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Day 18 Coach Tasks

1. Be aware of your 10 activities: He who knows himself is enlightened.

2. Get up those 90 minutes earlier: “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

3. Read for 30 minutes: “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain

4. Affirmation: I Am a Success Now and Always, Because of This, I Have Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness. “Positive affirmations wake up your inner resources”

5. Take a walk or do a chosen exercise for 30 minutes:

“Exercise is the key to creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.”

Success doesn’t just happen




“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

In my very first job, I was sent to Dublin on a Dale Carnegie sales course; the instructor Jack O’Farrell left me with a lasting impression. I discovered the power of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm comes from a Greek word meaning God within us. Enthusiasm is a deep enjoyment in what you do with the added bonus of a goal that you are working towards.

Enjoyment + goal = enthusiasm = an enormous positive energy

The opposite is wanting with no action and the result is stress, struggling, hard work and going nowhere. If given a choice, which would you take?

Wanting + no action = stress = no energy

Who would you rather work alongside, someone who hates what they do or someone who is enthusiastic about their work?

People love to work around enthusiastic people their attitude is contagious and their performance is far greater.

To the woman who complained that riches hadn't made her happy, the Master said, "You speak as if luxury and comfort were ingredients of happiness; whereas all you need to be really happy, my dear, is something to be enthusiastic about." Anthony deMello Enthusiasm is the power that turns your goal into reality. It brings out your creativity. You manifest what you already have without the hard work and stress.

Hard work and stress leave me very contrary, what about you?

In the car sales business I have seen some remarkable sales as a result of enthusiasm. I have seen some sales people with very little product knowledge sell Success doesn’t just happen



remarkably well. Match your enthusiasm with knowledge and you will go all the way.

With enthusiasm, it is the voice that emphasizes your lively interest. Pay attention to the voices of those around you; the next time you are purchasing something worthwhile listen to the sales person. Listen for passion and enthusiasm; if the sales person hasn’t got it, the product you’re looking at may not be the best buy.

Day 10 Coach Tasks

1. Practice and be aware of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is contagious.

2. Get up those 90 minutes earlier: “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

3. Read for 30 minutes: “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain

4. Affirmation: I Am a Success Now and Always, Because of This, I Have Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness. “Positive affirmations wake up your inner resources.”

5. Take a walk or do a chosen exercise for 30 minutes:

“Exercise is the key to creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.”

Success doesn’t just happen



Reality Check

“How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four.

Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.”

Abraham Lincoln

It’s important in the process of achieving your goal to do a reality check from time to time, to give yourself the opportunity to consider the goal realistically and honestly. Sometimes the best of us can aim for a goal and overlook something that is obvious to others. There are times, unfortunately, when people believe they can perform an activity and it is just a non runner. We often see on reality television someone singing or something, and to the audience it is obvious they will never make it as a singer. I know this is a bit extreme; however, it happens, and with a reality check and coaching these people could use this need to be on stage to discover their talents, their strengths and change direction maybe end up presenting or judging a show.

A reality check helps us become more aware of ourselves in relation to our goal. It helps us to be totally honest with ourselves. We ask ourselves important questions we might otherwise avoid. We could uncover some simple task that in itself could be a major stumbling block to reaching success, something such as a special license, insurance or legislation.

Write down your goal again. Is there something missing? Are their any alternatives or additions? Do I need to change direction?

During the reality check it is important to look at the measurement aspect of the goal. Is it realistic? At this stage, should I change the measurement?

Look at Time bound; should I extend the deadline? Is there some course I should do to improve my skills? Is there some outside help I need to meet my deadline?

Do I need to modify my goal?

Success doesn’t just happen


Reality Check

Have any issues cropped up that I’m ignoring subconsciously?

Have I the ability to continue? Do I need to up-skill?

Am I motivated to follow through? What can I do to motivate myself more?

Have I achieved anything similar in the past? What can I do differently /better?

Are the environment and conditions right? Do I need to change location?

Success doesn’t just happen


What are others saying now about my ability? Am I honest with myself?

Is my deadline still achievable? Am I sacrificing quality in order to meet my deadline?

Do I need outside help? Where can I go for advice?

Success doesn’t just happen



Day 20 Coach Tasks

1. Carry out a reality check. “Most passport pictures are good likenesses, and it is time we faced it.” ~Katharine Brush

2. Get up those 90 minutes earlier: “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

3. Read for 30 minutes: “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain

4. Affirmation: I Am a Success Now and Always, Because of This, I Have Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness. “Positive affirmations wake up your inner resources.”

5. Take a walk or do a chosen exercise for 30 minutes:

“Exercise is the key to creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.”

Success doesn’t just happen



Time Out

“We can explore the world in search of success only to return home to find it.”


Another week over, time is flying. Today I want to firstly talk about listening.

