Team Sky by Viktor Kunovski - HTML preview

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4. Quality of a vision


What is win-win-win vision?
In the creating of your personal and organizational vision, key attention should be given to the 3 win qualities:
The first win is connected to you personally. It is indirectly connected to the family and organization or the business you are in.
This win is about care and love for one self, and has nothing to do with the selfishness of a man who thinks of himself only, and does not care of others.
The care for your self must be in-line with your highest values, needs, desire and interest.
No mater weather you are earning money and have status in society, if you are doing or working something that does not fulfilled you, perhaps you need to check weather your hart is in the right place (work that you are doing, people you are with). You could look on this situation as walking on the side road, not the destined one for you. Fulfilment is connected to your health and immunity as well. You must care for your health first in order to achieve what you want.

This win is also about your family life. If you are professionally successful, but your health is at risk by your work, or your family or relationship with friends and family is suffering as result of your professional success, than again something is not quite balanced with your life and this first condition that is so important for long-term success.

When creating your vision and your first win, ask your selves:
What is most important in my life?
Nobody, nobody except you has better answer than you on this question. Not your loving mother, father, your best fiend, no one but you. No one could know what is the path with hart for you.
What fulfils me the most?
What is touching my hart?
What am I enjoying working?
What attracts me passionately in life? Etc.

The second win is connected with the people that surround you and the systems in which they all belong.
This is about care, respect and love for the other, the brother, the neighbour in biblical words.
This win is about our colleagues, employers or employees, customers, clients etc. The care for others is directly connected with the first win and the care for one self. The first win is inseparable from the second win.
All those people who think, or believe that they could build his/their own happiness on the back of others suffering and unhappiness are making a catastrophically mistake. This happiness is not possible in long terms.
In long terms if you are not satisfying this second win factor, you’ll constantly have personal and professional un-fulfilment.
You could not reach fulfilment if you are creating somebody else’s un-fulfilment and misery.
If you full your friend, you manipulate your client, you blame your employee and his needs are ignored as expense of your satisfaction, you are again risking a lot and loosing in long term.
When creating the second win in your life ask your self these questions: How could I help the other (friend, client, business partner, etc.)? What do they need? What does he/she need?
What will be useful for my clients, business partner, and colleagues?
Carrying for other people, and satisfying their needs in honest and sincere way is a grant for long-term cooperation. This is a guaranty for business success. Of course this relationship needs to have balance of give and take among partners.

The third win is the love for the environment, the nature and the planet with all the living things.
We as society have often failed to think and care for this third win on the expense of profits that we have been making in business, and in worst cases while going in unilateral wars.
It might come time where we wont be able to have place on the planet to enjoy and spend our profits, because of neglecting of this third win.
If we don’t take immediate personal and global actions and responsibility about this win, we might fail all together.
What fulfils me in nature and how could I nurture it long term? How could we be sustainable in the business and environment long term?

Whenever we create vision for our selves, and for our businesses we must ask this questions. We need to check how we are doing on our win-win-win strategy. This strategy empowers people, strengthens bonds in teams, families, organizations and between nations. This is a step towards fulfilment and sustainable development in our lives.

Books that could assist you, support and inspire :
The art of love, by Erich From
Liberating the corporate soul by Richard Barret
Love’s hidden symmetry, by Bert Hellinger with Gunthard Weber and Hunter Beaumont