Kiran the Sorcerer by Joel Ogunberry - HTML preview

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Kiran took three days to prepare for his journey, gathering clothes, food, weapons and the items necessary for crafting his spells. His home was situated in a large town of cottages composed of wood and concrete, broken up my many paved streets with those being bare earth in the communities.

Kiran pushed his quacycle through his front yard and out the gate. Just as he turned to close it, he saw his mother and father walking out of the house. His father had on leathery overall made from the skin of a buffalo, stained with grease and other unknown substances. His mother wore a simple blue frock and beneath her messy apron.

“When will you be coming back?” his mother said, her round face looking perturbed.

“In about two weeks,” Kiran said. “I’ll need to register for the tournament soon.”

“So long?” she retorted. “Your allowance won’t last all that time, you know.”

“Don’t worry,” Kiran said, “I can find some jobs around the villages if I need to.”

“Do you have your ID Kiran?” his father said.

“I do, dad.” Kiran took it out of his pocket and held it up for them to see. It was a pass-card was a translucent piece of material with one’s name, address and their fingerprint.

“Good,” the man said. “Be sure to stay out of trouble.”

“Yessir,” Kiran said.

His mother waved at him. “Be careful dear! And good luck!”

Kiran waved back and hopped onto his vehicle, pedaling off down the road. Passing through his community he saw the brothel where visitors to the town frequented, as well as bars and various workshops. The hospital along with the police department and the village headman’s office was in the town square, but Kiran took his journey closer to the eastern outskirts of the village where the jungle was.

Reaching the lonely path again, Karin turned into the forest. Yet, he didn’t need to go far, as Gatril was there waiting on him, sitting wearing a loincloth over her privates and a bra of matted leaves. She had a small pouch tied around her waist as well, and munched on a handful on fruits.

Kiran parked his vehicle and approached her. “I see you’re all set.”

Gatril swallowed and said, “Hmph. You brought a lot of stuff with you. I hope you have food.”

“I do,” he said. “You sure do eat a lot.

“Bosdrakes don’t like going anywhere on an empty stomach,” said Gatril. “And we expend a lot of energy during fights.”

Kiran shrugged lightly. “Okay. So, our first mission is finding a lamia!”

Gatril swallowed her last bit of food and said, “Those are a bit bigger than I am.”

Kiran took a book from out of his backpack and flipping through the pages. “I know. I have a bestiary.” Kiran held the book up so she could see. Gatril saw the image of a coiled serpent with arms, legs and a human-like head and neck. Beneath it were some notes about the creature, it’s diet and habitat.

Gatril made a thoughtful hum. “These books aren’t always accurate. Sometimes the monsters’ behavior may change along with their environment.”

“Well that’s what you’re here to help with.” Kiran put away the book. “Anyways, we should get started.”

Kiran hopped onto his quacycle and gestured to a space behind him. Gatril carefully climbed on and held onto Kiran’s waist. “I’ve never rode one of these things before.”

“Don’t worry,” Kiran said. “I’m an expert.”

“…Why don’t I feel confident in what you’re saying?” Gatril said dryly.

Kiran chuckled and turned on the engine. Steam spewed from the tubes, and he rode out of the city of trees.

It wasn’t uncommon for monsters to be seen outside of their wild habitats, however people took care to avoid the beasts, even though they possessed the intelligence to communicate. Kiran and Gatril left the thinning jungle and came upon a small grassy plain, inhabited by gazelles, wild boars and zebras.

Gatril licked her lips as she seized up the animals. “I could eat one of those right now…”

“Focus,” said Kiran. “We need to keep an eye out for predators too.”

“That’s what I’m doing,” Gatril said. “Don’t start lecturing me, human. Beasts know more about the wild than any man.”

Kiran rolled his eyes and acquiesced to her statement. Then, within his fied of vision, Kiran caught something in the distance, and pointed to it. “Look over there!”

Gatril turned her gaze towards the west, where in the distance she could make out a cluster of tall buildings, almost hidden beneath the looming mountains. “That’s Cronbark,” she said. “It’s one of the cities in the Tatanui kingdom, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” said Kiran, looking aspiringly at the constructs. “That’s where I’ll go and register once I’ve gathered my spells.” He giggled. “I can’t wait!”

