you can too.

The reason I did a lot of research before I started is because there are a lot of scams out there to fool those who are starting out, in to buy unnecessary product's. I advise you all to do the same, and remember before you start any fitness or diet programs, always consult your doctor/physician, especially if you have other health issues.




Chapter 1 & 2 - Are for insight to a strong foundation to help you start & shape your character.

Chapter 3/4 - Get into the hard-core information.

Chapter 5 - Is about creating a strategy for your 90 days Journey.