The First Bible of Christian Satanism by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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1.      Introduction (to Vadism) 2.      General Principles 3.      About the Author

Detailed Contents:

A: Internet Mastery

B: Learning Motivation

C: The Devil’s Words

D: Sexuality, the Satanic Side

E: The Way in Which God is Worshiped

F: Vadic Magic

G: Use of Perfection

H: Values and Vices

I: Pacts with Anyone

J: To Be Reincarnated

K: No Centralized Church

L: System of Tithing

M: Group Wellness

N: Not Really a Cult

O: Recruitment

P: The Inexcusable

Q: Minors and the Church

R: Isolation Away From Harm

S: Acts of Deception

T: The Growth of our Philosophy

U: Learning What You Want from a Group

V: A Simple But Working Group

W: Sermons

X: Global Bible Projects

Y: The Trade of Talent

Z: A Person’s Own Testament

A0: The Church Online

A2: From Modern-Day Alchemists to Numerologists, Prophets and more

A3: Don’t Care About the Math

A4: Let Your Heart Be Heard

A5: About Taxation

A6: Say Good Things

A7: Share The Music A8: Conclusion

  1. Introduction by Marika “Thorn” C.

This man is undeniably evil. What he says cannot be undone: he is relentless. I first met him more than a decade ago in the park of Blackwater draw near Clovis. He was young, his first day as eighteen. He wandered across my path with others around me and spoke, slowly, until things unraveled. What he said was dark, evil, yet somehow as potent as the words of Christ!. That has been seen in his writings, that rare next-to-no-other talent of speaking in Christ!ian parables in a Satanic way. Me and my group became involved in what he said. Honestly they were words I didn’t want to forget at the time and so I did not. “Where are you from? Where did you come from,” I asked this youth. He replied “I have come from deception… I have come to bring magic back into the world through that deception. I am no-one, though have been known by all.” –Was that a riddle? I asked. He replied simply but forcefully, “I am always a riddle to those that try to know me. I don’t wish to be known.” –Then why are you here? I asked him. He responded again, “To bring magic back into the world through deception.” What I have seen over time was that many around him had a word or phrase to call him. When he was around a Christ!ian there have been those that have called him Chosen, a Chosen one, an “angel” by one person, and the faithless have called him the devil. There have been some that have asked if they could worship him. One of them added the question of prayer- could (I) pray to you? Many people would love these questions. I don’t know how he feels about them. But he has turned down sex itself before to women in wedlock asking for sex from this Chosen and the men that asked if they could worship him he has said to worship God, not him. He is interesting. The most often spoken thing of him is that he is “different.” And he is, even more different than different. He can’t rightfully be called anything. He prefers the term “Christ!ian Satanist” stating before that it is a mockery term he uses. Only such a man as this could sell “Christ!ian Satanism,” and he does, his books on its philosophy sell on a regular basis. He’s cute. He still looks very young and is considered very young until (and if) he tells his age. Because of asceticism he is strong and capable. He is considered by some able to walk any distance. He is content, as though on a throne in the world waiting for something special to occur, something he had a hand in preparing. His followers are gifted. He treats them all as potential leaders, leaving their own leadership in their own hands, and not disabling them with religious-right. Psychiatrically he has the two rare attributes of someone with “abstract conceptualization” and an “INTJ.” I have known him to read what I was thinking simply on my use of words, often to my disadvantage. He has a clear idea of what others are thinking and how to pull them in. He’s my manipulator, though one I wouldn’t be without. Why wouldn’t I side with the best? Maybe he IS the devil, or a fallen angel, and for whatever wicked reason chosen by God to fulfill a purpose I don’t know, though I live to discover. I have read this manuscript. I had that special opportunity he gives to only a few to read what he has written as it is. I love his writing. He has told me that it comes from his use of perfection involving word use and phrasing, as such had driven him in and out of madness in the past. What he writes is perfectly written. Here are the words following my own, words of The Anti of Serpent Christ. Choose now to keep your soul. Or else continue to read and become what he would have you be. Hell is not such a bad place… If you are prepared. –Marika, late 2012.

  1. Foremost Beliefs



It is important that you break beyond the walls of morality before you continue beyond this point. If you don’t you will read what I say with walls before you. If they have told you it wasn’t good, wasn’t right or pure, they have tainted you. It is my purpose to darken you and your soul. Together we will tear down the walls. By what I say you will burst through the prison doors. Lie, therefore, and cheat and steal. There is only one rule: don’t get caught. Be what evil you must be to awaken from the dream that the world has lulled you into. Hate. Be a victor. Claim today what was yours from the beginning. BE EVIL, then proceed. When you have come to that point your dark soul may scream out: “FREE! FREE AT LAST!”

