Is TCO (The Code of Opposites) "Write" for me? by Mahalene Louis - HTML preview

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In the beginning was the end, when I can choose peace, and rest while working. My communication has changed, and with it, my neurology.

Consider: communication is not what is said and done. It is the result of what is said and done. Therefore, if I want to heal and/or be successful in my creation, I must change the story I tell.

Meanwhile, I’ll argue with myself: shall I go right or left? There is power behind making a choice, which is why deciding terrifies me! Power is so huge a subject matter that, from now on, TCO will capitalize its “P” to remind me that I’m dealing with a fiery entity that can burn. Thus, the question: is TCO “write” for me at this time?

To Reality, my Nemesis…

Outline of a black face on the left, and a white face on the right, facing one another face to face. In the background between them is the caduceus held within geometry conveying the feel of opposites.

And to you, the yin to my yang and the yang to my yin.

It is only in the mysterious equations of Love that I can find any reason for doing what I do. As the voice of TCO, I am only here because of you. YOU are the reason I am; you are all my reasons, and what gives me faith. And for that, I shall be forever grateful!  

TCO’s Mission

The mission of The Code of Opposites is to heal our relationship to Power.

To do so, it reveals the force of a sacred language that guides us to the field in between, where to transcend our beliefs of right and wrong, and know in our blood that the divine has no religion and no elect. By becoming fluent in “God’s” language – in the paradox, feeling and sensing the all-pervading realities that beckon us now, we open to the Love that has no opposite, and experience Health in all levels of our communication.

A black circle on the left with Hebrew letter Beth in the center, overlapping with a white circle on the right with the Hebrew letter Aleph in the Center.  In the area of the overlap, is an almond shaped geometry holding two interlaced snakes on a pole, representing the caduceus.

Empowering the Now is easier said than done! Sure, I have known “times” when I felt awe at the sight of a radiant sunset or at gazing into the eyes of a newborn, and lost track of my identity. Nonetheless, it is the nature of the linear continuum to bring everything to an end. Thus, the blissful moment passed, returning me to “normal” consciousness. And it makes me wonder… Is there a way to sustain the quality of presence I felt, when the inexorability of time was suspended, and only the Eternal Now existed? For that would be fluency in the paradox.

I am at the point where my conditioned existence, although punctuated by the fleeting joys of a new toy, has become wearisome. I am tired of the constant warring, a part of me wanting to be here, and the other, opposing it. This must be the principle of complementarity recognized by physicist Niels Bohr. Where will I place my attention: on the wave or the particle; on being among the haves or the have-nots?

For now, it appears that I can’t grab onto both sides at once. I don’t know how; it’s too paradoxical for me. If I did, I would know that these two parts exist side-by-side for me to know Love. I’d surrender the fight and open to a third option (a third eye, perhaps?) by which to see the good of my suffering, and resist nothing. This is where TCO comes in. It invites me to wake up from the romantic dream and remember what I knew as a child: there is no one out there!

It does that by offering a novel interpretation of the Hebrew language of the Bible (yep!), so deep, global and ecological that it transcends any possible religious dogmatism and/or superstition. It also gives me codes by which to elucidate my own maps of meaning. At first, I am dumbfounded. Could there be some truth to the claim that the Bible may just hold the most crucial series of utterances ever expressed on Earth? Once exposed to the codes, I find myself moved to turn within, and surprisingly find the Power to transform. By triggering a full speed collision with the beauty of an interactive script, TCO gives me a way to respond and be present as I navigate the pandemic era, and beyond.

Code Conscience – RO / OR

Resh & Ayin

Imagine a language so pure and so sacred that it can reconcile opposites in just two letters…

  • Right: Hebrew letter Resh (ר) → R in Roman Script
  • Left: Hebrew letter Ayin (ע) → O in Roman Script

Here is how Hebrew inscribes the code “Conscience” in just 2 letters:

  • RO: in one direction, I read Rah (רע) for “evil, bad, wicked.”
  • OR: in the other direction, I read Ohr (ער) for “awake.”

The decoding: feelings are not good or bad. They’re just the communication of good or bad news. When I shoot the messenger, I’m missing precious information. Let’s say that I feel jealous (a big taboo). Jealousy simply alerts me that, right now, I think that I can’t have what I want. That is simply not true! I can attain any goal, provided I have wholesome Power. My use of Power is made wholesome when I make “THE decision,” and am deliberate in my intent to wake up. Surely, evolving consciousness is acquiring Power, and acquiring Power is evolving consciousness. As I forgive the “CAIN” in me, I begin to think “I CAN.”

Cain was so jealous of the recognition enjoyed by his brother Abel that he killed him. When I resist understanding the vanity of my evil side, I am Cain, the murderer of my potential. But when I become conscious of evil's evolutionary purpose, I change for good. Little by little, I return to innocence as I don’t take my errors so personally. It is just a matter of being willing to embrace the reality that I think “should” be different.

Note: I still find it shocking that the meanings of Cain’s and Abel’s names would have been obliterated. If I knew that Cain’s calling is to be “possessed by jealousy,” and Abel’s, to be “vanity,” I’d have an entirely different take on the mystery of incarnation and/or “the word made flesh.” Moreover, as the first murderer and the first mortal who can’t be killed, Cain has a lot to teach me about the cycle of death and rebirth to which life in the material world is bound. 

About S/Hebrew

This proclamation is made to thank the Jewish people for their unflinching courage in the face of the pain they had to endure to ensure that the gift of the Holy Torah and of its Hebrew alphabet would remain uncompromised. It is also made to free Hebrew to fulfill its mandate – to trace a universal path to Peace.

Some languages, such as mathematics or music, are neutral and deemed to be comprehensive. No clan can make a claim as to their ownership. Optimally, any discipline serving a vast ecumenical endeavor belongs to no gender, no race, no nation, no tradition, no organization, but only to life itself.

While languages do evolve, Hebrew seems to be the only symbolic alphabet that never changed form. This everlastingness may suggest that there is a cosmic plan at the root of evolution that compels me to come out of nothingness. This plan was meant to show up at the perfect time. It was waiting for us, humans, to be sincere in our prayer to transition from greed into grace, and thus, heal our relationship to Power. To this end, this language renamed itself “S/Hebrew” [shee-broo], as it is when Hebrew goes global, ecological and unisex as the words and worlds of the sacred realm.

This Booklet’s Contents:

  • To You, My Reader – a good faith estimate of all the reasons of why to engage (or not). 
  • Simplifying Consciousness – a synthesis of what the work in consciousness entails, and what it will take to engage.
  • In Conclusion – the basic elements positioning Golden XPR as a path to THE END,” introduced here by TCO.
The vesicle pisces with the head faced up and the tail at the bottom. Hebrew letter Aleph is on the left, and Hebrew letter Beth to the right. In the middle is Hebrew letter Nun final (the shape when at the end of a Hebrew word)

Variations of this image appear throughout this booklet. Its geometry has the Latin name of Vesica Piscis for “Vessel of the Fish.” It is the Western expression of the Eastern yin yang that represents two fish – one black and one white, with the eye of each fish being the color of the other.