The First Bible of Christian Satanism by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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1. The police have reported false abuse of their selves to give right to their power. Do not do the same. 2. Do know this: God is witness. Not even the good police should be bannered in spectacle: do they work for praise and worship? They work for a show. 3. The LORD GOD Abar has protected His chosen people in faultless faith and truth and there are those of each and both whose agony is was and will be stricken out, cast into the pit. 4. Upon His judgment seat Abar’s feet are firmly fixed and it is a throne which cannot be robbed. Death’s gaze is upon them all of days of their lives and God’s power shall cast them downward in one beat. 5. Driven by power they have forsaken the Messiah and become as hammers to the cross. 6. Thereby this is what Abar has warranted: “I shall continue to allow this until its season is due. I shall have my hidden messengers take witness. 7. I shall take the whip away and my servant shall cleanse the wounds with an opening of the heavens.” This the LORD GOD has pressed: sciences which condemn shall be confounded. The prisons which keep shall be sought, more so. The PEOPLE shall be driven into them away from sin, yet resolved, to return. 8. “MY PEOPLE are as pigs in a sty. Man has given to himself a new woman. Those whom would belong to me do not know direction. It has been a law not given them, a voice of self-pride.” Abar has made it known. 9. Alas, LORD GOD, Your will, whatever it may be, I am at perfect peace with. 10. The Thinker has seen that a flood has fallen upon Earth to wash away all that which has withheld (wo)man from (her) his dreams: the old curse abolished, evil without power. And the Thinker foretells of a time un-imagined: (Wo)Man given to godhood. Christ! will return when it is that our curse of human suffering and death, our limits, have been abolished.

A parable (not prophesy): The Earth faces a black hole because of the sun going super nova. But we are protected within by God’s hand from an external force now unable to overtake us. Technological mastery gathers us, unknowingly, into the mastered WEB. Those behind that WEB are the CoS. PHG is a LHR adherent and handed by God the power to control that WEB. Meanwhile airships are going back and forth to save what’s left of our dying planet. The only missing piece to the puzzle is that PHG is not actually connected with


7) Summoner- Summoners are masterful at receiving aid from others. They know the right questions to ask for in help, the right things to obtain to assist themselves with, and the right doors to have opened. The summoner is apt at improving and maintaining their environments and situation by receiving continual help from people, places, things, and ideas. A summoner typically survives by receiving that aid. 11. Oppositionist Ritual

  1. The Detoxification Ritual

For the duration of 4 days all heavy chemicals are abstained from beginning at the first day of each season (spring, summer, winter, and fall.) There is larger intake of fluids with less if any intake of food. If the participants wishes (it should be voluntary and private) she or he may devout this fast to her or his g(G)od(s), thoughtfully, attributing the same with whatever she or he wishes. You may feel tempted to gorge yourself before and after hand. Which is alright, if you like to shell your good (inside a nice packed up ball) of evil.

  1. The Birthday Ritual

A birthday celebration is performed in a way suitable to the member (if at all.) The member should inform the Church when his or her birthday is coming. If the ritual embarrasses it’s owner, or is not carefully planned and thoughtfully performed: it will be a dud. Emphasis on eternal life should be prominent in the thinking individual on her or his birthday. This is because, in older age, the person that has done so will not have grown into fear and may evade a mid life crisis.

  1. The Emotion Ritual

It is a meditation upon a specific emotion for the duration that it takes a candle or candles to fully burn out. Let the candles correlate with the specific emotion or emotions. Any emotion is acceptable. If a lust candle is burned then the emotion should be allowed without repression, examination, or any type of obtrusive blocks from the individual. There is a meditation that is sacred, it is to see God in your life and to see Him as a part of everything.

  1. Feeding the Demon

A secluded, highly private area is entered into and all of one’s natural state is acted upon without censorship for the time necessary to “get it out of the system.” Before beginning a free-form exaggerated stretch is executed to bring about relaxation. This promotes periods of a “de-purging” behavior. This ritual is solitary. It requires full un-censoring of thought. It does so through the mouth, the hands, the very mind. It is very much like throwing out the garbage. Do not take into the room sharp objects or allow them present inside or anything that could harm you. The room should be void of anything not permitting of safety. If an especially powerful room is built, it will be soundproofed! The benefit is seen of the ritual when full release from censorship is met.

  1. Godhood Ritual (AKA A Human sacrifice)

The identity taken from the god-names are exemplified and personified internally while the destruction of that god is externally executed through emotional overload (imprison Mariko, rape Shiva, obliterate Set, Butcher Dianne’s superior face, Punch Satan in the nose.) One of the 8 symbols is destroyed mercilessly on paper. And you will become that god through the adherence of Klingos (when your enemy is intentionally mastered and then externally destroyed the culminating absence will have no place else to go but unto you.) To be clear: it is done by removing this enemy from your life and placing her or him within. Complete separation from her or him will gradually send them, metaphysically, to their death.

