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contraction becomes less efficient [132, 52].

The rotation curve decomposition of disks within contracted ΛCDM halos

are in general consistent with observations [82, 45, 132] (nearly–flat total rotation curves; maximum disk for high–surface brightness disks; submaximum

disk for the LSB disks; in more detail, the outer rotation curve shape depends

on surface density, going from decreasing to increasing at the disk radius for

higher to lower densities, respectively). However, there are important non–

solved issues. For example, from a large sample of observed rotation curves,

Persic et al. [95] inferred that the rotation curve shapes are described by an

“universal” profile that (i) depends on the galaxy luminosity and (ii) implies

a halo profile different from the CDM (NFW) profile. Other studies confirm

only partially these claims [123, 132, 25]. Statistical studies of rotation curves are very important for testing the ΛCDM scenario.

In general, the structure and dynamics of disks formed within ΛCDM halos

under the assumption of detailed AM conservation seem to be consistent with

observations. An important result to remark is the successful prediction of the

infrared Tully–Fisher relation and its scatter16. The core problem mentioned

in §4.2 is the most serious potential difficulty. Other potential difficulties are:

(i) the predicted disk size (surface brightness) distribution implies a P (λ)

distribution narrower than that corresponding to ΛCDM halos by almost a

factor of two [74]; (ii) the internal AM distribution inferred from observations of dwarf galaxies seems not to be in agreement with the ΛCDM halo AM

distribution [122]; (iii) the inference of the halo profile from the statistical study of rotation curve shapes seems not to be agreement with CMD halos.

In N–body+hydrodynamical simulations of disk galaxy formation there was

common another difficulty called the ’angular momentum catastrophe’: the

simulated disks ended too much concentrated, apparently due to AM trans-

ference of baryons to DM during the gas collapse. The formation of highly

concentrated disks also affects the shape of the rotation curve (strongly de-

creasing), as well as the zero–point of the Tully–Fisher relation. Recent nu-

16 In §4.1 we have shown that the basis of the Tully–Fisher relation is the CDM halo

M − Vm relation. From the pure halo to the disk+halo system there are several

intermediate processes that could distort the original M − Vm relation. However,

it was shown that the way in which the CDM halo couples with the disk and the

way galaxies transform their gas into stars “conspire” to keep the relation. Due

to this conspiring, the Tully–Fisher relation is robust to variations in the baryon

fraction fB (or mass–to–luminosity ratios) and in the spin parameter λ [45].



Understanding Galaxy Formation and Evolution


merical simulations are showing that the ’angular momentum catastrophe’,

rather than a physical problem, is a problem related to the resolution of the

simulations and the correct inclusion of feedback effects.

4. Star formation and feedback. We are coming to the less understood and

most complicated aspects of the models of galaxy evolution, which deserve

separate notes. The star formation (SF) process is studied at two levels (each

one by two separated communities!): (i) the small–scale physics, related to the

complex processes by which the cold gas inside molecular clouds fragments and

collapses into stars, and (ii) the large–scale physics, related to the disk global

instabilities that give rise to the largest unities of SF, the molecular clouds.

The SF physics incorporated to galaxy evolution models is still oversimpli-

fied, phenomenological and refers to the latter item. The large-scale SF cycle

in normal galaxies is believed to be self–regulated by a balance between the

energy injection due to SF (mainly SNe) and dissipation (radiative or turbu-

lent). Two main approaches have been used to describe the SF self–regulation

in models of galaxy evolution: (a) the halo cooling-feedback approach [130]), (b) the disk turbulent ISM approach [44, 124].

