28 Days to Success by Tommy Macken - HTML preview

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What is my life purpose?

Success doesn’t just happen



Day 13 Coach Tasks

1. Keep writing “What is my life purpose?” The heart may give a useful message to the head.

2. Get up those 60 minutes earlier: “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

3. Read for 30 minutes: “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain

4. Affirmation: I Am a Success Now and Always, Because of This, I Have Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness. “Positive affirmations wake up your inner resources.”

5. Take a walk or do a chosen exercise for 30 minutes:

“Exercise is the key to creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.”

Success doesn’t just happen




“The price of greatness is responsibility.”

Sir Winston Churchill

Now that you have discovered where you are now, it is time to move forward. It is time to take responsibility for your future, to be answerable to yourself -- in other words to be accountable. The very first step in preparing for success is to think success. Positive thinking is almost an art in itself. Some people will be thinking

‘don’t give me this power of positive thinking stuff,’ but if you think it, you will attract it. Positive thinking is only the foundation; it is caring for your mind, nurturing it, avoiding anxiety and worry. Lets call it positive living. That’s what this 28 day program is a mini course in -- positive living.

People who succeed don’t just exist -- get up late, quick cup of coffee, work, home, television and bed. To succeed you do things differently than those whose lives are ordinary. No regretting the past and brooding over the future. There are no benefits to regrets or to hanging about brooding about the future. In fact, there is the very opposite, which can lead to sadness, depression and anger.

Be wary of get rich quick, positive thinking schemes. Take the law of attraction for example. So many people want a quick fix that when I mention life coaching, they think sending thoughts into the universe and MAGIC. There is an over reliance on positive thinking. No need for action thinking. Take the law of gravity: what goes up must come down. In general terms yes. However if your tennis ball goes up and lands in the eve gutter of the house, you have to take action, get a ladder, climb up and retrieve it.

The benefits of positive living are that you are opening up your mind to produce the results you only dreamed of up until now. You accept responsibility for your actions; you make things happen. Let’s be honest, in your exercise yesterday didn’t you dream of something you really could do, even if it means stretching a long way? When I do this exercise, I don’t dream of singing for an audience; I know that is unrealistic because I can’t sing. Most people don’t realize the huge potential of the mind. The best way to realize this potential is to experience it. Be accountable to yourself. You have choices, make decisions.

Decide here and now to be accountable for your thoughts, to control your attitude towards the events in your life. Look for the benefits to your bad luck stories. For Success doesn’t just happen



example, if one loses a job or has to close a business, they look for benefits. This person could end up going in a totally different direction in life going back to college or trying a different career. Living a positive life for this person is better that sitting about the house brooding. By taking responsibility to choose, your response will bring you to a higher plane where you will be motivated to move forward at a quicker, more dynamic rate. This is the intrinsic motivation we talked about last week kicking in.

Things are always created in the mind first and then in reality. Take yesterday’s dream; take accountability for your thoughts and really expect your dream to come true. Your mind will now start thinking of ways to make this dream come true. As you get on with your day, your subconscious mind will be working away looking for solutions and suddenly an answer jumps into your conscious mind and you’re another step forward towards your dream. Expect the best, and you will be amazed with the outcome. You will become alive and discover yourself to be greater than you dreamed you could be.

Day 14 Coach Tasks

1. Another 7 days complete. Go fishing, golf or whatever relaxation you’re into.

2. Get up those 60 minutes earlier: “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

3. Read for 30 minutes: “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain

4. Affirmation: I Am a Success Now and Always, Because of This, I Have Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness. “Positive affirmations wake up your inner resources.”

5. Take a walk or do a chosen exercise for 30 minutes:

“Exercise is the key to creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.”

Success doesn’t just happen



What Next

“What is not started today is never finished tomorrow.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The hard work the ‘discovery sector’ of the program is over. For the last week we have evaluated who we are. We looked at our self esteem, beliefs, values, strengths and life purpose. These topics along with the assignments give us a good foundation to move into the next sector -- ‘the creative sector’. Using the information you have gathered about yourself intelligently will help you over the next week. You will decide which directions your life should take and then start creating this life.

As I said in week one, if you keep doing things the same way you always have, you are bound to get the same results. Over the next week we will take your dream and convert this into a goal. We will design a plan, your success plan. This is an exciting week; focus and enjoy.

Before we move forward to the creative sector, I want you to think about some questions. Write down the answers, the first thing that comes into your head.

Think like a ten year old when asked what he would like to be when he grows up.

Let your imagination run wild. Today is an easy day; this is about you, your dream.

Success doesn’t just happen


What is your dream?

What is exciting to you about this?

Success doesn’t just happen


What does your intuition tell you about this?

What else have you to say?

Success doesn’t just happen



Day 15 Coach Tasks

1. Answer the above questions and write down the answers.

2. Get up those 60 minutes earlier: “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

3. Read for 30 minutes: “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain

4. Affirmation: I Am a Success Now and Always, Because of This, I Have Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness. “Positive affirmations wake up your inner resources.”

