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motion, when paths followed by the particles, composing the body are parallel to each other (See

Figure). As we are concerned with the geometry of the path of motion in kinematics, it is,

therefore, reasonable to treat real bodies as “point like” mass for description of translational




Figure 1.20. Translational motion

Particles follow parallel paths

We conceptualize a particle in order to facilitate the geometric description of motion. A particle is

considered to be dimensionless, but having a mass. This hypothetical construct provides the basis

for the logical correspondence of point with the position occupied by a particle.

Without any loss of purpose, we can designate motion to begin at A or A’ or A’’ corresponding to

final positions B or B’ or B’’ respectively as shown in the figure above.

For the reasons as outlined above, we shall freely use the terms “body” or “object” or “particle” in

one and the same way as far as description of translational motion is concerned. Here, pure

translation conveys the meaning that the object is under motion without rotation, like sliding of a

block on a smooth inclined plane.


Definition: Position

The position of a particle is a point in the defined volumetric space of the coordinate system.


Figure 1.21. Position of a point object

Position of a point is specified by three coordinate values

The position of a point like object, in three dimensional coordinate space, is defined by three

values of coordinates i.e. x, y and z in Cartesian coordinate system as shown in the figure above.

It is evident that the relative position of a point with respect to a fixed point such as the origin of

the system “O” has directional property. The position of the object, for example, can lie either to

the left or to the right of the origin or at a certain angle from the positive x - direction. As such the

position of an object is associated with directional attribute with respect to a frame of reference

(coordinate system).

Example 1.2. Coordinates

Problem : The length of the second’s hand of a round wall clock is ‘r’ meters. Specify the

coordinates of the tip of the second’s hand corresponding to the markings 3,6,9 and 12

(Consider the center of the clock as the origin of the coordinate system.).

Figure 1.22. Coordinates of the tip of the second’s hand

The origin coincides with the center

Solution : The coordinates of the tip of the second’s hand is given by the coordinates :

3 : r, 0, 0

6 : 0, -r, 0

9 : -r, 0, 0

12 : 0, r, 0

Exercise 2.


What would be the coordinates of the markings 3,6,9 and 12 in the earlier example, if the origin

coincides with the marking 6 on the clock ?

Figure 1.22. Coordinates of the tip of the second’s hand

Origin coincides with the marking 6 O’ clock

The coordinates of the tip of the second’s hand is given by the coordinates :

3 : r, r, 0

6 : 0, 0, 0

9 : -r, r, 0

12 : 0, 2r, 0

The above exercises point to an interesting feature of the frame of reference: that the specification

of position of the object (values of coordinates) depends on the choice of origin of the given frame

of reference. We have already seen that description of motion depends on the state of observer i.e.

the attached system of reference. This additional dependence on the choice of origin of the

reference would have further complicated the issue, but for the linear distance between any two

points in a given system of reference, is found to be independent of the choice of the origin. For

example, the linear distance between the markings 6 and 12 is ‘2r’, irrespective of the choice of

the origin.

Plotting motion

Position of a point in the volumetric space is a three dimensional description. A plot showing

positions of an object during a motion is an actual description of the motion in so far as the curve

shows the path of the motion and its length gives the distance covered. A typical three


dimensional motion is depicted as in the figure below :

Figure 1.23. Motion in three dimension

The plot is the path followed by the object during motion.

In the figure, the point like object is deliberately shown not as a point, but with finite dimensions.

This has been done in order to emphasize that an object of finite dimensions can be treated as

point when the motion is purely translational.

The three dimensional description of positions of an object during motion is reduced to be two or

one dimensional description for the planar and linear motions respectively. In two or one

dimensional motion, the remaining coordinates are constant. In all cases, however, the plot of the

positions is meaningful in following two respects :

The length of the curve (i.e. plot) is equal to the distance.

A tangent in forward direction at a point on the curve gives the direction of motion at that point

Description of motion

Position is the basic element used to describe motion. Scalar properties of motion like distance

and speed are expressed in terms of position as a function of time. As the time passes, the

positions of the motion follow a path, known as the trajectory of the motion. It must be

emphasized here that the path of motion (trajectory) is unique to a frame of reference and so is the

description of the motion.

