Amazing by Roger Limington - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

More Amazing


I am currently sitting at a desk, orbiting through the incredibly cold and hostile vacuum of space at 108,000 kilometres per hour or a staggering 30,000 metres every second. Combined with this velocity, my desk is spinning at 1,670 kilometres per hour around an incredibly violent and life obliterating hydrogen and helium fission reactor that consumes over 600 million tonnes of hydrogen every second. The reactor, our sun, is also travelling at 675,000 kilometres per hour as it plunges through our Milky Way galaxy, dragging our little planet along for the ride!


The Milky Way galaxy is tearing through space at 2.1 million kilometres per hour (630 kilometres per second). Such speeds stagger the mind and squash any notions of moving fast in our humble, terrestrial frame of reference! I am oblivious to this incredible velocity, yet I am experiencing it.

These seem crazy figures, until we see a shooting star streak across the night sky. We can witness the speed of the shooting star to be around 150,000 kilometres per hour as it plunges thousands of kilometres in fractions of a second. This is the object’s terminal velocity as it slows and burns in earth’s atmosphere. If a jet aircraft were to travel the same distance it would be a painfully slow journey to cover the same distance. We are aware, yet we are so unaware.


Although I can see, I am blind; I can only 'see' 1/10 billionth of the electro-magnetic spectrum emitted from the sun. All the other radiated frequencies are invisible and many of these pass through my body. Just because I cannot see this radiation, does not mean it doesn't exist. Some of it I can 'feel' as infrared radiation, but I am unaware of the most of the radiation travelling through space, yet I may be experiencing it. I can increase my awareness through research and analysis and continually check the results for validity and accuracy.

We need to pop our head out of our comfortable rabbit hole and look differently at our world.

Look and actually see and feel.


None of our experiences would be possible if our little planet was slightly closer or further away from our companion star. A fraction closer to the sun would sterilise our planet from the intense radiation. Being too far from the sun would freeze dry the surface of the planet; even the speed of our planet’s rotation, the speed of the sun’s rotation, the magnetosphere and the moon’s orbit ensures our existence. Carbon based life, as we know it could not exist if not for an incredible cosmic balancing act.


Everything, even on a cosmic scale connects to allow us to experience this existence. Like dropping a stone in a pond, every ripple, every oscillation connects infinitely. It is incredible beyond belief. We are part of a massive, multi-dimensional, universal matrix that stretches beyond our imagination.


So folks, here we are, dragged along by the Milky Way at over 2.1 million kilometres per hour through the chilling vacuum of space, orbiting a life obliterating fission reactor that gulps 600 million tons of hydrogen every second, dodging planet smashing asteroids and meteors and no one thinks this is amazing!!

It is amazing.

You are amazing.

You are a miracle.

You are important.

You are a sovereign being.


As a life form on this planet, you are the most exquisite collection of physical and emotional energy in the cosmos. No one and no thing in the universe has experienced exactly what you have experienced.

You are staggeringly unique, original and encoded with the physical and spiritual information required for being.


We are all part of the intense vibrating energy that is life and a fundamental law of quantum mechanics states that no information from the universe can ever disappear. It may change state, but it will not disappear. Most of the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen in our bodies exist by the complex reactions of the stars around us. By definition, we are all part of an incredibly complex living cosmos, infinitely.

Life is so precious it defies logic.