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Information and Signal Theory

Collection edited by: Anders Gjendemsjø

Content authors: Anders Gjendemsjø, Melissa Selik, Richard Baraniuk, Ricardo Radaelli-

Sanchez, Stephen Kruzick, Catherine Elder, and Behnaam Aazhang

Online: <>

This selection and arrangement of content as a collection is copyrighted by Anders Gjendemsjø.

It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License:

Collection structure revised: 2006/08/03

For copyright and attribution information for the modules contained in this collection, see the " Attributions" section at the end of the collection.

Information and Signal Theory

Table of Contents

Cover Page

1. Basic properties of signals

1. Basic properties of signals

2. Convolution

2. Convolution

3. Analog Filtering

3. Analog Filtering

4. Sampling

4. Sampling

5. Information theory

5. Information theory

6. Decibel scale with signal processing applications

6. Decibel scale with signal processing applications

7. Filter types

7. Filter types

8. Table of Formulas

8. Table of Formulas

9. Library

9. Library

A. Attributions

Cover Page

1. TTT4110: Information & Signal theory


Analysis and processing of signals that carry information. Representation of

signals in time and frequency domain.

Instructor: Bojana Gajic Scientific Assistants: Sebastien de la Ketthulle, Anders

Gjendemsjø Course Webpage: NTNU TTT4110

Welcome to TTT4110: Information & Signal Theory Connexions pages. At these pages we will present the following topics:



the Sampling Theorem

Basic Information Theory


Decibel with DSP applications

The material in these pages are partly based on the book Representing Information by

Signals,4th edition, by Tor Ramstad.

Chapter 1. Basic properties of signals

1.1. Introduction*

To describe signals and to understand that signals can carry information we need tools for

mathematical description and manipulation of signals.

In this chapter we introduce several important signals and show simple methods of describing

them. Depending on which type of signals we are looking at, it will be different methods

availiable for manipulating them. The elementary operations for manipulating signals and

sequences will be described.

Contents of this chapter

Introduction (current module)

Discrete time signals

Analog signals

Discrete vs Analog signals

Frequency definitions and periodicity

Energy & Power


The simplest signals are one-dimensional and what follows is a classification of them.

Classification of signals

Analog signals

An analog signal is a continuous function of a continuous variable. Referring to Figure 1.1, this corresponds to that both the 1st AND the 2nd axis is continuous. The 1st axis will in general

correspond to the variable t , meaning time. In this context we define

signal range - the possible amplitude values the signal can take

signal axis - the time interval for which the signal exists



Figure 1.1.

Reference axes

Time discrete signals

A time discrete signal is a continuous signal of a discrete variable. Referring to Figure 1.1, we have the 1st axis discrete while the 2nd axis is continuous. Often we assign the values of the 1st

axis to a variable n . Time discrete signals often originate from analog signals being sampled.

More on that in the Sampling theorem chapter.

Figure 1.2.

Time discrete signal

Note that the signal is only defined for integer values along the 1st axis. We do not have any

information other than the values at index points.

Digital signals



Let the signal be a discrete function of a discrete variable, e.g. 1st and 2nd axis discrete, then the

signal will be digital. Examples of digital signals are a binary sequence. Digital signals often arise

from sampling analog signals and the samples being assigned to a discrete value.

Periodic vs non periodic signals

All the signals mentioned above can be periodic. For time discrete and digital signals one has to

be extra cautious when "declaring" periodicity as we will see in Frequency definitions &

periodicity. Figure 1.3 shows a periodic signal with period T 0 and an aperiodic signal.

Figure 1.3.

(a) Periodic signal

(b) Aperiodic signal

(Figures by Melissa Selik)

Matlab file


Take a look at Discrete time signals; Analog signals; Discrete vs Analog signals; Frequency

definitions and periodicity; Energy & Power; Exercises ?

1.2. Discrete time signals*

The signals and relations presented in this module are quite similar to those in the Analog signals

module. So do compare and find similarities and differences!



Generally a time discrete signal is a sequence of real or complex numbers. Each component in the

sequence is identified by an index: ...x(n-1),x(n), x(n+1),...

Example 1.1.

[x(n)] = [0.5 2.4 3.2 4.5] is a sequence. Using the index to identify a component we have

x(0) = 0.5 , x(1) = 2.4 and so on.

Manipulating sequences

Addition: Add individually each component with similar index

Multiplication by a constant: Multiply every component by the constant

Multiplication of sequences: Multiply each component individually

Delay: A delay by k implies that we shift the sequence by k. For this to make sense the sequence

has to be of infinite length.

Example 1.2.

Given the sequences [x(n)] = [0.5 2.4 3.2 4.5] and [y(n)] = [0.0 2.2 7.2 5.5].

a)Addition. [z(n)]=[x(n)]+[y(n)]=[0.5 4.6 10.4 10.0]

b)Multiplication by a constant c=2. [w(n)]= 2 *[x(n)] = [1.0 4.8 6.4 9.0]

Elementary signals & relations

The unit sample

The unit sample is a signal which is zero everywhere except when its argument is zero, then it is

equal to 1. Mathematically

Unit sample





The unit sample function is very useful in that it can be seen as the elementary constituent in any

discrete signal. Let x( n) be a sequence. Then we can express x( n) as follows (using the unit sample definition and the delay operation)

The unit step

The unit step function is equal to zero when its index is negative and equal to one for non-

negative indexes, see Figure 1.4 for plots.

Unit step

Figure 1.4.

(a) Unit step function, no delay.

