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Persistence takes you where you want. Who will

persist? The winners. Who will give up? The losers. If we

give up in the first failed attempt, what will happen? We

will have no chance to succeed. We'll walk in circles

without getting anywhere... Who changes direction every

day, always returns to the beginning!

Does the success is due to a rare moment of

inspiration? In most cases, this will not happen. Most likely,

and even healthy, is the success achieved through work and

continuous effort. Thomas Edison once said: "Genius is one

percent inspiration, ninety nine percent perspiration".


"Go ahead and be lazy;

sleep on, but you will go hungry."

Proverbs 19:15

What are the terrible effects of laziness? It makes us

sleep deeply. And the problem is this: When we sleep, we

can work? No. When we sleep, we can make money? Of

course not. We are already seeing the negative

consequences of laziness: Poverty. There is a Latin proverb

that says precisely that: "Laziness is the key to poverty". We

must reject this key, because it opens the wrong door!

Solomon states categorically that inaction (do

nothing) makes us suffer hunger. Someone wants that? I

think not. Therefore, we need to reject laziness. Laziness is

a bad company that leads to the evil ways of misery!

Laziness means "aversion to work; tendency of someone

who does not want to work; negligence; indolence;

inaction" (Dictionary).

Have you heard of the law of inertia? This law

states: "All bodies are «lazy» and don't wish to change its

state of motion: if the bodies are in motion, they want to

keep moving; if the bodies are not moving, don't wish to

move. This «laziness» is called Inertia by physicists"

(Wikipedia). That is, laziness is this initial inertia that we

need to overcome. At first it is necessary to employ more

force, but then becomes easier.

We must have courage to take the first step. Have

you experienced bathe with cold water? Have you ever

swam in a sea of ice water? In either case, the harder it is to

take the first step. The hardest part is: feel the water for the

first time. Pretty soon, water seems warmer. The most

difficult is the first impact. And the only way to overcome

laziness it's through boldness! Boldness is a gateway to



"How long is the lazy man going to lie around?

When is he ever going to get up?

“I'll just take a short nap,” he says;

“I'll fold my hands and rest a while.” But while he sleeps,

poverty will attack him like an armed robber."

Proverbs 6:9-11

"How long, Lazy, you'll sleep?" Do you realize the

power of laziness? It makes us sleep deeply. And when

someone is sleeping, he does not like to be woken up!

"When did you, lift up out of bed?" says Solomon. "Ah, but

I like so much..." says Lazy; "But, how long?" Solomon

insists. "Until poverty and misery come to attack me..."

mutters the Lazy!

Let no one think that laziness does not give pleasure,

oh yes, gives great pleasure. Gives so much pleasure, like

sleeping a nice nap! The problem is that its effects are quite

harmful in people's lives. Man lives not only of sleep. "Few

of us view ourselves as lazy. But the truth is, we all have the

seeds of laziness within our nature. And if they are not dealt

with, they will grow into a field that will undermine one or

more aspects of our lives" (Steven K. Scott).

Theoretically humans spend a third of life sleeping

(33.3%), but the Lazy has the "capacity" to sleep much

more! He can sleep, even when he is awake. Sleeping is

good... at night, but if someone does during the day...

poverty will come knocking on his door to wake him

abruptly! Surely, he will not like it... "No one prospers in

idleness" (George S. Clason).

Laziness is good to entertain... Laziness tells us

stories so we can sleep comfortably in his the arms! It

seems that Laziness is our friend, our mother, who wants

the best for us... But the purpose of Laziness, its very

malicious! Laziness wants to make us sleep soundly, to

leave us in misery... "Self-preservation has a tendency to

lead to poverty" (Jim Rohn).

Its time to break relations with Laziness, and avoid

any kind of closeness! We must not give in, not even for a

second. We need to consider Laziness as a false friend... a

real enemy!


"A farmer too lazy to plow his fields at the right time

will have nothing to harvest."

Proverbs 20:4

What the sloth does in us? It leads us to do nothing!

Sloth paralyzes us; we stayed inactive, when we should be

working! And when is the time to harvest, you know what

we'll find? Nothing, absolutely nothing. And that leads us to

what? Hunger and poverty.

If I did not sow at the right time, how can I harvest

anything? I will reap what I did not sow? Will I receive the

reward for a job I did not do? I can be very optimistic, but

that's not likely to happen (if not impossible). The sluggard

is considered himself smarter than the worker, however:

"The indolent harms himself" (Seneca, Epistulae Morales


This is the cruel reality of the pleasure of laziness: I

feed me with the comfort of laziness; and laziness feeds

with my misery! It’s a perfect exchange of interests, but I'm

not interested in doing business with the laziness! The loans

are small, but the interest is huge.