The sissies are all around you. They would limit your potential. Be wise and stay free.

Who are the saints of our religion? People like Anton LaVey, Aliester Crowley, Darwin, George Carlin, and even that nice lady that made theism illegal in the schools. The good ones known as being evil or villainous, even satanic in their time and sometimes after their time, by organized religion, are our saints.

A) Carnal Values

1) Self-Sacrifice- Ah but I haven’t told you the way in which even the greatest good can be made evil, have I? I am yet to, but for now an example: let yourself be martyred against the greatest of enemies. Be beaten and hurt if it means you will imprison your enemy or get him/her expelled from school.
2) Isolation- Misanthropy has never been so gentle. We are more easily equipped to handle being alone than we ever have been before. Satanism can be heard on technology at home. Technology allows us to communicate in a variety of ways. As technology develops new and more realistic forms of interaction will be created, even flesh-appearing embodiments of real people that may be interacted with as if they were there. Many people are finding it very easy to be alone anymore. That’s because they aren’t alone. But why isolate yourself, and from what? Isolation purifies a culture. It makes societies better places. There isn’t much harmed that may be done isn’t on a one on one basis. Women who once feared being mugged while walking down the street at night don’t even have to leave their homes anymore to purchase what they need. What will become of drug abuse when it is that people aren’t outside scavenging for “it” and instead are at home enjoying a wide variety of other entertainment, good entertainment, the kind that can only be found in their homes? As video games develop and become a far more realistic escape, as a person may more easily becomes more productive at home (and more than he could with a difficult and demanding outside job) society will be much better, not any worse.
3) Contentment- Boredom is often just trying to get the mind off of thinking about itself. There are some things that contentment shouldn’t be forced on, such as food. The human body needs a variety of food to stay nourished, oddly to the surprise of those spending the weeks groceries on one thing. Discontentment in one area may lead to contentment in another: You don’t want to be overweight anymore so you exercise. And contentment may lead to discontentment in other areas: You like soda, now that’s all you drink. The key to contentment is in finding an appropriate balance. If something can’t be changed, why think about trying to change it? That’s why prisoners escape.
4) Stamina- The necessary tasks of building Stamina is challenging yourself and doing what you would think yourself incapable of. Without that a person will never adapt herself/himself to climb. It doesn’t always need to be a big move. It’s good to do a small thing if it wouldn’t have been done. If you have nothing else to do at a given moment of time being wasted then do a small task. These things add up. 20 push-ups a day makes the arms pretty damn strong over time. If you can’t relax to music, it may be that it’s too much music. Without work there isn’t any real quality to relaxation. We loved soda when we were young. Then, it’s can after can and we grow into old folk wondering why we lost our taste for it. Here is a parable: A man left his home to the country side and when he arrived he felt peace. Not long after he felt foolish for leaving his home in the city. Challenge yourself. Every day, a little at a time, work to make your life and your future a better one. Be relentless in this. The more it is done the more easily and more often it will be done. You MUST work to make your life a better one. It will not simply get better out of a nothing, empty places in your life where nothing was done.
5) Disassociation- Spiritually speaking, bothersome and unpleasant things are only that way because they are made to be that way. If you stub your toe while in the process of a thought, that thought is associated with harm. A person that smokes to relax relaxes all the more simply because it has been associated with relaxation. Those that say in their minds continually that work is difficult will make it difficult. Those that are raised to be prejudiced associate certain individuals with evil for something as ridiculous as skin color, nationality, gender, age, ect., the list is very long. Even certain musicians singing in a particular format are considered bad after being told by friends what a stupid sound it is. That is especially so every time they get to say to new people the same, as though bringing into a circle. Good association and disassociation comes from a general black and white perspective. If after that you like something, it’ll have color, if you don’t then you never naturally liked it to begin with. Please, please do not communicate or even associate with the feebleminded.
6) Liberation- Liberation from: God, from the Jesus, popular entertainment, pornography, sin, non-sin, indoctrination, the pious, the unrighteous, your enemies, others, your friends and family, greed. God wants us, the Vadic, to be entirely ourselves, to be a more independent yet still value driven breed. Liberate yourself from the things that are not you. Liberation that individualizes, that makes you more like yourself. Liberation is all things that make you, you, and less of that of others. Be alone. Be unconcerned with petty attachments to online web page views and be liberated from the approval of others, having fully accepted you made you. In time this may be done. If it is not yet, it may be years more before it is achieved, and much more before it fully is, if that is at all possible with you. Some day you will sit alone with what you are. Find liberation from tastes and doings that are not your own! Stay away from people that would have you on drugs or sale your body and soul. They are many, most people, that would do that to you. They ceaselessly waste their time and life and try to do the same to you. They are miserable people. They think that life is about their music and coolity (assholeness.)