(b) Unit step function, delayed by 5.

Two unit step functions.

Trigonometric functions

The discrete trigonometric functions are defined as follows. n is the sequence index and ω is the

angular frequency. ω = 2 π f , where f is the digital frequency.

Discrete sine

x( n) = sin( ωn)





Discrete cosine

x( n) = cos( ωn)

Figure 1.5.

A discrete sine with digital frequency 1/20.

The complex exponential function

The complex exponential function is central to signal processing and some call it the most

important signal. Remember that it is a sequence and that

is the imaginary unit.

Complex exponential

x( n) = ⅈωn

Euler's relations

The complex exponential function can be written as a sum of its real and imaginary part.

x( n) = ⅈωn = cos( ωn) + sin( ωn) By complex conjugating Equation and add / subtract the result with Equation we obtain Euler's relations.

Euler relation 1

Euler relation 2



The importance of Euler's relations can hardly be stressed enough.

Matlab files


Take a look at Introduction; Analog signals; Discrete vs Analog signals; Frequency definitions

and periodicity; Energy & Power; Exercises ?

1.3. Analog signals*

The signals signals and relations presented in this module are quite similar to those in the

Discrete time signals module. So do compare and find similarities and differences!

Manipulating signals

Mathematical operations on analog signals are unambiguous. We require that the signals are

defined over the same time interval when using operations such as addition, multiplication,

division and so on.

Elementary signals & relations

The (Dirac) delta function

The delta function is a peculiar function that has zero duration, infinite height, but still unit area!

Mathematically we have the following two properties

Delta function property I

δ( t) = 0 for t ≠ 0

Delta function property II

The delta function has a useful property, namely the sampling property.

At this

stage this may seem not particulary useful, so for now just convince yourself that the above

relation holds.




(We assume that x( t) is "well behaved" at t = τ , that is continuous and finite.) The unit step function

The unit step function is equal to zero when its argument is negative and equal to one for non-

negative arguments, see Figure 1.6 for plots.

Unit step

Figure 1.6.

(a) Unit step function, no delay.

(b) Unit step function, delayed by 5.

Two unit step functions.

Trigonometric functions

The trigonometric functions are central to signal processing and telecommunications. They are

defined as follows, where Ω is the angular frequency. Ω = 2 π F 0 , where F 0 is the frequency of the signal.


x( t) = sin( Ωt)





x( t) = cos( Ωt)

See also Frequency definitions & periodicity.

The complex exponential function

The complex exponential function is central to signal processing and some call it the most

important signal.

is the imaginary unit.

Complex exponential

x( t) = ⅈΩt

Euler's relations

The complex exponential function can be written as a sum of its real and imaginary part.

x( t) = ⅈΩt = cos( Ωt) + sin( Ωt) By complex conjugating Equation and add / subtract the result with Equation we obtain Euler's relations.

Euler relation 1

Euler relation 2

The importance of Euler's relations can hardly be stressed enough.

Matlab file


Take a look at Introduction; Discrete time signals; Discrete vs Analog signals; Frequency

definitions and periodicity; Energy & Power; Exercises ?


1.4. Discrete vs Analog*

When comparing analog vs discrete time, we find that there are many similarities. Often we only

need to substitute the varible t with n and integration with summation. Still there are some

important differences that we need to know. As the complex exponential signal is truly central to

signal processing we will study that in more detail.


The complex exponential function is defined: x( t) = ⅈΩt . If Ω(rad/second) is increased the rate of oscillation will increase continuously. The complex exponential function is also periodic for

any value of Ω. In figure Figure 1.7 we have plotted ⅈπt and 3 π t (the real parts only). In

Figure 1.7 we see that the red plot, corresponding to a higher value of Ω, has a higher rate of oscillation.

Figure 1.7.

Real parts of complex exponentials.

Discrete time

The discrete time complex exponential function is defined: x( n) = ⅈωn .

If we increase ω (rad/sample) the rate of oscillation will increase and decrease periodically. The



reason is: ( ω + 2 π k) n = ⅈωn 2 π k n = ⅈωn , where n,k ∈ ℤ .

This implies that the complex exponential with digital angular frequency ω is identical to a

complex exponential with ω 1 = ω + 2 π , see Figure 1.8

Figure 1.8.

Two discrete exponentials that are identical

The rate of oscillation will increase until ω = π , then it decreases and repeats after 2π. In

Figure 1.9 we see that as we increase the angular frequency towards π the rate of oscillation increases. If you download the Matlab files included at the end of this module you can adjust the

parameters and see that the rate of oscillation will decrease when exceeding π (but less than 2π).

Figure 1.9.


Two discrete exponentials with different frequency.


We need to consider discrete time exponentials at an (digital angular) frequency

interval of 2π only.

Low (digital angular) frequencies will correspond to ω near even multiplies of π. High (digital

angular) frequencies will correspond to ω near odd multiplies of π.

Matlab files


Take a look at Introduction; Discrete time signals; Analog signals; Frequency definitions and

periodicity; Energy & Power; Exercises ?

1.5. Frequency definitions and periodicity*

Frequency definitions

In signal processing we use several types of frequencies. This may seem confusing at first, but it

is really not that difficult.

Analog frequency

The frequency of an analog signal is the easiest to understand. A trigonometric function with

argument Ωt = 2 π F t generates a periodic function with

a single frequency F.

period T

the relation

Frequency is then interpreted as how many periods there are per time unit. If we choose seconds

as our time unit, frequency will be measured in Hertz, which is most common.

