Living in Obedience: Giving In The Lord's Will by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter One

How Can A Person Give To The Lord?

When people give, they usually expect that their giving will have an impact in the place they have given. If a person gives to a church, he will usually expect that that church will use his giving to also give according to the Lord's will. If that church is growing in the minister’s direction, it is not bad but it also must grow in the direction of the church members.

A person who has given and has received from the Lord for his giving, is the one that will give thanks to the Lord. If there are people who are giving not receiving, they are the ones who will grumble against that church the most. A person who has never given, will not receive. If people give according to the Lord’s will, they will receive exponentially. A person that does not give is a dead person.

When a person is dead, that person will eventually be cut off from the Lord. If you have not been giving, start by learning how to give according to the Lord’s will. How does a person give according to the Lord’s will? If you are in the Lord’s will, you will be told by the Holy Spirit on how and where to give. I have been giving to the world by writing books that people read and give thanks to the Lord for. If I stop giving, I will receive less and less until I am not able to live. If I continue giving, I will receive more and more until I am living on the Lord’s abundance. How are we supposed to give? If you have been giving your tithe and calling it giving, know that you are sinning against the Lord. By giving your tithe to your local church, know that you are giving to the enemy and expect a reward from him. Why is giving tithe not giving to the Lord? When you give and expect the Lord to bless, that giving is not rooted in love. The Lord does not require your giving in order for Him to bless you! If you have been thinking that the Lord will not bless you because you have not given your tithe, know that by not giving your tithe, you are doing the Lord’s will. What happens if you stop giving your tithe? There are some people who are always giving their tithe but are not receiving from the Lord. If you still give your tithe even when you are in debt, lack, and need know that you are under a curse. There are other people that would rather obey the law than do the Lord’s will for fear of what they may encounter along the way. For such people, I will tell them that the Lord does not like cowards! They are not able to have faith.

There is nothing in the kingdom of God that does not require faith. If you say: "let me first see the benefits of not paying my tithe to my local church before I can stop paying it". You are doubtful and will not stop. If you obey and stop paying your tithe under the law, you are going to be blessed by the Lord. I have not paid a tithe in over 10 years and yet I have earned much more without paying tithe than when I was paying it.

When a person is a giver, he will receive rewards for his giving. If you are giving and are not receiving anything for your giving, you are under a curse. The curse that was upon the Israelites as a result of their giving tithes was from God. They were cursed to tithe to a god that they considered God. That god is called tithe. He is the one that demands a tenth of all income. If you do not give to that god, you will be cursed by him if you are under the law. He requires worship from his subjects as a result of his giving. Who are the subjects of this god? He is God to all the people that are still under the law. If you make tithe your God, he will require that you do not break the law. If you break it, you have sinned against him and he can curse. If you receive from him and stop paying your tithe as an act of worship to him, he will curse your income. How does this god, tithe curse? He is always oppressing the income of the people that have rejected him.

If you decide to stop paying your tithes, you cannot start again. Why? Because if you are going to go against this god, you have to make a decision once. If you think that you are able to test this god, you will lose everything that you have worked for. When you decide to leave the enemy and later want to come back to him, he will not trust you. He will curse you for going to the opposite camp. How can I avoid being cursed by this god? You have to decide to follow the Lord to be able to be protected from curses from this god. If you are following the Lord and yet still have curses, it means that you were disobedient to the Lord. Why is the Lord calling me disobedient to Him yet I have stopped paying tithe? If you stopped paying tithe recently, you still have curses that were from God as a result of paying tithe. The Lord curses everyone who pays tithe to a god as an act of worship. These curses cannot leave on their own. You have to cooperate with the Holy Spirit who will lead you to repent for having paid tithe under the law.

When a person repents for having paid tithe to a cursed god, that god is supposed to give back all the tithe that you paid to him while you were worshipping him. He has been made a debtor to a man by the Lord. He will have to pay back income that he received. If you are asking: how will he pay it back? Know that he has to pay for him to remain as a god. God does not lie. If a cursed god should act like God, he will also not lie or else, he will no longer have that status of a god.

When a person gives, he has to receive in a good measure. If you have been giving and not receiving in a good measure, it means that your giving has been cursed by the Lord. Why has the Lord cursed your giving? If you have been giving outside the Lord’s will, your giving will be cursed so that you may stop giving outside the Lord’s will. If you continue giving outside the Lord’s will you will acquire more curses as a result of your disobedience. What are some of the curses that are acquired because of this sin? A person that gives outside the Lord’s will is cursed to lack in everything. If you are wealthy, you will lack in other areas of your life like: health, love, peace and joy.

