Is TCO (The Code of Opposites) "Write" for me?


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Book Description HTML

Do you have a communication problem, that is, you know what to do, but don't want to do it? If language is the problem, it is also the solution. This prequel to The Code of Opposites introduces a monumental idea whose time has come: there is a metalanguage (a language beyond languages) by which to understand the source of the resistance, choose peace, and emPower the NOW.

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Mahalene Louis

Mahalene Louis is a true artist and an innate linguist. She emigrated from France to the US in her mid-twenties, not speaking a word of English. Being a communicator at heart, she started painting. Soon, her works were in public and private collections. Her surprising gifts collided with an intense prayer for healing to remind her of her words as a 5-year-old: “one day, I’ll write a book. There’ll be Hebrew in it, and it will create world peace.” It took writing hundreds of books (forty years of a relentless wax-on, wax-off process) to reveal The Code of Opposites – an introduction to a path by which to restore health in ALL levels of communication.

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