Team Sky by Viktor Kunovski - HTML preview

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5. Global and Local visions “Think globally act locally”

By global vision or strategy I mean, a vision that needs to unite the people on our planet under one common roof-goal.
By local vision I mean a vision that is in line with the global vision, created and implemented by local leaders and their people.
The local visions are like global vision in a small package. The local visions must fallow the aims of the global vision. This is crucial aspect by which the global goals are implemented on a local level.

The global vision needs to define the ideal goals and the actions by which all the people on this planet would like to live in the 21 century. This global vision is our societies highest purpose. The global vision must be inclusive of the interests of all the people and nations on the planet equally, their human rights, social, health and ecological needs.
The same is right for the local visions. The only difference is that their scope and implementation will be on a local level.

The global vision must be joint-planetary and acceptable for all the nations and citizens equally, no matter how big they and their economies are. The global vision must be responsible and in line with the long term sustainable development to all its citizens, and the planet itself.

On a global level, at present, the roots of such a vision could be recognised in the vision created by the United Nations (UN) and the programme of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
Also there are many companies that are already thinking win-win-win. Yet, unification of all this visions and attempts need to be more concrete and supported globally and politically too.

It is my opinion that at present moment from the political and economical aspect, there is not a serious, unifying, joint planetary vision, neither leaders unifiers that have a sense and hart feeling for such a serious global issue.
The leadership capacities of the most powerful and influential nations on the planet (with some very serious exceptions that are encouraging) at present are hardly unifying, opposite to empowering inclusive leadership, not visionary, not ecological, anti planetary and unsustainable in long run.
The good and encouraging thing is that there is a huge feeling and need among many people on the planet for such a vision and readiness for this responsibility to be taken and implemented.

Global joint responsibility

The global and the local visions depend and are responsibility of all of us. Politicians, governments, influential business leaders, have no vote for that, no capacity, no power, and no resources for:

1) Creating alone the local or global vision 2) Implement the vision they have created

That is simply impossible. Global and local changes and development depend on all of us together, and is not reasonable to expect just from the people who are in charge of certain institutions to be responsible for the implementations of the goals that are important to all of us.

As example I will point the cleaning of a larger city from garbage. Despite the cleaning authority, long-term sustainable cleanliness could not be implemented without the support and responsibility of the local people. Their involvement is necessary.

Same is the issue of air pollution by CO2. Big polluters have big responsibility that is within their domain, but the smaller polluters are responsible too, like most of us as individual drivers for example.

00008.jpgCreating the local and global visions

What kind of leaders needs to lead the humanity in the 21st century? With what values should they lead?
What is your opinion; do the current global leaders, your country and your local community posses a sustainable vision for development? What is the vision that you imagine is sustainable in long term, and win-winwin for your family, country and all the people on the planet?
What local and global vision will make you fulfilled and will bring love in your hart?
How ideally do you want to see the people in your city, country and the planet in 25 years from now?

All these are questions that we all have to come back and answer again and again. Once you get a picture about the environment you would like to live in, treat it as your goal.
Ask your self these questions:
What have I/we done so far in order to create the local and global vision? What have we done to implement this vision?
Continue by asking your self:
What do we have to in order to implement this vision? And what else? At the end, make an action plan, and start working on it.

What will you start doing first in order to improve local/global vision? When will I start and when finish?
Who else needs to know and be involved in it?

”TAKE ACTION NOW” The roots of the world leader are from the Anglo-Saxon verb