According to the former, the cool gas is reheated by the “galaxy” SF feed-

back and driven back to the intrahalo medium until it again cools radiatively

and collapses into the galaxy. This approach has been used in semi–analytical

models of galaxy formation where the internal structure and hydrodynamics

of the disks are not treated in detail. The reheating rate is assumed to depend

on the halo circular velocity Vc: ˙

Mrh ∝ ˙

Ms/V α

c , where


Ms is the SF rate

(SFR) and α ≥ 2. Thus, the galaxy SFR, gas fraction and luminosity depend

on Vc. In these models, the disk ISM is virtually ignored and the SN–energy

injection is assumed to be as efficient as to reheat the cold gas up to the virial

temperature of the halo. A drawback of the model is that it predicts hot X-ray

halos around disk galaxies much more luminous than those observed.

Approach (b) is more appropriate for models where the internal processes

of the disk are considered. In this approach, the SF at a given radius r is

assumed to be triggered by disk gravitational instabilities (Toomre criterion)

and self–regulated by a balance between energy injection (mainly by SNe)

and dissipation in the turbulent ISM in the direction perpendicular to the

disk plane:



g (r)κ(r)

g(r) ≡

< Q




g (r)




g (r)

SN ǫSN Σ∗(r) + ˙

ΣE,accr(r) =




where vg and Σg are the gas velocity dispersion and surface density, κ is

the epicyclic frequency, Qcrit is a critical value for instability, γSN and ǫSN

are the kinetic energy injection efficiency of the SN into the gas and the

SN energy generated per gram of gas transformed into stars, respectively,


Σ∗ is the surface SFR, and ˙

ΣE,accr is the kinetic energy input due to mass


Vladimir Avila-Reese

accretion rate (or eventually any other energy source as AGN feedback). The

key parameter in the self–regulating process is the dissipation time td. The

disk ISM is a turbulent, non-isothermal, multi-temperature flow. Turbulent

dissipation in the ISM is typically efficient (td ∼ 107−108yr) in such a way that

self–regulation happens at the characteristic vertical scales of the disk. Thus,

there is not too much room for strong feedback with the gas at heights larger

than the vertical scaleheigth of normal present–day disks: self–regulation is

at the level of the disk, but not at the level of the gas corona around. With

this approach the predicted SFR is proportional to Σn

g (Schmidt law), with

n ≈ 1.4 − 2 varying along the disk, in good agreement with observational

inferences. The typical SF timescales are not longer than 3 − 4Gyr. Therefore,

to keep active SFRs in the disks, gas infall is necessary, a condition perfectly

fulfilled in the ΛCDM scenario.

Given the SFR radius by radius and time by time, and assuming an IMF,

the corresponding luminosities in different color bands can be calculated with

stellar population synthesis models. The final result is then an evolving inside–

out luminous disk with defined global and local colors.

5. Secular evolution

The “quiet” evolution of galaxy disks as described above can be disturbed by

minor mergers (satellite accretion) and interactions with close galaxy com-

panions. However, as several studies have shown, the disk may suffer even

intrinsic instabilities which lead to secular changes in its structure, dynam-

ics, and SFR. The main effects of secular evolution, i.e. dynamical processes

that act in a timescale longer than the disk dynamical time, are the vertical

thickening and “heating” of the disk, the formation of bars, which are efficient

mechanisms of radial AM and mass redistribution, and the possible formation

of (pseudo)bulges (see for recent reviews [71, 33]). Models of disk galaxy evolution should include these processes, which also can affect disk properties,

for example increasing the disk scale radii [117].

5.2 Spheroids

As mentioned in §2, the simple appearance, the dominant old stellar popu-

lations, the α–elements enhancement, and the dynamically hot structure of

spheroids suggest that they were formed by an early (z > 4) single violent event

with a strong burst of star formation, followed by passive evolution of their

stellar population ( monolithic mechanism). Nevertheless, both observations

and theory point out to a more complex situation. There are two ways to de-

fine the formation epoch of a spheroid: when most of its stars formed or when

the stellar spheroid acquired its dynamical properties in violent or secular

processes. For the monolithic collapse mechanism both epochs coincide.