It was over two hours later when they finally made it to their destination; a plain of bare earth covered in scattered bushes, trees and rocks. This allowed for loose soil, the perfect kind for a lamia to burrow through

Kiran said, “Here we are,” and he and Gatril got off their transport. Kiran parked the quacycle near a tree under the shade, then checked his cannon once more, as well as the ammunitions. He fitted his staff in the small sheath on his backpack as well as the necessary jars from the trolley inside it.

After watching him go through all of this, Gatril said, “So how do you plan on tracking down the lamia?”

“Well,” Kiran hesitated for a while, “Lamia are beasts, so they have human intelligence, but still live like animals. It’s a reptile, so it needs to be somewhere cool to bring down its metabolism.”

“You’re almost correct,” said Gatril. “When hunting beasts, you should take care to study what they like. Lamia of a young age can’t breed as yet, so they don’t produce much queex. They love to eat rabbits, deer, wild boars and humans. Humans don’t have fur, scales, feathers, horns or claws, so they’re easier to swallow. They usually come to the surface to warm up, because they’re cold blooded, unlike us bosdrakes. That’s when they’re most vulnerable.”

“Sure,” said Kiran. “So it's best to look for them in the day?”

“Yes,” Gatril said. “Midday to be exact. A lamia will usually climb high out of reach to get warm before slithering back into its burrow.”

“Then we just wait until the sun’s high in the sky before we search then,” Kiran said.

Gatril said, “Right. And in the meantime,” she lifted her skirt, exposing her wet vagina, “let’s have some fun with that mouth of yours.”


After having pleasure Gatril, she and Kiran found themselves a tree to climb and get a wider view of their surroundings. While Kiran looked from pair of binoculars, Gatril used her sharp eyes to scoured the land for any sign of their target.

Apart from the grazing animals and a pack of wild dogs that had marched by, they spotted nothing close to what they were after. Even after it had past twelve in the afternoon, and the sun scorched everything below, the pair didn’t see a hint of a lamia.

But an hour later, their patience was rewarded.

“I see it…” said Kiran, smiling brightly.

“I see one too,” said Gatril.

In Kiran’s sight he saw the long, dark green body of something slithering across the ground. Then it suddenly reared up on its thick legs and trotted towards a tree. The one Gatril looked at had a color closer to brown, making its way towards a rock.

“How can we tell the gender?” said Kiran. “I need the queex specifically.”

“Just look at the face,” said Gatril. “But I can also tell by smell. These are both male. Males usually share the same territory, travelling in gangs. Females live by themselves, so we should look elsewhere.”

“Okay,” said Kiran.

They both waited until a few more males came out, scattered around the plain, until they got down and made for the quacycle. They were about to get on their transportation when something sped out of the bushes at them. A massive leopard.

Kiran screamed and fumbled for his gun, but his dragon companion roared and launched herself into the ferocious feline. They growled and snarled as they tousled on the ground in a heap of thrashing limbs and tails, trying to find a mortal opening on the other as Kiran frantically tried to find a chance for himself to take a shot. Finally Gatril’s jaws found the leopard’s neck and she sank her teeth into its flesh.

Blood ran from the wound, and the leopard’s flailing grew less intense. Gatril stood and wiped her mouth. The big cat was dead on the ground.

“Are you alright?” Kiran said.

Gatril knelt over the leopard and inspected it. “I’m fine,” she said. She took out her knife and began cutting open the cat. Kiran saw the scratches on her skin, but little blood. Dragon skin was known for being very resistant after all.

“What are you doing?” Kiran said.

“Can’t let meat go to waste,” she said, ripping out the leopard’s heart and liver. These she ate on the spot, and peeled the leopard’s skin off and carve off huge hunks of meat. She wrapped them in the skin and stood. The process itself took only a few minutes. “Let’s leave before more predators come after us.”

They rode away from the carcass and through the plain once more, their eyes and ears warier of the predators. This allowed Gatril to identify a clan of prowling hyenas and instruct Kiran to ride around them.

Kiran and Gatril came to another tree where they made their second stop. This one was close to a nearby cluster of trees and bushes and a very small watering hole.