Its terrible result, ends up not compensate for the

momentary pleasure. "It costs more work for many become

miserable, than for others become fortunate" (Marquês de

Maricá). All the pleasure and comfort of laziness, it's just a

trap... Laziness wants to tie us to poverty forever!


"The craving of a sluggard will be the death of him,

because his hands refuse to work."

Proverbs 21:25 (NIV)

Do you see the relationship between: desire and

sluggard? Laziness deceives us with desires... and makes us

believe that these desires lead to happiness! But it is exactly

the opposite: laziness leads to death. Laziness is one of the

greatest illusionists that secure people to misery, we must

not let ourselves be deceived... "Economic disaster begins

with a philosophy of doing less and wanting more" (Jim


How laziness contaminates a person? Laziness

distorts our perspective: what is bad becomes good, and

what is good becomes bad! Have you noticed that for the

lazy all work is bad? "The sluggard makes only one

commitment: to his leisure. He'll try any excuse to shy away

from honest labor" (John C. Maxwell).

However, the work is really bad? Its true that all

work always requires some kind of effort. But it’s not

through work that we get the support to live? Where does

the money come from? The food? The house? The clothes?

The well-being? And even the self-fulfillment? All this

comes from work. "Much is lost for lack of intelligence;

however, much more is lost through laziness and aversion to

work" (Marquês de Maricá).

If the work is bad, is the same as to be saying: "I

don't want money, I want to be hungry, I want to live on the

street; I not want to have clothes to wear, I want to spend

cold and all kinds of needs; and I want to be a authentic

frustrated!" Have you ever heard someone talk like that? I


However, we hear or say phrases like: "I have no

desire to work today... If I win the lottery I stop working...

Who was the unfortunate who invented the work... I don't

like to do anything... I hate Mondays... I would like to be on

vacation forever..." But you know: the one that does not

have a job, never have vacation! "No work to do is bad for

any man" (George S. Clason).

The fact is that our work should be valued and seen

as something good and source of profit. And not as a curse!

What happens when we see work as something good? We

work with more pleasure and dedication, and our

productivity is much higher! But why doesn't this happen?

The problem is laziness that blinds our eyes... and makes us

sleep in passivity... And when finally we awaken... may be



"I walked through the fields and vineyards

of a lazy, stupid person.

They were full of thorn bushes and overgrown with weeds.

The stone wall around them had fallen down.

I looked at this, thought about it,

and learned a lesson from it:

Go ahead and take your nap; go ahead and sleep.

Fold your hands and rest awhile, but while you are asleep,

poverty will attack you like an armed robber."

Proverbs 24:30-34

Solomon calls the lazy "foolish" (or stupid person).

Laziness is nonsense. What characterizes someone foolish

or insensate? It’s a person who has no sense, that is, has no

sensitivity to grasp the moment. And this can be tragic.

"Laziness consumes life like rust consumes iron" (Marquês

de Maricá). What is the importance of the senses? For

example, our body has various sense organs, whose mission

is to transmit sensory information. Each sense organ is

responsible for a specific sensitivity (eg, the five senses:

sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch). These sensory organs are

vital, and sometimes alert us to things that are wrong.

Suppose someone is cooking and unwittingly puts

his hand over the fire, what happens? The moment he feels

that the fire is burning the skin, it has the immediate instinct

to divert the hand of fire. It's something instant. He did not

even need to think: "Well, the fire in direct contact with my

skin will cause a burn and will damage my health... So I

will withdraw my hand, now". This does not happen

because the person has the sensitivity to feel the pain caused

by fire; and will immediately divert hand. Now imagine that

this person had a disease that affects the touch, and has no

skin sensitivity to feel the fire, what would happen? The

person would remain more time with his hand on fire,

without realizing, and the burn would be much more


With a simple example, we see the importance of

sensitivity. And laziness, what does? Laziness takes away

the sensitivity for us to work! The lazy never realizes the

need to work, and remains in inaction... What is the result?

Carelessness, negligence, indifference, distraction,

forgetfulness, error... Poverty and misery! "Laziness walks

so slowly, that poverty easily reaches him" (Confucius).