In the context of the ΛCDM scenario, spheroids are expected to be formed

basically as the result of major mergers of disks. However,

Understanding Galaxy Formation and Evolution


• if the major mergers occur at high redshifts, when the disks are

mostly gaseous, then the situation is close to the monolithic collapse;

• if the major mergers occur at low redshifts, when the galaxies

have already transformed a large fraction of their gas into stars, then

the spheroids assemble by the “classical” dissipationless collision.

Besides, stellar disks may develop spheroids in their centers (bulges) by

secular evolution mechanisms, both intrinsic or enhanced by minor mergers

and interactions; this channel of spheroid formation should work for late–

type galaxies and it is supported by a large body of observations [71]. But the picture is even more complex in the hierarchical cosmogony as galaxy

morphology may be continuously changing, depending on the MAH (smooth

accretion and violent mergers) and environment. An spheroid formed early

should continue accreting gas so that a new, younger disk grows around.

A naive expectation in the context of the ΛCDM scenario is that massive

elliptical galaxies should be assembled mainly by late major mergers of the

smaller galaxies in the hierarchy. It is also expected that the disks in galaxies

with small bulge–to–disk ratios should be on average redder than those in

galaxies with large bulge–to–disk ratios, contrary to observations.

Although it is currently subject of debate, a more elaborate picture of

spheroid formation is emerging now in the context of the ΛCDM hierarchical

scenario (see [106, 46, 39] and the references therein). The basic ideas are that massive ellipticals formed early (z > 3) and in a short timescale by the

merging of gas–rich disks in rare high–peak, clustered regions of the Universe.

The complex physics of the merging implies (i) an ultraluminous burst of SF

obscured by dust (cool ULIRG phase) and the establishment of a spheroidal

structure, (ii) gas collapse to the center, a situation that favors the growth of

the preexisting massive black hole(s) through an Eddington or even super–

Eddington regime (warm ULIRG phase), (iii) the switch on of the AGN activ-

ity associated to the supermassive black hole when reaching a critical mass,

reverting then the gas inflow to gas outflow (QSO phase), (iv) the switch off

of the AGN activity leaving a giant stellar spheroid with a supermassive black

hole in the center and a hot gas corona around (passive elliptical evolution).

In principle, the hot corona may cool by cooling flows and increase the mass

of the galaxy, likely renewing a disk around the spheroid. However, it seems

that recurrent AGN phases (less energetic than the initial QSO phase) are

possible during the life of the spheroid. Therefore, the energy injected from

AGN in the form of radio jets (feedback) can be responsible for avoiding the

cooling flow. This way is solved the problem of disk formation around the

elliptical, as well as the problem of the extended bright end in the luminosity

function. It is also important to note that as soon as the halo hosting the

elliptical becomes a subhalo of the group or cluster, the MAH is truncated

(§4). According to the model just described, massive elliptical galaxies were

in place at high redshifts, while less massive galaxies (collapsing from more

common density peaks) assembled later. This model was called downsizing or


Vladimir Avila-Reese

anti-hierarchical. In spite of the name, it fits perfectly within the hierarchical

ΛCDM scenario.

5.3 Drivers of the Hubble sequence

• Disks are generic objects formed by gas dissipation and collapse inside the

growing CDM halos. Three (cosmological) initial and boundary conditions

related to the halos define the main properties of disks in isolated halos:

1. The virial mass, which determines extensive properties

2. The spin parameter λ, which determines mainly the disk surface

brightness (SB; it gives rise to the sequence from high SB to low SB

disks) and strongly influences the rotation curve shape and the bulge–

to–disk ratio (within the secular scenario). λ also plays some role in

the SFR history.

3. The MAH, which drives the gas infall rate and, therefore, the

disk SFR and color; the MAH determines also the halo concentration,

and its scatter is reflected in the scatter of the Tully–Fisher relation.

The two latter determine the intensive properties of disks, suggesting a

biparametrical sequence in SB and color. There is a fourth important param-

eter, the galaxy baryon fraction fB, which influences the disk SB and rotation

curve shape. We have seen that fB in galaxies is 3–5 times lower than the uni-

versal ΩB/ΩDM fraction. This parameter is related probably to astrophysical

processes as gas dissipation and feedback.