  1. Seasonal Harmony

Summer is an invigorating time. Its work cannot be denied. In fall we sow, gather, and disperse for future growth (and never less.) In winter we rest, if nothings left. In spring there’s lust, as nature calls us to us. Rituals that support and enhance an alignment to the seasons are creatively made and enjoyed, though more creatively than theologically, but as tradition would lead and bring further toward. They should not be made sacred.

  1. Prayer to Satan

Doctrine of truth lets us know that Satan cannot read minds and unlike God is not in all places at the same time, is not all knowing or all seeing. There is a trick to praying to Satan. You must tell God to repeat what you say to Satan and his forces. By all practicality only a Vadist is able to pray to Satan. As for why you would I will not get into that here.

(8) Beyond this I only give guidelines as to what may be done. A true sorcerer does what was learned to have worked and perfects his/her (the sorceress) craft.

Make altars for your devil and wait on reward from the ones that do reward

(when they do, which is not always, usually the devils that have been neglected.)

12. Church-Policy

“We Think to Differ!”

1) Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure is mandatory. Refer to group meaning to understand why.
2) Members which are counterproductive to us are removed from membership.
3) Unlawful acts are not sanctioned by the church. Never call the police. Police abuse is to be reported to the appropriate authorities: the PEOPLE.
4) Minors are not permitted to be in the Church nor are they to be members of the Church. They have a Church of their own.
5) Members are not obligated to associate one with another.
6) Active participation should be rewarding but since it not necessarily is it is not mandatory.
7) Excessive devotion is a heresy.

  1. Worldly Oppositional Church Membership

You could state to another member that you desire to join. If they are competent (in understanding the following) then they will know how to proceed from there. If you desire to become a member it is possible that there is a Church in your area. Where will you find the Worldly Oppositional Church? The Church is an abstract concept, a philosophy, one that is owned by those that have mastered it. Membership is FREE. Being an occult (hidden) movement we have “worldly congregation.” Membership is given by invitation and approval from any other member. The member that provides new membership is required to provide that new member with a durable membership-card. That card, issued from the initiator, must have the full legal name of the issuer (her or him.) He or she is responsible for determining the card’s validity (when necessary.) No other requirements are necessary for production of the card. If you want to do it with flare, add a 666 on the back of it. The card validates and confirms WOCmembership. A member may not change his or her card so it should be chosen caringly and treated caringly. A Peculiar Priest and his or her Peculiar Apprentice, are those whom were not initiated. To become an established member, whether you are currently a priest, an apprentice, a peculiar priest or peculiar apprentice: purchase 16 copies of this work. Keep your receipts. And then distribute the books to others. You are then a full member that can do whatever the hell you wish. It proves faith and loyalty anyway. And hey, it supports a good and bad cause! There is a lasting life possible with The CSB. Something as contradictive, what has even been called by many to be an “oxymoron” may become a success is oppositional to “the name.” Its success is worth its weight in gold and it cuts its detractors like sharp silver. All of its followers become a truth, more so than the followers after books that are a dime a dozen in second hand stores and oddly seen laying there in alleys. It’s a book that causes questions, such as “where should this be allowed?” And, “What is my son (or daughter) reading?” It’s here. It’s powerful. It’s a seed of many things. Therefore those that distribute it (anywhere, to anyone) are out most important followers. The best place for The CSB is where it would be resisted: schools, prisons, conflictive churches, and especially countries where it is outlawed.

Welcome to the Lodge of Clovis. It is now 4 O’clock.

  1. Church Organization

Have Faith in Yourself and You Will Do Well. If this were given emphasis, what value would it be to you? I’ll say it clearly: Do what you want. I don’t lead you to lead yourself.