We need to reflect as Solomon, and extract lessons

of wisdom. Laziness can be a huge obstacle to wealth, and a

large door to disgrace! We must completely reject the

darkness and sleepiness of laziness, for us to see life

differently. In fact when we do that, our eyes are opened...

and finally begin to contemplate new horizons!

Finally, we will learn from one of the smallest

beings that exist, but it can become one of our greatest

teachers: The Ant! "Lazy people should learn a lesson from

the way ants live" (Solomon, Pr. 6:6). And what ants do?

They have:

Attitude of Initiative: Ants don’t need a commander

to tell them what to do.

Nature of Integrity: Ants work faithfully and need no

outside accountability to keep them doing right.

Thirst for Industry: Ants work hard and will replace

their anthill when it gets ruined.

Source of Insight: Ants store provision in the

summer.” (John C. Maxwell).

Simple but wise. Follow the example of the great

master Ant, and you will prosper!


Do not stand still, nor have afraid of making mistakes.

Reject all laziness, aversion to work, and inaction.

Have the audacity to take the first step and overcome the

initial inertia.

Reject the "pleasures" of laziness, and accept with pleasure

the "pains" of work.

Recognize that work is good and is a source of profit.

Work diligently and joyfully.

Be enterprising, responsible, industrious, persistent and





"The absence of love is the greatest poverty."

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

When we study the prosperity laws of King

Solomon, we realize that these laws are contrary to the

thinking of most people. Indeed, a world with the mentality

of Solomon would be a very different world! It would

certainly be a happier world, a world with more solidarity,

and also a more prosperous world. Our goal would be not

only our happiness but also the happiness of others! Have

you noticed that "the entire population of the world - with

one minor exception - is composed of others" (John C.

Maxwell). Our greatest reward is serving others.

I don't believe that Solomon was more special than

others. In my view, all human beings are special: not for

what they do, but for what they are. You are special, I'm

special, we are all special. What is the difference? The

difference is what we do. And in that sense, I have one

certainty: If we follow the steps of Solomon, we will arrive

at the same destination. That is the purpose of this book:

Learn, practice and live what Solomon lived (the good

things, of course). He is one of the best examples we can

follow to help us to triumph (regardless of our area). All

Solomon's secrets are universal, so it can apply to anyone,

in any situation.

One of the most common advices we received in the

financial area has to do with the savings. That is: "the best

way to accumulate money is economize it"; "the profit are

in the savings", some might say; "whoso keepeth, has it",

say others. All this advice are extremely important, and help

us to wisely manage our money. However, there are very

few financial advices about the prosperity of giving!

We are so used to hearing these phrases: "In this

world, no one gives anything to anyone", "it's every man for

himself", or "we are in crisis," "there is no money", etc.

What is the consequence of this kind of thinking? A natural

tendency to avarice. "Somebody says, “Well, I can’t be

concerned about other people. About the best I can do is to

take care of myself” Well, then you will always be poor"

(Jim Rohn).

With this kind of mentality: "Giving is something

negative, because it means losing what we have". And who

knows: "If you ever need help, perhaps, you have no one to

help you". We are not trained to believe in abundance, but

we are trained to fear the shortage. And what will be the

result? Shortage. "Sometimes we hold on to our possessions

because we fear we might run out – life seems scarce. But

when we believe that giving is the way to live, we will

produce more in the future – life seems abundant" (John C.


We will always be attracted to what we believe or

attracted to what we fear. The evil that we fear, happens;

And equally: the good that we believe, also happens. As

once said the Master of Masters: "Don't be afraid, only

believe" (Jesus, in Mark 5:36). If we want to thrive: We

should not live with fear of something negative, but with

faith in something positive.


"One person gives freely, yet gains even more;

another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty."

Proverbs 11:24

Solomon makes a fantastic revelation: Giving is the

natural way to receive. "Only by giving are you able to

receive more than you already have" (Jim Rohn). It seems

that whoever gives loses. But in reality, who gives, receives

more. How does this happen? To better understand, let's do

an illustration: What happens when a seed is planted in the

ground? Will germinate, take root, grow to become a tree,

bear fruit, and more seeds, more trees and more fruit... You

see the potential of a single seed?

Now imagine that the farmer is so fond of his "seed"

that never sown in the ground with fear of losing it... It

sounds ridiculous, but that's what happens to many people

financially. They are so attached to their “seeds” that are

afraid of losing, and so never get to multiply. The money

then is like a seed? Yes. Money can multiply? Yes. How?

Sowing correctly.

It's very good save money and not spend incorrectly.

But it’s also good to know invest it in order to multiply it.