To illustrate the point, let us consider that a person is traveling on a train, which is moving with

the velocity v along a straight track. At a particular moment, the person releases a small pebble.

The pebble drops to the ground along the vertical direction as seen by the person.



Figure 1.24. Trajectory as seen by the passenger

Trajectory is a straight line.

The same incident, however, is seen by an observer on the ground as if the pebble followed a

parabolic path (See Figure blow). It emerges then that the path or the trajectory of the motion is

also a relative attribute, like other attributes of the motion (speed and velocity). The coordinate

system of the passenger in the train is moving with the velocity of train ( v) with respect to the

earth and the path of the pebble is a straight line. For the person on the ground, however, the

coordinate system is stationary with respect to earth. In this frame, the pebble has a horizontal

velocity, which results in a parabolic trajectory.

Figure 1.25. Trajectory as seen by the person on ground

Trajectory is a parabolic curve.

Without overemphasizing, we must acknowledge that the concept of path or trajectory is

essentially specific to the frame of reference or the coordinate system attached to it. Interestingly,

we must be aware that this particular observation happens to be the starting point for the

development of special theory of relativity by Einstein (see his original transcript on the subject

of relativity).



Position – time plot

The position in three dimensional motion involves specification in terms of three coordinates.

This requirement poses a serious problem, when we want to investigate positions of the object

with respect to time. In order to draw such a graph, we would need three axes for describing

position and one axis for plotting time. This means that a position – time plot for a three

dimensional motion would need four (4) axes !

A two dimensional position – time plot, however, is a possibility, but its drawing is highly

complicated for representation on a two dimensional paper or screen. A simple example

consisting of a linear motion in the x-y plane is plotted against time on z – axis (See Figure).

Figure 1.26. Two dimensional position – time plot

As a matter of fact, it is only the one dimensional motion, whose position – time plot can be

plotted conveniently on a plane. In one dimensional motion, the point object can either be to the

left or to the right of the origin in the direction of reference line. Thus, drawing position against

time is a straight forward exercise as it involves plotting positions with appropriate sign.

Example 1.3. Coordinates

Problem : A ball moves along a straight line from O to A to B to C to O along x-axis as shown

in the figure. The ball covers each of the distance of 5 m in one second. Plot the position –

time graph.

Figure 1.27. Motion along a straight line



Solution : The coordinates of the ball are 0,5,10, -5 and 0 at points O, A, B, C and O (on

return) respectively. The position – time plot of the motion is as given below :

Figure 1.28. Position – time plot in one dimension

Exercise 3.

A ball falling from a height ‘h’ strikes a hard horizontal surface with increasing speed. On each

rebound, the height reached by the ball is half of the height it fell from. Draw position – time plot

for the motion covering two consecutive strikes, emphasizing the nature of curve (ignore actual


Now, as the ball falls towards the surface, it covers path at a quicker pace. As such, the position

changes more rapidly as the ball approaches the surface. The curve (i.e. plot) is, therefore, steeper

towards the surface. On the return upward journey, the ball covers lesser distance as it reaches the

maximum height. Hence, the position – time curve (i.e. plot) is flatter towards the point of

maximum height.


Figure 1.28. Position – time plot in one dimension

Exercise 4.

The figure below shows three position – time plots of a motion of a particle along x-axis. Giving

reasons, identify the valid plot(s) among them. For the valid plot(s), determine following :

Figure 1.28. Position – time plots in one dimension

1. How many times the particle has come to rest?

2. Does the particle reverse its direction during motion?

Validity of plots : In the portion of plot I, we can draw a vertical line that intersects the curve at

three points. It means that the particle is present at three positions simultaneously, which is not

possible. Plot II is also not valid for the same reason. Besides, it consists of a vertical portion,

which would mean presence of the particle at infinite numbers of positions at the same instant.

Plot III, on the other hand, is free from these anomalies and is the only valid curve representing

motion of a particle along x – axis (See Figure).



Figure 1.28. Valid position – time plot in one dimension

A particle can not be present at more than one position at a given instant.