B) Carnal Vices

1) Self-Sacrifice- Some have the guts to take a defenseless beating if it means that the beater would be arrested and imprisoned. Some pretend to be the victim to assailants discredited. Some rise to great power that way. Politicians do it all the time. When a lie is spoken to gain, yet He who judges will not ignore it, self sacrifice is there in the end. There is a Christ!ian cross, and there is a Devil’s cross. The Christ!ian cross is punishment without due cause and is not defended against. The Devil’s cross is the carnal vice of selfsacrifice, a worthwhile value to some. The Devil puts many on his cross unawares, such as those sand monkey suicide bombers. Don’t be caught up unawares while swimming with the fishes. But if you want to be a shark, be a shark.
2) Isolation- Sex is handy when you sit at home masturbating not knowing one voluptuously attractive woman to call over. So across the internet line comes to you women that do things you think they do for you. They don’t. They won’t. They don’t know you. Those that are alone aren’t so admirable with or without peace of it. They’re alone. They’ll never lead. What would you think of a monkey that walked into the corner of a cave, staying there, becoming eye-balled over what he had found? Create groups. You have a whole book here that makes them. Join one of ours or make your own with Vadism.

Those       that       follow       this       book       will       inevitably       make       a group/church/temple/coven/cult. I allow it. I haven’t created the “one” church of such-and-such. Vadism is public domain.

3) Contentment- Radio for music and antenna TV isn’t contentment, it’s cheapness. The perfectly wrong way to be content is by doing it for a higher power. We aren’t monks. We don’t sit underneath trees for 20 years. You can’t enjoy something until you’ve been without it. But what about those who are without it because they only want one thing: God? They never have anything in life. They throw it away. They do not want God, they want to die. They want worth but they won’t find have it from Him, not that way. If you have to wait for something then you want it more. If you ignore the impatience you have it’s like,” well, here it comes, oh well!” Be content with things like working and problem solving but if you are cold as hell then put on a coat. If it’s too warm in the sun then buy an air conditioner.

C) Granted Freedom of the Christ!ian-Satanist

Apply these as a rational philosophy rather than an irrational ideology. Choices, individualism, personalization, and the self: “Choices" may have more value than the concept of “individualism.” When making choices take yourself into account. Do not feel indebted to make something your person (as in personalization) whenever it is that (that) taste isn’t very well in tune to what you really are. Tastes change over time. In addition it should be known with the question “what matters to me (you)?” Are you able to “let go” when things don’t go a good, desired way? Keep yourself at heart and as a push: take a dare. Let others in. Don’t become growingly bitter. Letting others be loved will make you feel better.

1) You are free to think in any way that you choose
2) You are free to be alone at any time you desire to be
3) You are free to love and free to reject love
4) You are free in all innocence
5) You are free to increase all personal liberty.
6) You must fight to make impersonal liberty personal.

D) The Nine Christ!ian-Satanic Spectrum-Based Rules of the Church:

Here are the nine rules of the practicing Christ!ian-Satanist that will incur a general social and behavioral faultlessness. These are effective and yet easily enough adhered to. These are also applied as a practical philosophy rather than an irrational ideology. Our philosophy must never be one "of philosophizing about itself." These are expected of every Oppositionist. Self-faith fulfills these. It should be known how and when these are relevant: they usually are.

“If you don’t have a good thing to say then don’t anything.” Choose your words carefully, even trying to say them perfectly. Don’t rant on about personal opinions when nobody cares about them. If it helps, pretend to agree with the opinions of others. Remember that people will quickly forget about most of the things you say or have said. Don’t be bothered by what you say, but speak well.