What will happen to a farmer if he did not plant their seeds?

The seeds remain equal (There are some who do not even

have seeds, why? They ate the seed rather than sow!). But

what happens if the farmer plants the seeds? He will reap

the fruits, and get more seeds to sow.

What we prefer: Give generously, and enrich? Or,

economize too much, and impoverish? We are motivated by

hope or fear? We are attracting prosperity into our lives, or

poverty? The seeds are in our hands (with their full

potential); but the decision to plant them or not, is ours.

Often, we consider the "rich" as someone greedy and

avaricious. I think, as with everything, we cannot

generalize. But one thing I know: Generosity is a source of

wealth. You must have noticed how some people have so

much wealth and generosity at the same time? I do not think

it is by chance, generosity is undoubtedly a great principle

of growth. I love this definition of generosity: "The quality

that receives more than it gives" (Steven K. Scott).

Almost everybody knows this saying: "Every one

reaps what he sows". It’s usually applied when someone

makes something wrong. But why not apply it to the

money? "Every one reaps the money he sows", why not?

Solomon thought so.


"Be generous, and you will be prosperous.

Help others, and you will be helped."

Proverbs 11:25

What does it mean to be generous? It means being

"noble; educated; illustrious; with lofty sentiments; with

character; good; friend of giving; sensitive; strong; person

of value" (Dictionary).

In the words of Solomon, a generous man is he who

gives much. And what will be the consequence? It will

thrive. That is, a generous man will receive in abundance.

We will always receive in proportion to what we give.

Nothing more, nothing less. But we cannot forget the

following: As in agriculture, every seed has its own time to

bear fruit. We cannot sow today, thinking reap tomorrow.

All financial investor must be patient, as well as a farmer is


There will always be the time of sowing, and the

time of harvest. Who never sows, never reap. He who sows

little, reap sparingly. Who sows regularly, regularly will

reap. He who sows much, will reap much. And who never

ceases to sow, also never ceases to reap.

This is the relation of generosity with wealth.

Solomon says that generosity is a wealth seed. The more we

give, the more we receive. And the more we receive, the

more we can give. And the more we can give, the greater

our ability to receive... It’s the prosperity cycle. We sow

generosity, and we reap wealth. This is the agricultural-

financial policy of Solomon!

We should not think small, because we become what

we think. If you think like a rich person, you will give

generously as a rich person. And later or earlier, you will

live like a rich person. Start being generous today, if you

want to thrive tomorrow. "You cannot be generous in

abundance, if you are not generous in shortages" (John C.

Maxwell). Listen to the advice of Jim Rohn: "It’s best to

start the discipline of generosity when the amounts are

small. It’s easy to give ten cents out of a dollar; it’s a little

harder to give a hundred thousand out of a million".

And generosity is not just about money, we can be

generous in many ways: "You don't have to wait until

you're rich to become generous. You can be generous with

your time, your kindness, your words of encouragement,

your labor, and whatever money or material possessions

you have" (Steven K. Scott).

Perhaps, you look at yourself, and just see a tiny

seed. But never forget: A seed is never what it can be. Your

life is also like a simple seed... You are not yet what you

can become! However, you already have the full potential

within. If you start to believe and to act as such, the

incredible transformation will begin to happen.


"Be generous and share your food with the poor.

You will be blessed for it."

Proverbs 22:9

What does it mean to be generous? It means to share

with the needy. You realize that there is here a mission?

"The biggest advantage of the wealth is to provide materials

for the charity" (Marquês de Maricá). There is a purpose for

the prosperity that goes far beyond ourselves! Someone will

say: "With so many poor people, how can I dare to be rich?

It would be an injustice". And I ask: How can anyone dare

to help the poor, if he is also poor? There is a great purpose

for prosperity: Helping others. I believe that every human

being should be prosperous. And if someone already has

prosperity, should help others prosper.

The point is not the rich become poor, but the poor

become richer. What we need for this? Let's start with the

most basic things, but we must not stop there. We must give

them the “fish”, yes; but we must also teach them to “fish”!

And there will be enough fish for everyone? Certainly.

"There is abundance for all" (George S. Clason). There is

greater potential on this Earth than we imagine. We may

grow more? Absolutely. Prosperity generates more

prosperity. Thus, our prosperity increases with the

prosperity of all.

However, the Nature has no interest only in our

comfort, but especially in our learning. So if we want to

enjoy its blessings, we need to obey its laws. Do not expect

life to be easy; life can be very difficult for those who reject