When the particle comes to rest, there is no change in the value of “x”. This, in turn, means that

tangent to the curve at points of rest is parallel to x-axis. By inspection, we find that tangent to the

curve is parallel to x-axis at four points (B,C,D and E) on the curve shown in the figure below.

Hence, the particle comes to rest four times during the motion.

Figure 1.28. Positions of rest

At rest, the tangent to the path is parallel to time axis.

1.5. Vectors*

A number of key fundamental physical concepts relate to quantities, which display directional





property. Scalar algebra is not suited to deal with such quantities. The mathematical construct

called vector is designed to represent quantities with directional property. A vector, as we shall

see, encapsulates the idea of “direction” together with “magnitude”.

In order to elucidate directional aspect of a vector, let us consider a simple example of the motion

of a person from point A to point B and from point B to point C, covering a distance of 4 and 3

meters respectively as shown in the Figure . Evidently, AC represents the linear distance between the initial and the final positions. This linear distance, however, is not equal to the sum of the

linear distances of individual motion represented by segments AB and BC ( 4 + 3 = 7 m) i.e.

Figure 1.29. Displacement

Scalar inequality

However, we need to express the end result of the movement appropriately as the sum of two

individual movements. The inequality of the scalar equation as above is basically due to the fact

that the motion represented by these two segments also possess directional attributes; the first

segment is directed along the positive x – axis, where as the second segment of motion is directed

along the positive y –axis. Combining their magnitudes is not sufficient as the two motions are

perpendicular to each other. We require a mechanism to combine directions as well.

The solution of the problem lies in treating individual distance with a new term "displacement" –

a vector quantity, which is equal to “linear distance plus direction”. Such a conceptualization of a

directional quantity allows us to express the final displacement as the sum of two individual

displacements in vector form :

The magnitude of displacement is obtained by applying Pythagoras theorem :




It is clear from the example above that vector construct is actually devised in a manner so that

physical reality having directional property is appropriately described. This "fit to requirement"

aspect of vector construct for physical phenomena having direction is core consideration in

defining vectors and laying down rules for vector operation.

A classical example, illustrating the “fit to requirement” aspect of vector, is the product of two

vectors. A product, in general, should evaluate in one manner to yield one value. However, there

are natural quantities, which are product of two vectors, but evaluate to either scalar (example :

work) or vector (example : torque) quantities. Thus, we need to define the product of vectors in

two ways : one that yields scalar value and the other that yields vector value. For this reason

product of two vectors is either defined as dot product to give a scalar value or defined as cross

product to give vector value. This scheme enables us to appropriately handle the situations as the

case may be.

Mathematical concept of vector is basically secular in nature and general in application. This

means that mathematical treatment of vectors is without reference to any specific physical

quantity or phenomena. In other words, we can employ vector and its methods to all quantities,

which possess directional attribute, in a uniform and consistent manner. For example two vectors

would be added in accordance with vector addition rule irrespective of whether vectors involved

represent displacement, force, torque or some other vector quantities.

The moot point of discussion here is that vector has been devised to suit the requirement of

natural process and not the other way around that natural process suits vector construct as defined

in vector mathematics.

What is a vector?

Definition: Vector

Vector is a physical quantity, which has both magnitude and direction.

A vector is represented graphically by an arrow drawn on a scale as shown Figure i. In order to process vectors using graphical methods, we need to draw all vectors on the same scale. The arrow

head point in the direction of the vector.

A vector is notionally represented in a characteristic style. It is denoted as bold face type like “ a

as shown Figure (i) or with a small arrow over the symbol like “

” or with a small bar as in “

”. The magnitude of a vector quantity is referred by simple identifier like “a” or as the absolute

value of the vector as “ | a | ” .

Two vectors of equal magnitude and direction are equal vectors ( Figure (ii) ). As such, a vector can be laterally shifted as long as its direction remains same ( Figure (ii) ). Also, vectors can be



shifted along its line of application represented by dotted line ( Figure (iii) ). The flexibility by virtue of shifting vector allows a great deal of ease in determining vector’s interaction with other

scalar or vector quantities.