Most people are very bad listeners. While listening, they are looking out the window or looking around the room to see what else is going on. Many listeners are thinking ahead as if trying to out-best the story. The next time someone tells you a story, focus on listening. If they tell you about jumping out of a plane, don’t be ready to jump in with your better story. You can’t really listen if you’re thinking about what you are going to say next. When they finish talking, just ask a question -- what did the jump feel like? If you feel your mind wandering, just change your position and concentrate on the words. Genuinely seek the welfare of the person, listen with empathy and let the person tell their story in their own time.

For today’s challenge I want you to take time out, learn to listen to yourself.

For this challenge you need to turn that key, switch off the phone and lock the world outside. Take a half an hour of pure silence. Switch off the usual internal dialogue slow down.

Ask yourself:

What does life want from me?

Or better still, if you believe in God, what does God want from me?

Just relax, listen to the silence …….

"Silence is a source of great strength."

— Lao Tzu

Success doesn’t just happen



Day 21 Coach Tasks

1. Take time out take time to listen. “ Silence is a source of great strength.” Lao tzu

2. Get up those 90 minutes earlier: “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

3. Read for 15 minutes: “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain

4. Affirmation: I Am a Success Now and Always, Because of This, I Have Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness. “Positive affirmations wake up your inner resources.”

5. Take a walk or do a chosen exercise for 30 minutes:

“Exercise is the key to creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.”

Success doesn’t just happen



Priorities Wheel

“Things happen when you get your priorities right.”


Remember back on day four, I said that the Wheel of Life was the best kept secret. Today we are going to take it a step forward. The Wheel is useful to get an image of where you stand today in relation to your goal, your career, your talents or anything you want to analyze.

I’ll do an example…… Say John Plumber’s goal is to open a sweet shop. The first thing I would ask John to do is write eight priorities required for him to open his shop. This exercise takes a bit of thinking, and one can often come up with an oversight that could otherwise create problems going forward.

As with the Life Wheel, I would then get John to score himself between 1 and 10

on each priority. (1 for weak and 10 for excellent.) This immediately highlights where John stands at this point in time.

This is a brilliant exercise and it’s easy. Study John’s wheel, take your time and think about his situation.

1. Write down eight priorities required for the task.

2. Score each priority between 1 and 10. ( 1 for weak and 10 for excellent) 3. Draw a line in the wheel for each score.

Success doesn’t just happen



At a glance John can see where there is a need for improvement. Take sales skills with a score of 5.

John now has to ask himself what to do about this priority.

Will I do a sales course?

Will I be hiring someone to manage sales?

Overall looking at the image, will I be ready to open by my target date?

Today for your daily challenge I want you to fill out the Priorities Wheel below.

Choose your own topic/task. Choose your goal, talents, career or values.

Then write a note in the ‘things to do’ table below the Wheel, suggesting what you could do to improve your score on each priority.

Success doesn’t just happen







Priorities Wheel

Task …………………………………………

Success doesn’t just happen


No. Priority Things To Do!









Success doesn’t just happen



Day 22 Coach Tasks

1. Fill out Priorities Wheel & Things To Do table in order to improve your score. “Good things happen when you get your priorities straight.” Scott Caan

2. Get up those 90 minutes earlier: “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

3. Read for 30 minutes: “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain

4. Affirmation: I Am a Success Now and Always, Because of This, I Have Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness. “Positive affirmations wake up your inner resources.”

5. Take a walk or do a chosen exercise for 30 minutes:

“Exercise is the key to creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.”

Success doesn’t just happen



Self- Excellence

“Exert your talents, and distinguish yourself, and don't think of retiring from the world, until the world will be sorry that you retire.”

Samuel Johnson

Most of us are aware that we are not living up to our true potential; we know it is possible to do more and be more than we are. We have learned a lot about ourselves in the last twenty one days. We are more aware of where we want to go and we have learned some skills to get us there. Now I want you to look at every area of your life and expand on them. I want you in pursuit of personal growth, personal excellence. Remember when I talked about enjoying life, I discussed being aware of what you are doing in the present. I discussed the importance of aiming for your goal in steps so as not to get overwhelmed. Now when you do an activity I want you to be aware, to do it better than before. It goes back to doing things the way you always did them. I want you to think better, more productively and more creatively. This means watching everything in you and around you, everything you do as if it were happening to someone else.

By just choosing a new attitude of growth and excellence you automatically change the nature of the results. When you take on each task, have an open mind, observe the way you always did this task. Ask yourself the open questions --

What, Why and How; and Describe how you did it. Ask yourself if there are any alternative ways of tackling the task. These questions get you to think and reflect.

You become more aware of your opinions and feelings. Are there any articles on the internet any videos on YouTube that might help you? Think like a winner, practice, practice, practice.

Think Paradigm Shift; doing things the way you always did them is a paradigm.

Look for new ways to do things. Take this twenty eight day indirect coaching program; it’s different than any other coaching model or program. By doing things differently, you increase your chances of success enormously. By experiencing excellence on a daily basis, the quality of your life will improve.

Your confidence will increase and you will discover more of your strengths.

Be creative, be productive and take chances.

Success doesn’t just happen


Activities for growth and expansion

Ask yourself What, Why, How & Describe.






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