Amazing by Roger Limington - HTML preview

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Chapter One

Win the Lottery


My wife and I were fortunate to have lived on a beautiful tropical island in the Pacific ocean. The island was remote and the village natives living near us were some of the happiest people I have ever associated with. The indigenous islanders didn’t have huge houses, stacked with every modern gadget imaginable. They didn’t have bank accounts that were the envy of their friends.

They lived in simple, woven huts made from local Pandanus leaves that were easily rebuilt when cyclones roared through the island.

They didn’t pay tax, have debt, slave at profit centres or follow government decrees, yet they had a richness of life very few westerners will ever achieve.


Recently, I stayed with an old friend in Brisbane, Australia. He lives with his wife and child in a massive cream brick house with all the trappings of wealth and success. His swimming pool glistens in the sub tropical sun and neatly trimmed hedges protect the large property from prying eyes.

It’s a location you could easily slip into Utopian euphoria, but my friend doesn’t experience Utopia and never will.


He leaves for work at 4.00 in the morning and arrives home at 7.30 at night. His weekends are punctured with calls from work that require his immediate attention and his acreage property with lawns and hedges, consumes his precious free time.


He is currency rich, yet he is time poor, philosophically bankrupt and angry.

In this tiny document, I want to show you how YOU are rich beyond measure and those riches will never devalue and cannot be stolen.


Your government will steal your time, your potential, your money, your assets and perhaps your life, but it cannot steal or understand the true wealth you will accumulate.


I am elderly and cannot count the number of people who told me how much better their life would be if they your won the lottery.

The truth is, they and those around them have won the lottery and so have you!


The chances of being a life form with intelligence and emotions in the universe are zillions to one against.

Your existence is a miracle; you have the won the greatest cosmic lottery of all time, celebrate it; enjoy it, share it, live it, love it!


You are made of the same elements you see in the stars above. Most of the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen in your body exists because of the cataclysmic reactions of the stars around you aeons ago.


Every atom of oxygen, every single one that you breathe, every atom in the water that you drink and in the water of your body came from celestial alchemy.

Every life sustaining atom of oxygen around you, was made from a star that’s now long gone.


You shine as brightly as any star has ever shone and are a beacon of universal love and decency.


As a life form on this planet, you are the most amazingly powerful assemblage of physical and spiritual energy in the universe. You are important.


No one or no thing in the cosmos has experienced exactly what you have experienced. You are totally unique and a sovereign being.


The chances of intelligent life existing in the vastness of space are remote, yet you are here and the majority of emotionally aligned beings on planet earth are an exquisite, colourful thread in the glowing tapestry of life and love.


You have unlimited potential, exquisite feelings, a mind capable of soaring self-analysis, feats of incredible ingenuity, creativity, breathtaking technological achievement and an ability to communicate on many levels, augmented with the ability to create expansive loving networks.


You are a complex organism; so complex and finely tuned to your environment, it is almost beyond comprehension. You have the wonder of emotion that billows into unbridled ecstasy or deep compassion. Endowed with a capacity for incredible deduction, understanding and wisdom, you are similar, yet like no other life form. Every breath you take is a miracle of natural, biological engineering and a celebration of your cosmic uniqueness.


You are born rich beyond measure, yet know only debt or poverty.


You crave love and appreciation as much as you crave oxygen, yet your society has little love, but has infinite loathing and hatred.


Your life is the most valuable gift in the universe, live it, love it, share it, joyfully every day.


If you don't think you're incredibly amazing, powerful or unique, just try manufacturing a human being from the atomic energy around you. That doesn’t mean bolting together a robot with a pretty face, artificial intelligence, banks of batteries and a 'made in China' sticker glued to its foot.


It means starting from nothing and using the world’s most powerful microscope, assemble the atoms and molecules surrounding you into a living, feeling human being with 100 trillion reproducing cells capable of repairing themselves.


Using your microscope, try constructing an organic, neuron network that has the maximum amount of high-dimensional structures, way beyond our known three-dimensional world. A memory system with a capacity in the petabyte range or as much as the entire World Wide Web. An organic network that never sleeps and monitors all aspects of existence. A neuron network with 86 billion nerve cells for communication amongst each other. With a total of about 5 million kilometres of connecting ‘wires’ -- more than 10 times longer than all highways on our planet, packed into a protective skull .


Now, combine this in an organic system, capable of powering itself with the organic material around it, with blood, muscles, mobility, sensitivity, vision, audio receptors, intelligence, emotions, spirituality and love.

It is impossible!


Now can you catch a tiny glimpse how amazing you are?

Can you begin to see what an incredible creation you are? Can you feel, no matter how physically or mentally incapacitated you may be, you are a stupendous marvel of biological endeavour?


As a life form on this planet, you are the most amazingly powerful assemblage of physical and spiritual energy in the UNIVERSE.


Everything is connected to allow us to experience the wonder of our existence at this point in time. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the people we love. Every vibrating atom around us is a vibrating part of the whole.


If you don’t think you’re connected to everything around you, just try holding your breath for thirty minutes or not eating and drinking for six months! We are all part of one and one is part of all.

We are not in a state of thinking, but a state of spiritualistic being and this state of oneness transcends indoctrinated, Pathocratic duality. We are able to get in touch with who we are; truly are, the part of us that's eternal, infinite, authentic and encompasses the whole.


Once recognised, the unlimited love we have inside us spreads out like a boundless ocean not constrained by space or time and envelops the whole world. We are all one and all part of the same whole. We are part of the blindingly colourful tapestry of life that is pure, unconditional love.


My physical presence on this planet is truly miraculous. I was not spontaneously created; I arrived here through a series of reproductive miracles. I have arrived at this point in linear time because thousands of years ago some hunter-gatherers had a child. All the countless generations before and after them are linked to me.


No one and no thing is insignificant. Everything is connected. The food my ancestors ate, the animals they sacrificed, the grass the animals ate, the rain that made the grass grow, the micro bacteria in the soil - the love - the hate - the passion – the spirituality - the survival - the good - the bad – the evil – the wars. Everything down to a molecular level is connected. Everything on the non-physical plane is connected. Everything connects to the past, the present and the future. There are no coincidences.


All of this was necessary to get me to this realisation in this point of time. Everything becomes an infinite plane through these connections. In this existence, with this knowledge, you and I are powerful beyond measure.


I cannot, nor ever could have existed without love. It is and always will be the reason for my existence. It creatively weaves through every atom in the comprehensible universe. It has always been and always will, continue. We are all One. Everything is part of everyone. Every vibrating atom of our incredible being connects to every vibrating atom around us. We are a vibrant mass of atomic intricacy linked to a support system of unimaginable complexity, beauty and antiquity.