Figure 1.30. Vectors

It should be noted that graphical representation of vector is independent of the origin or axes of

coordinate system except for few vectors like position vector (called localized vector), which is

tied to the origin or a reference point by definition. With the exception of localized vector, a

change in origin or orientation of axes or both does not affect vectors and vector operations like

addition or multiplication (see figure below).

Figure 1.31. Vectors

The vector is not affected, when the coordinate is rotated or displaced as shown in the figure

above. Both the orientation and positioning of origin i.e reference point do not alter the vector

representation. It remains what it is. This feature of vector operation is an added value as the study

of physics in terms of vectors is simplified, being independent of the choice of coordinate system

in a given reference.





Vector algebra

Graphical method is slightly meticulous and error prone as it involves drawing of vectors on scale

and measurement of angles. In addition, it does not allow algebraic manipulation that otherwise

would give a simple solution as in the case of scalar algebra. We can, however, extend algebraic

techniques to vectors, provided vectors are represented on a rectangular coordinate system. The

representation of a vector on a coordinate system uses the concept of unit vectors and scalar

magnitudes. We shall discuss these aspects in a separate module titled Components of a vector .

Here, we briefly describe the concept of unit vector and technique to represent a vector in a

particular direction.

Unit vector

Unit vector has a magnitude of one and is directed in a particular direction. It does not have

dimension or unit like most other physical quantities. Thus, multiplying a scalar by unit vector

converts the scalar quantity into a vector without changing its magnitude, but assigning it a

direction ( Figure ).

Figure 1.32. Vector representation with unit vector

This is an important relation as it allows determination of unit vector in the direction of any

vector " a as :

Conventionally, unit vectors along the rectangular axes is represented with bold type face symbols

like : i , j and k , or with a cap heads like

. The unit vector along the axis denotes the

direction of individual axis.



Using the concept of unit vector, we can denote a vector by multiplying the magnitude of the

vector with unit vector in its direction.

Following this technique, we can represent a vector along any axis in terms of scalar magnitude

and axial unit vector like (for x-direction) :

a = a i

Other important vector terms

Null vector

Null vector is conceptualized for completing the development of vector algebra. We may

encounter situations in which two equal but opposite vectors are added. What would be the result?

Would it be a zero real number or a zero vector? It is expected that result of algebraic operation

should be compatible with the requirement of vector. In order to meet this requirement, we define

null vector, which has neither magnitude nor direction. In other words, we say that null vector is a

vector whose all components in rectangular coordinate system are zero.

Strictly, we should denote null vector like other vectors using a bold faced letter or a letter with an

overhead arrow. However, it may generally not be done. We take the exception to denote null

vector by number “0” as this representation does not contradicts the defining requirement of null


a + b = 0

Negative vector

Definition: Negative vector

A negative vector of a given vector is defined as the vector having same magnitude, but applied

in the opposite direction to that of the given vector.

It follows that if b is the negative of vector a , then

There is a subtle point to be made about negative scalar and vector quantities. A negative scalar

quantity, sometimes, conveys the meaning of lesser value. For example, the temperature -5 K is a

smaller temperature than any positive value. Also, a greater negative like – 100 K is less than the


smaller negative like -50 K. However, a scalar like charge conveys different meaning. A negative

charge of -10 μC is a bigger negative charge than – 5 μC. The interpretation of negative scalar is,

thus, situational.

On the other hand, negative vector always indicates the sense of opposite direction. Also like

charge, a greater negative vector is larger than smaller negative vector or a smaller positive

vector. The magnitude of force -10 i N, for example is greater than 5 i N, but directed in the

opposite direction to that of the unit vector i. In any case, negative vector does not convey the

meaning of lesser or greater magnitude like the meaning of a scalar quantity in some cases.

Co-planar vectors

A pair of vectors determines an unique plane. The pair of vectors defining the plane and other

vectors in that plane are called coplanar vectors.

Axial vector

Motion has two basic types : translational and rotational motions. The vector and scalar quantities,

describing them are inherently different. Accordingly, there are two types of vectors to deal with

quantities having direction. The system of vectors that we have referred so far is suitable for