They climbed the tree and surveyed the land once more. Their wait wasn’t long, and Gatril saw it. Saw her first. It came out of the brush, slithering across the ground with a slick and shiny grey body with bands of black. Her face had a blunt nose, and thin lips rimming her wide mouth. Her eyes were bright yellow with long lashes, and around her head was stringy brown hair. She leisurely coiled her body atop a rock, resting her head across her folded arms.

Gatril tapped Kiran for his attention, and gestured to the lamia. Kiran observed the beast through his binocular and grinned excitedly. “Great! I have her!”

Gatril nudged him. “Keep your voice down”

“Sorry,” Kiran said. “So how do we get it from her? I wanted to subdue her with some glue rounds. But maybe that would get her riled up.”

“I’ll try to give her a talk,” Gatril said.

“Really?” replied Kiran.

“Beasts such as ourselves have respect for each other you know,” said Gatril. “If you were to go, she would most likely eat you on the spot. Just give me a moment.”

Gatril climbed down the tree and approached the massive serpent. Kiran watched in the distance as the lamia raised her head at the bosdrake. He saw their mouths moving, but he couldn’t hear their words. At one point Gatril gestured in his direction and the snake turned its head his way.

Then Gatril turned to the tree and waved at Kiran.

Kiran took a deep breath and relaxed. He climbed down the tree with his gear towards the two reptilians.

Upon nearing the lamia, Kiran could see more of her in detail, and realized that her huge, muscular body could easily crush him to a pulp.

“Here he is,” said Gatril, playfully pushing Kiran to the front.

The serpent rose its upper body and unfolded her arms, revealing small breasts with pointed nipples. She hovered over Kiran, her pink tongue flashing from her mouth like lightning. She had a smell similar to wet soil, not unpleasant, but pungent, and it got Kiran wondering how her fluids would taste.

“So,” the serpent said, “this is the lowly human who wishes to get inside my womb?”

Kiran glanced over at Gatril and wondered what the bosdrake could’ve told the lamia. He brought his eyes back to the lamia and said, “My name is Kiran Kehomba. I’m a young sorcerer in training. Great serpent, I wish to receive some of your queex so I can complete a spell. I’m ready to do anything you desire.”

“Is that so?” she said. Half her body slithered off the rock and wound its way around Kiran. His muscles felt almost weak against her muscles, even though she was careful not to touch him. “What makes you think I need anything from a human, other than to put him in my stomach?”

Kiran’s said, “Well…besides eating, what else do you like, great serpent?”

“My name is Scalian,” she said.

“Yes. Right. Scalian.” Kiran looked at Gatril again, who urged him to go on. “Well Scalian, I can give you anything you want besides a human to eat. Like the best sex you ever had, for example?”

Scalian frowned. “…Is that all?”

Kiran fumed. He climbed out of her coils and stood a distance away. “Look here,” he said, “my plan was to attack you while you were sleeping, but I chose not to. I’m trying to be nice. Just stop being mysterious and tell me what you want already?”

But to Kiran’s surprise Scalian laughed, a raspy one. She turned to Gatril and said, “I guess you were right. He isn’t a sexplorer.”

“Wait, you were testing me?” Kiran scratched his head.

Scalian said, “Yes. I hate humans who try to establish their dominance over everyone else. If your friend hadn’t convinced me otherwise, I would’ve already eaten you.”

“Okay…” said Kiran. “Then, will you give me your queex?”

“I will,” said Scalian. “But I won’t have sex with you,” she showed Kiran her long tail. “I use this when I get lonely. I’ll pleasure myself and provide the queex to you.”

“Oh,” said Kiran. “That’s good news.”

“However,” Scalian began, “I will need something to stimulate me. You and your friend will have to mate in front of me to get me properly aroused.”

“Whoa,” said Kiran. “I don’t think I can do it in front of someone else.”

Then Gatril hugged Kiran’s arm and said, “Oh, stop being so shy. I thought you said sorcerers are willing to do anything to get what they want?”

Kiran remembered his words clearly, and decided this wasn’t worth walking back on his resolve. “Alright. I’ll do it.”

“Good,” said Scalian. “Follow me to my burrow.”

The lamia slithered off into the vegetation. The human and bosdrake followed behind, careful not to trip over her elongated body. Scalian eventually got on all fours and crawled into a hole in the ground big enough for a cow to fit through.