If a priest has followers which collaborate well with one another (as with him or her) and are structuralized well then there is no reason to not call what he or she has a Worldly Oppositional Church. A priest is a member that has his or her own members (as detailed above.) Obviously the structure of a Church is dictated in this book. It is a game, in one way. But that game enforces structure. It’s an art to change one’s environment. Those who have mastered that art are our up-most. They are those who have ascended. Taking rule of new territory the ascended Oppositionist is at a never ending battle to preserve his or her stature by drawing in and maintaining members and perfecting the environments that they create. Remember: be law-abiding. And never recruit a minor. Follow our policies. –Why? Because you will not have me held accountable for your own mistakes! An entirely solitary member that doesn’t contribute anything cannot really be called a member at all. Membership is determined simply by itself: by what makes someone a part of what we are whether it is solitary or social. This is our “merit over robe” reasoning. If there is someone who has flare, let her or him ride the waves. We have no intention of governmental overthrow. They have tanks and bombs. In fact we encourage national pride. Structurally speaking, freedom of the press and speech (and especially through a press) may come before freedom of religion in terms of a good foundation supportive of freedom. Do not go about throwing around accusatory (auditory) bombs of religious discrimination. Let’s call that detrimental to rights: it is often abuse of them. But, say you are fired or beaten by someone in authority for what you believe and hold to heart. Then, by all might, retaliate! What is left unsaid: Let ignorance bring tolerance. What they don’t know will not hurt you.

Online Churches are especially important. Begin them as small groups created in large quantity by making forums or using social sites and collect them together with our cause. Quantity and difference are the two keys. What one may not like the other goes to. That one that doesn’t like the first goes to the second. Web space is congested. Therefore many is important. It’s easy too, even to create websites. Websites you make are not likely to go far (as has been my own experience.) It is better to use the free stuff readily made through others. An online church is not so restrictive. It’s safer and gives you greater freedom. You can always cull others over to your home if they like you enough. It’s rewarding, maybe you’ll even get a few nasty pictures from them. Be careful though, collect id’s. Document things and be relentless, you’ll go far in your leadership in all this.

In organization of our religion there is a presence known as The Council of Angels. They have one mission statement: “We help lower life forms survive in peace.” Such a council may be formed and organized by any group of people with the good intention of helping lower life remain at peace, survive, and when necessary thrive.

Group Meaning is healthy and worthwhile to pursue. When the Oppositionist is prepared socially she or he should seek out participation with our group. Humans are social beings in a very complex way. A lion only needs to lay down on the grass next to it’s family and it’s content. A pack of wolves thrive on a hunt together. Their interactivity is entirely natural. Homo-Sapient, with it’s intellect, has an unpleasant amount of difficulty when it comes to socialization. There are never-ending insecurities and a never ceasing perfection toward that end, at any level. Within a safe setting we find un censorship, the incontrovertible acceptance that each of us of every walk are a bloody mess. And seeing that un censorship the Christ!ian will either walk out dumbfounded or, having tolerated it just enough, will be given the opportunity of un censorship his or herself knowing there will be those around her or him very accepting, very loving. The only type of counter-productive Oppositionist is one which cannot learn to accept un censorship within the group. If she or he cannot fall into it, she or he may choose to be an observer for any amount of time. In other words: Practice freely, with practice that liberates you of paramount importance. A person not connected to a group of their choice is a soulless person. Never let anyone take that from you, with all force to prevent it. The stronger we are united the stronger our eternity together is empowered.

15. Christ!ian-Satanic Aesthetics

Important Disclaimer: The author who has written this book independently has never had any association with any possible person, place, thing, or idea listed here. Any person, place, thing, or idea listed below is it’s own entity entirely independent from the author. This is not a list of association. Search engines should have the list below omitted from its search. This is simply a list of personal expression.

Star Wars, Star Trek, Legend, Krull, American Pop, Interview with the Vampire, Never-ending Story, The Hobbit, Dragon Ball Z, Inuyassa, Cowboy Bebop, Ninja Scroll, Samurai Champloo, Super Milk Chan, Girl Interrupted, Prozac Nation, I Never Promised you a Rose Garden, The Wall, Hell Raiser, Wizards, The Princess Bride, Willow, Kids, Lexx, Kung-Fu, The Odyssey (1996, Halmark), TMNT (1990), Zelda, Final Fantasy, Immortal Beloved, It’s a Wonderful Life, The Grapes of Wrath, Enemy Mine, Vampire Hunter D, Merlin (film), Dragon Slayer, Alien, Point of No Return, Care Bears, The Smurfs, Rainbow Bright, The Gummy Bears, Kill Bill, Natural Born Killers, Blade Runner, The Devil’s Rejects, The Exorcist, Boyz in the Hood, 28 Days (Later, ect.) Night of the Living Dead, Curly Sue, Kalifornia, The Getaway, The 7th Sign, The Gate, Warlock, Critters, Ghoulies, The Goonies, Ghost, Blood Sport, The Craft, Full Metal Alchemist, Brave Heart, Total Recall, The Terminator, Batman, The Addams Family, Pokemon, Karate Kid, Conan (the…), The Good The Bad and the Ugly, the Wizard of Oz, Labyrinth, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Faces of Death, Fringe, Halloween (director Rob Zombie), their soundtracks, and hidden personalized meaning.