5. Take a walk or do a chosen exercise for 30 minutes:

“Exercise is the key to creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.”

Success doesn’t just happen




“Goals that are not written down are just wishes.”


This is a great subject to start week three on; in the next few days you will really feel that you are going places. You are creating your new life. Setting and achieving goals is the ability to turn dreams into reality. How many times do we want to do something or achieve something, but never do? So many of us are day dreamers; we don’t turn dreams into reality. The problem for many is that we don’t know how to turn these dreams into reality. Often we don’t even see that there is a gap between the dream and reality. Today we are going to learn how to bridge this gap.

Make sure your goal is not based on ‘having’ this or that -- a big house, your own company or a fleet of cars. Make sure your goals are aiming at an activity. See yourself inspiring people with your work, feel how the activity enriches your life and this leads on to enriching the lives of other people along the way.

The first thing to do is define the dream, write it down and put a name on it.

We now call this a GOAL; it’s no longer a dream.

The next step is to turn the goal into reality.

The best system for doing this is called ‘S.M.A.R.T. Goals’.


Is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound.

An example of a smart goal is ……S… I want to write an eBook. I want this to be different and better than anything I have ever written before. The subject is Rolls Royce Silver Shadow. M…There will be one hundred and seventy pages. A…I will go to RR club, do their course, go to museum, etc. R…I have written books before; I have a car; I’m passionate about these cars, etc. T… I will have the book ready for the club AGM on November 10th.

Success doesn’t just happen


Name of goal: RR Silver Shadow eBook.

After I carry out my research, I will have ten weeks. I will do at least twenty two pages a week, giving me plenty of time to tie up any loose ends and organize cover.

The following chart should make it easy for you to understand how to write a SMART goal.

SMART goals

Specific: A specific goal has a greater chance to succeed than a general goal.

o What exactly do I want to achieve?

o Where do I want to be?

o What are the benefits of achieving this goal?

Measurable: By measuring a goal one can stay on course and monitor progress.

o How many?

o How much?

o How will I know when this goal is achieved?

Achievable: By taking the goal step by step, what seemed far away suddenly looks achievable.

o What is the first step I should take?

o How am I going to do this?

o What help or resources will I need?

Realistic: For the goal to be realistic one has to have the ability and motivation to achieve.

o Have I achieved anything similar in the past?

o Are the environment and conditions right?

o What do others say about my ability?

Time bound: A goal without a deadline is incomplete not much more than a dream. The target date must be specific ‘tomorrow never comes’. There is an air of urgency in ‘by my birthday Feb 19th’.

o When do I want to achieve this by?

o Is the timeframe specific, realistic and achievable?

o Could conditions like weather cause setbacks?


For your challenge today I want you to take your dream and convert it into a smart goal.

Success doesn’t just happen




My Goal (SMART)










D ay 16 Coach Tasks















Success doesn’t just happen


1. Write your smart goal. A goal is a dream with a deadline.

2. Get up those 90 minutes earlier: “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

3. Read for 30 minutes: “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain

4. Affirmation: I Am a Success Now and Always, Because of This, I Have Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness. “Positive affirmations wake up your inner resources.”

5. Take a walk or do a chosen exercise for 30 minutes:

“Exercise is the key to creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.”

Success doesn’t just happen



Design a Plan

“Have a plan, follow the plan and you’ll be surprised how successful you can be. Most people don’t have a plan. That’s why it’s easy to beat most people. ”

Paul Bryant.

One wouldn’t run a marathon without preparation, planning and progress. Let’s be honest, one wouldn’t go on holidays without preparation, planning and progress. Yet so many people go through life without sitting down and writing a basic blueprint, a plan of action.

Preparation, planning and progress are the differences between ordinary and extraordinary people. It is often the difference between failure and success in any activity. While we are still preparing ourselves for success, I want to talk about planning. A complete thoughtful life plan is a vital tool to use in order to reach our long term goals. Just like your core values are the ‘sat nav’ to your decisions, a plan is the ‘sat nav’ to your direction and actions. Ideally it gets you from your starting point to your destination. It gives you a picture of the obstacles ahead and points out alternate routes or helps you find them when you meet a road block. By designing a plan, we keep looking for what we could do. It saves us from becoming overwhelmed. When you wrote down your dream three days ago, the thoughts of it could be overwhelming; it could be pure frightening. An ideal plan is designed in steps or chunks. You take one step at a time, focus on it while at the same time holding on to the dream. We often say ‘I want to do this’ or ‘I want to do that.’ Wanting becomes doing when you design a plan and put it into action.

I want to be a millionaire by the time I’m forty.

How are you going to do it?

I don’t know, work hard I guess.

I’ve news for you, most people work hard and most never become millionaires.

Why do so many of us want things and never plan them? If you have no plan, it’s easy to lose focus. When you lose focus, time passes like the guy in the above story. Suddenly he’s fifty, and he realizes if he wants to be a millionaire he had better sit down and plan.

Success doesn’t just happen


There are no benefits to the non existence of a plan.

Benefits of no life plan:

Benefits of a life plan:

: Gives you direction.