People who think that a rich person is not able to lack have no knowledge of God. Rich people are the poorest when it comes to giving. If you thought that they give, know that it is the contrary. When a person is rich, they will oppress the poor even more. If you wait to judge what such a person’s giving is in the church, you are lacking in wisdom. If he is a leader in any field that God has blessed him in, he ought to give to the people under his leadership more than to the people who are in his church. I once worked for a rich man and realised that he was often cheating taxes to make his business grow. He was paying some of his workers less than a living wage and was extremely strict with them. Such a person has been cursed by the Lord and is not able to come out of debt. When you ask: can a billionaire become poor? Know that all billionaires who are not giving in the Lord’s will are poor. They may not lack financially but they are lacking in all other areas of their lives. When you say: isn’t it better to lack in other areas of life rather than in finances? If you are carnal, you will think that lack is only attributed to how much you have in your bank account.

People who are cursed lack everything which they are cursed to lack. If you have a curse of giving to cursed gods, you will lack health. Everyone who has ailments which are not curable has been involved in giving to cursed gods. Apart from giving to tithe, what other cursed gods do people give to? There are other cursed gods which people give to either knowingly or without knowledge. When you give to a cursed god knowingly, you acquire a curse which is different from a person who gave to a cursed god unknowingly! A person who has given to a cursed god knowingly will not have a curse of incurable ailments but will rather acquire a curse of death. This sin is what the Lord calls necromancy.

A person who practises necromancy is cursed above all other types of people who sin against the Lord. If you thought that a murderer is the worst sinner, think again; yes he has greatly sinned against the Lord but he has not contacted the dead. Dead people are the ones that contact their own. A person who has given to the dead is going to share in the curse of the dead. What is the curse which the dead are under? They are cursed to be deaf and dumb to the Lord. They are in a place where they cannot receive from God. The Lord communicates with them through signs and occurrences. If you have been wondering: why are people interested signs which are in the heavens and the sky? Know that it is the way the Lord communicates with the dead. How do people give to the dead? If you have been involved in any form of necromancy, know that you have been tricked to give to the dead. The enemy will usually not tell you to give to him directly. It may be a small gesture of appreciation like offering some money to a medium. How did the dead acquire their status? The dead are categorised as: the dead that are in the heavens above, the dead that are on the earth and the dead that are in the world under the waters.

The dead who are in the heavens above are called ancestors or evil spirits. When they were on earth, they did the Lord’s will but did not fully obey the Lord’s commands. They did not make it to heaven to be with the Lord and the Lord has kept them in a heaven that is not His abode. When people ask: how can there be a heaven which is not the Lord’s abode? They should know that even the earth was once a heaven and the Lord once lived on earth. If there is a curse upon a place, it can no longer contain the holiness of God; Such a place is cursed for eternity. It is the reason why there are numerous heavens.

When the earth was cursed by the Lord, it had preadamic people. They had lived on earth for over one billion years. Their earth was destroyed by the Lord in a similar way as the flood that destroyed people who were disobedient to the Lord at the time of Noah. They did not do the Lord’s will and sinned against the Lord. How did they sin against the Lord? They were corrupted by Lucifer and his angels who were thrown out of heaven. Their sin was sexual in nature and the Lord has not permitted me to mention it in this book. When their curses reached a full measure, the Lord destroyed the earth at once and they perished. If a person asks: how are these pre-adamic people different from the people who are living on earth now? The people who were on earth in that pre-adamic age were almost like the angels. The only difference from the angels is that they had bodies. Their bodies were almost like the ones of the apes that are living today.

The second category of dead people are on the earth. They are called unclean spirits or demons. Unlike the first category of dead people in the heavens above who did the Lord's will but did not fully obey the Lord, this category of dead people did not do the Lord's will at all while they lived on earth. They are cursed spirits which do not have bodies and will endeavour to enter a person's or animal's body to live and vex.

The third category of dead people are in the hell. They are the ones who are called marine or wicked spirits. These people unlike the second category of dead people, lived their lives in total rejection of the Lord whist on earth until the Lord condemned them. They are now the 'foot soldiers' in the kingdom of darkness and vex people with much more vigour than any other category of dead people.