• The clustering of CDM halos follows an spatial distribution with very

different large–scale environments. In low–density environments, halos live

mostly isolated, favoring the formation of disks, whose properties are driven

by the factors mentioned above. However, as we move to higher–density envi-

ronments, halos form from more and more clustered high–peak perturbations

that assemble early by violent major mergers: this is the necessary condition

to form massive ellipticals. At some time, the larger scale in the hierarchy col-

lapses and the halo becomes a subhalo: the mass aggregation is then truncated

and the probability of merging decreases dramatically. Elliptical galaxies are

settled and continue evolving passively. Thus, the environment of CDM halos

is another important driver of the Hubble sequence, able to establish the main

body of the observed blue–red and early–type morphology sequences and their

dependences on density.

• Although the initial, boundary and environmental conditions provided

by the ΛCDM scenario are drivers of several of the main properties and cor-

relations of galaxies, astrophysical processes should also play an important

role. The driving astrophysical processes are global SF and feedback. They

should come in two modes that drive the disk and elliptical sequences: (i)

the quiescent disk mode, where disk instabilities trigger SF and local (nega-

tive) feedback self–regulates the SFR, and (ii) the bursting mode of violent

mergers of gaseous galaxies, where local shocks and gravothermal catastrophe

trigger SF, and presumably a positive feedback increases its efficiency. Other

Understanding Galaxy Formation and Evolution


important astrophysical drivers of galaxy properties are: (i) the SN–induced

wind–driven outflows, which are important to shape the properties of dwarf

galaxies (M < 1010M

< 80km/s), (ii) the AGN–induced hydrodynamical

⊙, Vm ∼

outflows, which are important to prevent cooling flows in massive ellipticals,

(iii) several processes typical of high–density environments such as ram pres-

sure, harassment, strangulation, etc., presumably important to shape some

properties of galaxies in clusters.

6 Issues and outlook

Our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution is in its infancy. So far,

only the first steps were given in the direction of consolidating a theory in

this field. The process is apparently so complex and non–linear that several

specialists do not expect the emergence of a theory in the sense that a few

driving parameters and factors might explain the main body of observations.

Instead, the most popular trend now is to attain some description of galaxy

evolution by simulating it in expensive computational runs. I believe that

simulations are a valuable tool to extend a bridge between reality and the

distorted (biased) information given by observations. However, the search of

basic theories for explaining galaxy formation and evolution should not be

replaced by the only effort of simulating in detail what in fact we want to get.

The power of science lies in its predictive capability. Besides, if galaxy theory

becomes predictive, then its potential to test fundamental and cosmological

theories will be enormous.

Along this notes, potential difficulties or unsolved problems of the ΛCDM

scenario were discussed. Now I summarize and complement them:


• What is non–baryonic DM? From the structure formation side, the preferred

(and necessary!) type is CDM, though WDM with filtering masses below ∼

109M⊙ is also acceptable. So far none of the well–motivated cold or warm non–

baryonic particles have been detected in Earth experiments. The situation is

even worth for proposals not based on elemental particles as DM from extra–


• What is Dark Energy? Dark Energy does not play apparently a signif-

icant role in the internal evolution of perturbations but it crucially defines

the cosmic timescale and expansion rate, which are important for the grow-

ing factor of perturbations. The simplest interpretation of Dark Energy is the

homogeneous and inert cosmological constant Λ, with equation of state pa-

rameter w = −1 and ρΛ =const. The combinations of different cosmological

probes tend to favor the flat-geometry Λ models with (ΩM , ΩΛ)≈(0.26, 0.74).

However, the cosmological constant explanation of Dark Energy faces serious

theoretical problems. Several alternatives to Λ were proposed to ameliorate


Vladimir Avila-Reese

partially these problems (e.g. quintaessence, k–essence, Chaplygin gas, etc.).