Kiran and Gatril crawled through the dark, cool tunnel, with Kiran’s small lantern as their guiding light. The path eventually ended in a vast circular space, which despite Scalian’s size, was big enough that she only occupied one third of it.

Upon entering into the serpent’s chambers, Gatril began to strip. “We better get started.”

Kiran took off his clothes under the watch of Scalian. She was able to contorts her body so that her lower half with her legs, vagina and anus rested before her. Kiran handed her a jar, instructing her to pour her fluids inside it when the time came.

Gatril took Kiran’s hands, bouncing on her feet and jiggling her breasts. “So you want me to go first or you?”

“Let’s do it together,” Kiran said, getting on his back.

Gatril stooped over his face, stroking his erect manhood. She turned to Scalian with a seductive grin. The other reptile began to tickle her vulva with her tail and fingered her anus.

Kiran grabbed Gatril’s bottom and buried his face between her butt-cheeks as his frisky tongue eagerly wiggled inside her, soaking up all the seeping moisture. Gatril took hard licks of the tip of his member, each causing the boy to twist his toes. Gatril swallowed his penis, bobbing her head slowly, forcing all of him into her throat.

Scalian stuck her tail into her sufficiently moist passage, poking against her cervix with thrusts that made her tense. “Hey…you two…switch now…”

Kiran lifted Gatril off his face, and Gatril spat his penis out of her mouth. She turned around and positioned her vagina over his lap. She sat, slowly guiding Kiran inside her, making both of them moan. Scalian made sounds of euphoria as well.

Gatril grinded rhythmically on top of Kiran, increasing her speed and the intensity. Both of them winced each time Kiran slid deeper into her. She moved fiercely now, both of them wearing intense expressions.

Scalian bit her lips as she thrusted her body parts inside her. Her ears filled with the moans of the two. Fluids seeped out of both ends; where her vagina produced queex, her anus produced smek, however she concentrated more on milking more of her queex for the young man.

Kiran grip Gatril’s waist and thrust his hip like a piston. Her muscles clenched vice-like, but he kept going like a rocket, creating unbearable friction that had them wincing and bearing their teeth at each other, locked in a battle. Scalian’s body gyrated in coils as the pleasurably waves spread through her like an intoxicating high.

With such intensity among them, it was no surprise when they climaxed simultaneously in a chorus of screams and sighs. Scalian brought the jar to her leaking vagina as she trembled, filling it to the point where it overflowed onto the floor of the cavern.

Gatril sighed and leaned over Kiran’s face as both caught their breath, drenched in sweat. They kissed, gently. They chuckled, and kissed again.

Gatril got off him, dripping his seed onto the ground. The bosdrake said to Scalian who was lying down, “Are you finished?”

Scalian lifted the jar of viscous matter.

Kiran got up and put on his clothes, eager to get to work. He took the jar from Scalian and said, “Thanks.”

“If you do need anymore, you can visit me again,” Scalian said. “But do bring back some food next time. Now hurry up and go. I usually get hungry after any mating activity, and I’m not very picky.”

Kiran and Gatril hurried outside and went back to his quacycle. Kiran took out the ingredients to add to the mixture; cobalt and volcanic rock he bought from a merchant in his village. He brought them through the same process as he did the last time, creating a small orb, however this one was a pale-yellow color.

Kiran fitted it into another socket, whereby Gatril said, “What does this one do?”

“I’ll show you.” Kiran got some distance from Gatril and raised his staff. He activated the yellow stone and tapped the ground. There was an abrupt tremor and a huge wall of earth erupted from the earth.

“Is that a shield?” Gatril said.

“Kind of,” said Kiran. “I can use it for defense, or,” Kiran tapped his staff twice, creating two more walls of earth each smaller than the first, “I can use it as leverage.” Kiran climbed onto the rocks and reached the highest one.

“This Witching Tournament is beginning to sound more interesting,” said Gatril. “I wonder, do they allow beasts inside?”

“Only as pets,” said Kiran. He hopped down and approached Gatril, embracing her. “But you’re not a pet. You’re my friend.”

Gatril almost smiled. His words were tainted with the slightest of sincerity. But she had to realize that this was just one human. The others might not be the same. She said, “Don’t pay it much mind. It’s just a consideration. Now where are we off to next?”

“To find a selkie,” he said. “I need a water spell. And hopefully this time I get to taste between their legs.”