2) Do not complain indiscriminately unless it is toward a suitable purpose and you know that your complaint will be acted upon by the person you are complaining to. What is self pity? And what of glorying in weakness? Complain need fully to any institution dictated thereof!
3) Practice apt and truthful accrediting to any effect from its source. In other words: give credit where credit is due. Never talk to or of anyone who has made you out to be a liar. Do not acknowledge them.
4) Avoid influencing anything or anyone negatively. If it produces an unwanted effect then it is negative. If it produces a desirable effect then it is positive.
5) Learn to ask for the things that you need. There are many free things in the world, from those you know closely to strangers handing out bags of food. There are free services that you may qualify for. There are many services that only have the qualification of those services being needed. If you can’t pay back a debt then at least pay it back in a different way such as better gift giving on the hollow days.
6) Never abuse or harm a child. It is abuse when you use the child in anyway immediately or ultimately un beneficial to him or her. This may happen. But do well to not have it done.
7) Do not abuse the defenseless and harmless but on the other hand don’t let something stay weak if it could become stronger. Don’t break someone’s spirit while you are doing it, not beyond repair. Be wise in this and make others more strong. Thoroughly but carefully report all abuse from authoritative figures to the public. First, of that done to others, second, by what has been done to you. First, to those that would not listen, second, to those that would listen. What about names, do you use them? The answer is “yes.” It is a wise thing to do to carry around a mini camera and voice recorder and have it so that you have undeniable evidence of possible abuse from anyone. Have cameras in your home, too. Buy the cell phones with voice recorders or whatever new technology will be your witness.
8) Have respect for an individual in her or his place. If you do not you may as well be throwing yourself out. If you do want to be thrown out, make a scene, but walking out does the same thing.
9) Oppositionists and Christ!ian-Satanists alike: Never offer description of My Bible. Recruitment is voluntary. Knowledge is handed instead of being thrown into "open spaces." It isn’t that it cannot be spoken. It’s that it’s as sacred as it is made to be: no more and no less. This is the sacred rule. Let it be known that God brings to Him those that He has called. Preservation and distribution of this book are equally sacred acts.

E) Hexagon: The Six Turning Round-About Oppositionist Goals:

Every movement has cause. Unlike other spiritual movements our aim is not spiritual but scientific. This is because we do not volunteer to others what their spiritual mindedness should be. What others are leads us to what we do, not vise-versa. We instead move toward proliferating what nearly all, if not all, desire. A due level of esteem, honor, and respect will be given to those who practice these goals with results.

1) Scientific Immortality. Science making us immortal is possible. In fact it has been under rapid development. It should be given every avenue of progress. A person dead and soon after restored to life, that is in the future. Humanity is growing increasingly aware that salvation has been given. The fuller this awareness is the quicker we can get such things done.
2) The development of replicating technology: replicating tools/devices which restructure matter into greater use as conceptualized by Gene Roddenberry. This will bring about an end to world hunger and most forms of greed.
3) A greater freedom and education of dimensional-environments (DE‘s.) The Oppositionist definition of “dimension” here is broader than its typical use. The concept of home is close to heart in an advanced Vadist. Dimension is defined here as “voluntary self-placement into any desired environment or state.” When that environment or state is not BOTH voluntarily entered into and voluntarily departed from then it is not a DE. The technology that comes will give us our dimension. Therefore, dream of it now and make it known. Speak out your needs when it is that you see that this technology is arriving.
4) The Advancement of any desirable use of artificial-intelligence. It is a godly evolutionary progression that we are able to give thought to matter. It is evidence that life creates life freely and that life is freely made. Study of the CProgramming language and its derivatives is highly encouraged.
5) The production and use of wireless file-sharing devices. Wide-spread availability of devices which share files anonymously, voluntarily, and wirelessly. Shared between people that own them and that are within signal range. This will secure the continuance of free press and speech which are rights vital to every free society.
6) Invention of self-cleaning clothing. Clothing which cleans itself will drastically reduce water usage and waste as well as reduce our dependency upon nature. This is expandable to other things as well. For example a turn over to digitized books will reduce dependency on trees.

And one centralized goal within the Hexagon: creation and development of the Worldly Oppositional Church Temple (By any name.) “The Temple,” what is it? It is the essence of all privately owned homes of the Church. The Church is not brick and mortar, not entirely, it has more meaning than fixed stone and wood.

The potential value to freedom provided by wireless file-sharing devices:

Imagine two people in a broad, crowded area each with their own “wireless file sharing device.” They do not know each other. They’ve never met. And they never will in this instance. But one device by any given configuration will accept under a preset qualification data from the other. There he goes. He’s getting milk or something. And his device is downloading content from another. Arriving home he notices he collected something. Accessing it he finds (a file, one that he wanted.) This would be like a truly social face book. People will become all the more connected and aware of their environment by using them. And as well simple data is no longer forbidden, a person sharing a song with others. These devices, in short, offer a very socialized internet. Data could be available all around.

F) The Eight Oppositionist Sins

It is healthy that the individual determine his or her own values over time. However without these the Oppositio