Also have been proposed unifying schemes of DM and Dark Energy through

scalar fields (e.g, [81]).


• Inflation provides a natural mechanism for the generation of primordial

fluctuations. The nearly scale–invariance of the primordial power spectrum is

well predicted by several inflation models, but its amplitude, rather than being

predicted, is empirically inferred from observations of CMBR anisotropies.

Another aspect of primordial fluctuations not well understood is related to

their statistics, i.e., whether they are Gaussian–distributed or not. And this

is crucial for cosmic structure formation.

• Indirect pieces of evidence are consistent with the main predictions of

inflation regarding primordial fluctuations. However, more direct tests of this

theory are highly desirable. Hopefully, CMBR anisotropy observations will

allow for some more direct tests (e.g., effects from primordial gravitational



• Issues at small scales. The excess of substructure (satellite galaxies) can

be apparently solved by inhibition of galaxy formation in small halos due to

UV–radiation produced by reionization and due to feedback, rather than to

modifications to the scenario (e.g., the introduction of WDM). Observational

inferences of the inner volume and phase–space densities of dwarf satellite

galaxies are crucial to explore this question. The direct detection (with gravi-

tational lensing) of the numerous subhalo (dark galaxy) population predicted

by CDM for the Galaxy halo is a decisive test on the problem of substruc-

ture. The CDM prediction of cuspy halos is a more involved problem when

confronting it with observational inferences. If the disagreement persists, then

either the ΛCDM scenario will need a modification (e.g., introduction of self–

interaction or annihilation), or astrophysical processes involving gas baryon

physics should be in action. However, there are still unsolved issues at the

intermediate level: for example, the central halo density profile of galaxies is

inferred from observations of inner rotation curves under several assumptions

that could be incorrect. An interesting technique to overcome this problem

is being currently developed: to simulate as realistically as possible a given

galaxy, “observe” its rotation curve and then compare with that of the real

galaxy (see §§4.1).

• The early formation of massive red elliptical galaxies can be accommo-

dated in the hierarchical ΛCDM scenario (§§5.2) if spheroids are produced by

the major merger of gaseous disks, and if the cold gas is transformed rapidly

into stars during the merger in a dynamical time or so. Both conditions should

be demonstrated, in particular the latter. A kind of positive feedback seems

Understanding Galaxy Formation and Evolution


to be necessary for such an efficient star formation rate (ISM shocks produced

by the jets generated in the vicinity of supermassive black holes?).

• Once the elliptical has formed early, the next difficulty is how to avoid

further (disk) growth around it. The problem can be partially solved by con-

sidering that ellipticals form typically in dense, clustered environments, and

at some time they become substructures of larger virialized groups or clusters,

truncating any possible accretion to the halo/galaxy. However, (i) galaxy ha-

los, even in clusters, are filled with a reservoir of gas, and (ii) there are some

ellipticals in the field. Therefore, negative feedback mechanisms are needed to

stop gas cooling and accretion. AGN–triggered radio jets have been proposed

as a possible mechanism, but further investigation is necessary.

• The merging mechanism of bulge formation within the hierarchical model

implies roughly bluer (later formed) disks as the bulge–to–disk ratio is larger,

contrary to the observed trend. The secular scenario could solve this problem

but it is not still clear whether bars disolve or not in favor of pseudobulges. It

is not clear also if the secular scenario could predict the central supermassive

black hole mass–velocity dispersion relation.

• We lack a fundamental theory of star formation. So far, simple models,

or even just phenomenological recipes, have been used in galaxy formation

studies. The two proposed modes of star formation (the quiescent, inefficient,

disk self–regulated regime, and the violent efficient star–bursting regime in

mergers) are oversimplifications of a much more complex problem with more

physical mechanisms (shocks, turbulence, etc.). Closely related to star forma-

tion is the problem of feedback. The feedback mechanisms are different in the

ISM of disks, in the gaseous medium of merging galaxies with a powerful en-

ergy source (the AGN) other than