Songs that excellently suit the Vadist (the same disclaimer applies.):


Belial_Arafel_Bornholm_Nifheim_Venom_Slayer_Danzig_Samael_Witchery_Lamb of God_Morbid Angel_Fall of Rauros_Cradle of Filth_Ancient

All perfectly music for our own and not our own. Music that destroys those too feeble to even dare listen to it. Darken your souls always with it. Let it be your anthem your muse and your guide. Only metal has that power. Together lets keep it alive. Buy it, don’t steal it. Support the Christian (devil-worshiping) Satanic economy by buying metal- that metal that you like and that moves you the best. Model yourself after it. Do what it says to do, especially creatively. It gives you idea. It gives you food for thought as your soul screams out to awaken in the dark.

16. The Song of Adam

Here is an enigma of many parables: this song emerged from the depths of my mind repeating itself. The reader may know that the author’s mind is a raging storm in the dark (if he may say so.) In my mind’s prison I knew this song. Here it is as a “revelation of divinity through intuition.”

A song of “amens” and the chanting of “Selah” can be heard… the narrator speaks:

[1> Set, Satan’s father, the king

Sought a magical key

After years of building up his army

And teaching his reluctant son the ways of war

He was ready to begin his campaign of searching for the key

The key he seeks is a magical one

It is the only thing that can open the magical chest he has

With the contents of the chest Set would rule the world.

[2> I dispatch you into war, my son

Your goal will be to find a key

Here, I have this picture

It is no ordinary key, make no mistake

It emits a green aura

Be prepared to enter into war, tomorrow, my son

Find this key so I can rule the world

Yes, but father, I do not know where my love has gone We must not tread upon her ground.

She will be killed in the siege!

I would lose all that I have!

…My legions are sent to slay.

[3> The campaign began

They heard and tried to flee

But could not be freed from this nightmare

They came as a great storm

Slaying all and leaving young corpses

Just for the sake of a magic key they would kill any

If one did not know

They were killed for being useless Nothing could have been more savage.

[4> Come conquer with me son

I seek the key Shouldn’t you be happy?

And yet you look displeased.

Father, you cannot conquer the world

You give bloodshed to it

Father we must end this slaying and bloodshed


You are a little bit too thoughtful

These legions are here to kill and be killed

And       nothing moreCommand my army!

Father, give me sanctuary, give me my freedom

I cannot continue this war

You are a ruthless tyrant

I cannot see you win this war

…Son, now: go to war.

[5> [Later]

King Set I know it’s late

But you must open your gate

Let us in, all of us in

The battle was easy and we finished early

We have our story

Many kingdoms fell but the key was left unfound We remain war-ready and bloodbound Father, the key eludes us Where shall we find it?

After many were slain

Kingdoms in anguish

Souls tormented

Now many lay dead

And the key… it eludes us!

[6> A statement:

I have failed in life

I did not save enough

Enough! Enough…

I caused this legion to slay

If only my virtue was stronger If only my love greater I must now throw down the sword.

[7> A dream:

I saw her there

Many miles away

I froze and did not know what to do

She captivated me as she sang

It made my heart fast

She went from village to village

Kingdom to kingdom

Then one day I put my courage on

And talked to her

And soon we had the greatest of love…

[8> A spirit appears:

You burn like a flame within me

Your light has always made my way

To say you are precious is the greatest of all truths

And that I love and cherish you, the same…

In time the flame of your love will only burn more deeply… Come. Come be with me

Now… forever

-us together

Time and again I know you’ll be there

But I must find a sanctuary

Your father, the king, is ruthless

You know he wants me dead It is HE with the power The King is a thorn You are the rose.

[9> I send you to the kingdom of Gaea

There you should find the key

All kingdoms point there

Have your men kill any who know of it not

Satan is shaken…My love. You have fallen

We have mistaken your kingdom with another

And all is lost here Those you love and cherish All is lost here All, lost.

Time transforms the will

My father, the king, must be stopped!

Oh my lover

Please come to me…

Time will not stop and my last breath is near

I am like the wind without you

A silly forgotten whisper

Forsake your father’s war and confront him

You must fulfill my plea

You are here but I am almost gone Take my hand as I take my last breath Could this moment last forever Could time offer us that?

Time gave us the greatest of all love and joy

Remember me, but ah, I know that you will [10> Yes my love, it is I

I have come to cause peace

By your hand un-deserving people have shed their blood

It is time

You must go to my remains The key lies among my skeleton I swallowed it!

[11> I have made my way here Yes. I have made my way here.

[12> Satan

You must spare me

It was by your father’s hand That your love lies dead now We will give you sanctuary here.

[13> Satan! Arise!

Satan! Arise now!

Your father’s men are at